
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, April 30

A Day in the Life of a Birthday 4 Year Old

I thought I would share with you Maddie's 4th Birthday from beginning to end in pictures!  I'm still struggling with the thought that my baby girl is 4, but she seemed to have a great day!

Maddie began with a candle in her Banana Bread this morning and she had been sung Happy Birthday by everybody individually by the time we ate breakfast 
(she's a little bit spoiled, perhaps - but we love her so much)

I just can't get over how beautiful she is!  She loves to get dressed all by herself and usually does a great job too!

We took the "babysitting kids" on a walk (fitting for "Ww" week) and then ended up going to the park.

After lunch as I laid Maddie down for her nap, I told her the plan for the rest of the day.  The boys were going to baseball practice after school and then we could go for a walk before coming back to make to make the personal pizza's she wanted for supper.  I could tell she was instantly upset.  When I questioned what was wrong she said she didn't want the boys to leave on her birthday.  She didn't realize they had practice tonight!  I asked if she would rather go and watch their practice.  She quickly agreed that she would rather do that than make pizza's!

So here she is in her newly acquired Big Girl Seat.  She (today) was able to get rid of her car seat and use Ronnie's booster!  WOW - big girl stuff!  She's pretty proud!

Then Daddy surprised his little girl with her own pizza...

and a DQ cake!

Maddie also spent some time on the phone.  She talked to all but one Grandparent (who called but she was sound asleep - the park had worn her out).  She also got a call this morning from Elsie Jayne (her cousin from Africa).  Elsie was so cute and sweet to call.  Maddie also talked to her cousin Lucy (who will be 4 in just a few more weeks) and her Aunt Jo.  We could even hear Sophie making noises in the background.  Maddie was so excited to talk to her Africa cousins, it really made her smile!

Ronnie and Nathaniel went together and filled a bag with gifts for their little sis.  They had homemade cards and coloring sheets, crayons, and more! 

Eli wanted to follow suit. He packed a bag with all kinds of stuff he found.  Some had already been Maddie's, some things belonged to his brothers, some things that were his -like some scrap paper, "in case she wants to write or draw" and a bead necklace!  It's the thought that counts!

Maddie also got a art set complete with crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, paint, scissors and paper!

Last but not least...a bike!

Not only a bike, but a princess bike!

Hugs of excitement!

So there you have it. A day in the life of a 4 year old on her birthday!

It's still a little tough to swallow, but when Daddy was commenting tonight about not having a toddler anymore, Maddie's response was, "but I'm still Momma's baby".  She will always be my Baby!  So thankful for my Baby Girl!

Celebrating Four Years

We celebrated Maddie's birthday beginning on Friday when Grandma and Panpa Adkins came.  There were presents.  Then Grandma and Pap came on Saturday and there were more presents.  Then there was the Cross Cake and a birthday meal of "slop" (it's a family thing and was Maddie's choice)!

She took one candle at a time, like the weekend, she didn't want it to end too quickly =)

She soaked in time with 
Grandma and Panpa,

and with Grandma Neff and Pap!

She opened lots of presents.

She got a computer and Tag Reader!  Both will be great as she continues to be interested in reading and letters and learning!

Both Grandma's know her well and enjoyed some puzzle time with Maddie.

 On Sunday Maddie posed with Panpa in the dress he picked out for her!  She loves getting her "Panpa Dress" every year.

We had a busy couple of days of celebrating with our little princess and there will be more celebration tonight with just our family!  
Hard to believe she is celebrating 4 years!


It absolutely blows my mind that my baby girl is 4.  We no longer have a toddler.  She's a BIG girl now.  The toddler days are long gone.  

This is the 4 year old that doesn't want a typical 4 year old cake (strawberry shortcake, hello kitty, a princess), nope - she wants a cross!  This is the 4 year old who when asked any letter (A-W, we're on "w" this week) can recite a Bible Verse.

The same 4 year old who a couple of weeks ago (at 3 years old) read her big brothers Kindergarten homework paper.  She is reading!  It's great and yet I'm not ready!

When asked what she wants to be..."a Mommy"!  I'm honored and humbled and scared all at one time!  My little mini-mom (as her brothers call her).  She loves to read to her babies and "teach" them things.


She loves to be a princess and loves ALL things princess!

She's adorable and precious and sweet and lovely and has a little tom-boy mixed in some days and some stinker some others - but she's 4!  I can't believe it!  Today my baby is 4!

We have spent the weekend celebrating with Grandparents, I'll post more later, but she had a fun time with all the presents and Grandparents!

 Maddie Anne - you are an answer to prayer in so many ways.  You are a beautiful young girl and I am so proud of the little lady you are becoming.  I pray that you continue to Hide God's Word in your Heart and seek to know Jesus more.  He will make you beautiful inside and out!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!  
We love you!

Friday, April 19

On His Way

Daddy is on his way home!

I wanted to take a minute and thank you for praying!  This has been a VERY productive week for Ron!  He had gotten a lot accomplished and we are so thankful.  Praising the Lord tonight for his faithfulness and his protection!

So excited to have Daddy almost here!
Thank YOU!


Everyone is anxious for a little "Daddy wrestling".  It's been a  long week and the kids are missing him!

Whether it's one on one or every man (or child) for himself.  Daddy makes it fun!

Thursday, April 18


This week, with no babysitting and with Daddy gone, Maddie and I have done some visiting!

On Monday we visited Cleda, who attends our Farmer church.  Cleda will be 99 in the late summer and she is amazing!  She really is a sweet lady and fun to visit with.  She enjoyed seeing Maddie and insisted on getting toys dug out for her to play with!

Then on Tuesday we took dinner to Adam and Abbie and Maddie got to meet little Aubrie.  Aubrie will not be a month old until Saturday.  She is a sweet little thing.  So tiny and so adorable!  Maddie was thrilled to get to go visit and meet her and had been counting down the days.

Then today we had lunch with my parents and Grandparents.  My Gramps had his 85th birthday today and Granny celebrates her birthday on Saturday!  So we celebrated with them by having lunch and then ice cream.  Somehow I didn't think to get my camera out, but we enjoyed spending a few hours with all of them!

So we have been visiting this week and enjoying our visits!

Wednesday, April 17

The Family

It's been a little while since I posted a picture of the family!
This was taken at Easter.
Except for the fact that we are all squinting in the sun, it's a pretty good looking crew!


 We've been called sisters, by the man in our lives...Daddy!
We are both missing him tonight, so I thought I would post this picture!
 Maddie says we're M&M (Maddie and Momma).  
I love being Momma to this little girl!  
Just wish I could keep her little for a while longer!

"Uu" week

Last week was "Uu" week around here!
The "Babysitting Kids" liked the umbrella's we made out of paper bowls. 
Although, they seemed to think that umbrella's were to wear on your head!

I guess I'm OK with that as long as they are having fun!
Although we didn't get nearly as many words as we did for "Ss" and "Tt" we had a fun week.  It was very fitting that it was a rainy dreary week.  
We tossed little balls into an umbrella for our fun inside time, we read lots of books, made crafts and had a fun week.

Then on Sunday the kids sang (half at Ney and half at Farmer).  They had been excited about singing their "Oo" verse at church.
"Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good, because his mercy endures forever."  Psalm 118:1

I was super proud of Maddie.  She was a leader.  She sang out at both churches and did a great job!  A very proud Momma moment!
She (and most of the kids) can recite a verse for any letter you ask them from A toU and soon it will be all the way to Z.

Tuesday, April 16

Share Her Hair

This little gal would share absolutely anything with her Daddy!  She adores him, and the feeling is pretty mutual on his part!  They are 2 of a kind!

She thought it was pretty funny that she could share her hair!


Sunday, April 14

Wilmore Week #15

Ron is on the road, headed to Wilmore again!  
It was hard for him to leave.  
He had hoped to arrive before dark, but instead he will be pulling in pretty late!  
Good-bye's are hard!

We are praying that Daddy has a good week, a lot of research and a lot of progress towards his PhD.  We are also praying for a good Discipleship group for him!  Just an all around GREAT week would be wonderful!

On our end there is a lot planned too!  
We have a softball game to watch, and baseball practices (weather permitting).  We have Discipleship and Youth Group.  There are visitations planned and dinners to deliver.  (Maddie is super excited to go visit Baby Aubrie, who is not quite a month old.)  We have lunch planned with Great-Grandparents and Grandparents.  We have meetings and appointments!  We have a lot on the schedule for the week.

So...Wilmore Week #15 is now  underway!

Friday, April 5

Spring is in the Air

It was obvious this afternoon, that the kids have spring fever!  They are ready to bust loose - and today was the perfect day for it!

I purposely delayed supper so that they could spend a few hours outside!
Ronnie and Nathaniel started baseball practice this week, but they have been playing this backyard ball since the season ended last year.  (Their Daddy said that it was obvious in their first practice that they had been throwing and pitching!)

They are both interested in pitching a little, especially Ronnie.  
Apparently they aren't too bad either!

Maddie was just excited to be out.  
She quickly shed her jacket and got down in the dirt!

Stopping long enough to grin for the camera before going back to her digging!

Then there is Eli!  
Crazy little man who despite dressing himself is still a cute little guy!
Always into something!

Pictured here with Ronnie's homemade bow and arrow!

So spring is in the Air, and we're loving it!

Thursday, April 4

Another Semester

Yesterday the boys brought home their 3rd Semester grades!  
They patiently waited until Daddy and I could sit together and open them up!

I am so proud!  
Our of 34 possible grades (all 3 of them together), there were 30 A's!

Did you catch that?  30!

So so proud!  
There were 4 B's and honestly there were tears for some of them, but not on my part!

Such smart boys.  I am so proud of these handsome genius men we are raising!

They all 3 try so hard and do so well, I couldn't be happier!

Tuesday, April 2

Blessed Doubly

I'm not sure if "Doubly" is even a word - but if it is, it would describe my kids!  We have been talking a lot lately, with them about how special it is that they have 2 sets of Grandparents who not only love them each so much - but they love each other!  In our world/society, it is not often that you find a family so "intact".  It is just not heard of these days.  We tried last week to explain divorce to our kids - they don't get it.  They don't see it within our family and it makes no sense to them.  God designed one man and one women for all time!  That's how it should be!

So this past weekend when we had both my parents and Ron's parents here to celebrate Nathaniel's baptism and Easter - it was a double Blessing!

Panpa and Grandma Adkins had not been here since Christmas, so it was good to spend time with them!

 Pap and Grandma Neff actually spent a few hours with the kids just last weekend - so they picked up where they left off!


Being Silly

Predicting Sports outcomes (and watching them too)

Some had a little more fun than others - Poor Eli, he can't help himself when he's with his Pap!

It really is a Blessing though!  Wonderful Grandparents who love each other and love our kids!  
What a Blessing!