
Gulf Shores

Friday, October 16

Camels and Needles

Something my Pastor said a few weeks ago has been on my mind lately. I thought maybe I would fill you in and get your thoughts.

He preached from the passage in Mark 10:17-27 about the "Rich Young Man". Many times this passage is taken to mean that "rich" people cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but is that how it should be interpreted.
Think about it this way. The scriptures say, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". So why would Jesus say it like that, especially if he didn't mean that rich people couldn't go into heaven?

Perhaps Jesus is talking about anyone who has their loyalties somewhere. Matthew 6:24 says, "No man can serve two masters". What if it is similar to this. I mean what if we have our hands grasping things around us and still say we are serving God. We cannot have anything at all come between us and our Master.

As a mom I have often struggled with this. My kids are young. For the past 6 years there have been few months where there was not a baby who needed pretty constant attention in this house. When our children are young, they need us. I need to be there for them at every moment, especially while they are young. So how do I keep Jesus first and still take care of their every need?

I have heard some say that in this season of life the Lord understands that we have trouble doing devotions on a regular basis. Okay, so maybe He understands that we have a lot going on, but how do we interpret the fact that our grasping onto our babies is keeping us from our Heavenly Father?


Anonymous said...

Jan, I have struggled with this myself and quite honestly have sometimes used my children as an excuse not to spend time with God like I should. What I do know is, God has called us to this season of life and so must understand the duties He has called us to do. My heart is clear and my relationship with God alive when I know I am using my time wisely so that there is time for Him. Some days that is much more than others. Some days it is broken up amounts throughout the day. Often I have to sacrifice in other areas. But I have found that God meets me in the middle of my mothering responsibilities. I would like to hear more of your thoughts on this.

Billy & Joanna Coppedge said...

you asked for my it goes. THere is a way to care for what is entrusted to you without GRASPING it. Idolizing it. Making it LORD of your life. I care for my kids BECAUSE HE cares for's about HIM not them or me. If it becomes about them or focused on matter what, I miss Him. I read a verse a day rather than a book of the bible like could have been there before but I talk to Him SO MUCH MORE than I ever did before because my needs are so much greater adn I realize my dependance is so much greater. So, I praise Him more, I worship more I just don't read as much.
Also, we must be a model for our kids. So, EJ and I have our bibles out together on the couch every morning. this is not where I really "gain" anything so much as I model a right and holy way to start your day and have a bit of quiet too as we all three (lucy) sit on the couch and are quiet for a bit...or we get on the floor on our faces and talk to Jesus. EJ loves it and the humbled posture is a NECESSARY way to start my day.

Jan said...

Anne and Jo, thank you for your comments! They are great and helpful. I know that Jesus has given me my babies and I love that He has entrusted me with their care.
I am continually learning all that Jesus has for me and that includes my children!