
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, March 30

Pap and Grandma

Yesterday we went to visit Pap and Grandma! It was a fun visit! Pap even took us all out for a fun pizza lunch! Thank again Pap!
Maddie was entertaining Grandma while eating her pizza!
I didn't manage to get pictures of all the play time, or reading with Grandma or even our fun walk. In all actuality the best part for me was a 2 hour nap! I haven't been sleeping to well since Ron has been gone and finally at Mom and Dad's I was able to relax enough to crash out! I so desperately needed it.

Unfortunately, Maddie and Eli did not nap, so it was a quiet ride home, but everyone was refreshed this morning!

It's nice to be close enough to Pap and Grandma to run for a quick day trip!

Tuesday, March 29

Very First Tea Party

Yesterday I had my very first Tea Party with Maddie! It was wonderful. I loved it. We had tea together then got out the plates and had pizza too! She is a HUGE fan of pizza and would eat it EVERY chance you let her. So we had our pizza and tea.

We blew on both because they were just too hot to eat and drink at first. Then we (Maddie really) remembered that we had forgotten to pray. She said, "eyes, head, pay". Which in Maddie language is close your eyes, bow your head and let's pray! I said, "Oh you're right, you pray Maddie". It was beautiful. She gave a beautiful prayer in which she told Jesus thank you and talked to him and then said Amen! I loved it!
I hope I get invited to many many more tea parties with my little girl!
Even Baby was invited, although she had to sit in the basket

I was so excited I ask her if I could run and get my camera to get a picture of our tea party, she said, "yes" and waited on me. But after the 2nd picture she had to get up and see her picture!

Monday, March 28

"C" Verse

I have to share this very cute story about Eli! On Saturday evening we got a call from a parishioner that her 10 year old son was in the hospital. They were thinking it was his appendix, but weren't sure. She left a message on our machine and I could tell she didn't remember Ron was gone and would like to have him come. I quickly made some phone calls and lined someone up to come and sit with the kids while I went to the hospital in Ron place. I got everyone fed and bathed quickly and changed myself, then had just a few minutes to sit in the study and pray. As I opened my Bible to see if I could find a verse to share with this mom and young boy, Eli came upstairs and saw me. "What are you doing mom?" "I'm looking for a verse or verses to share with Alex and his mommy", I quickly answered. "You could share 'C'!" It took me only a few seconds to realize what he meant. We are learning his ABC Bible Verses and the "C verse" is...Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Ephesians 6:1 I smiled at Eli and thanked him for his help! Another proud moment. My 4 year old knows his Scripture! and even better he's giving his momma advice on sharing it with others! Cause really, every little boy should know his "C verse".

Fun with Neighbors

Sunday afternoon we were invited down to some friends of ours here in Ney. Mr. Tom and Ms. Barb have a new garage that they hang out in a lot. It has a basketball hoop, TV and lots of kid friendly stuff. The boys enjoyed eating pizza and watching March Madness with Mr. Tom. I think they missed watching with a guy. I mean I get into the games, but it's just not like having Daddy here!
Then they played a little March Madness of their own! Eli even scored!
Maddie had fun too! Thankfully she doesn't know how to spell yet!
The Vances' have 3 grandchildren who are around our kids age, so they have lots of cool stuff!
Ms. Barb even played a crocodile game with her 2 granddaughters and Eli!

The kids and I all had a great time! Great food, fellowship and just all around Good FUN!

Saturday, March 26


Last night our Buckeyes played Kentucky to determine who would go to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament! The only problem was that they weren't scheduled to play until nearly 10pm. That's ridiculous, if you ask me - but no one did! So I told the boys if they went to bed early (7pm) and took a nap that I would wake them up to watch the game.

They all agreed, and crashed out pretty good. So at 9:45 I tried to wake then and it was a bit of a struggle. They wanted to watch, but they didn't want to leave their beds. We decided we would camp out on the floor during the game.

Then I decided we needed some popcorn while we watched! They enjoyed it!

Nathaniel and I were into the game!
We were all pretty into it, until that final buzzer! Our Buckeyes lost! You can probably tell from this picture below that there were tears shed after it was over. This pictures shows the Florida game going into overtime (in the background), but it shows the boys disappointment after a tough loss!
It was a rough loss! AND especially at midnight! But the boys are still fans. They all 3 wore their Buckeye Sweatshirts today! So now we have to wait until football season to cheer on our Buckeyes Again!

Friday, March 25

Missing Daddy, already

Today Ron, aka Daddy, left for a whole 8 days! He is teaching a week long course at Arrowhead Bible College in Montana. He's pretty excited about teaching in a college setting again, but not so excited about being away for a week. So this morning, before the boys left for school, daddy showed them where Fishtail, Montana was. It is a long day of travel for him. I think he should be getting into Montana in another 90 minutes then 90 more to the college! Long Day!
There were hugs before leaving for school, and I guess even a couple of tears as the boys got out of the van!
There were cowboy hugs before he left for the airport!
and of course, sissy kisses!
He didn't want me to take this picture (as you can probably tell), but we're gonna miss "Daddy" around here. We miss him already!
If you get to check the blog, hon, stay safe and have fun! We love you!

Wednesday, March 23


I love this girl!

Tuesday, March 22

Hat Anyone?

When your desperate for a hat, sometimes you have to improvise!

I think it's working for them! Evan and Maddie are funny together. They play well at times, they fight good at times - it's almost like they're twins (they are only 3 weeks apart).

Monday, March 21

Introducing...The Lone Ranger

Several years ago the boys got 'cowboy' outfits for for Christmas from their grandparents. There are vests, chaps, hats and other clothing pieces. Well, about a year ago, Ron introduced them to a Cracker Barrel DVD of the Lone Ranger. It was one of those movies that the boys instantly LOVED! They all went through a phase where they wanted to be 'The Lone Ranger'. Grandma Adkins even made Lone Ranger masks for them.

Eli is there now. He is...'The Lone Ranger' pretty much everyday. If not the Lone Ranger, then a Sheriff or Marshall or something of that nature. Something where he can wear a "badget" (or badge for those of you who don't understand Eli language).

In this first picture, you can see his 'badget' up on his collar. Then he also got multiple tinker toys which are now his guns. Yes they are weighing his pants down, but that is just the price you must pay when you're a Marshall. We're trying to understand why he has to be a mean Marshall (that is his mean face - as mean as it gets with Eli), but nevertheless, here's our Marshall Eli!
Now here is the "Serious Marshall". That badge has fallen off, but the new Lincoln Log guns fit much easier in the pockets!

Now for the fun. Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce to you The Lone Ranger and his sidekick, Silver!
Here Silver is coming close to be 'petted' by his little friend Maddie! Eli is showing her how to be nice to Silver.

Kids and there imaginations, you gotta love them!
This bear, "Silver" was probably the best Christmas present Ron and I ever got the kids. We spent $20 the year after Nathaniel was born and got it for both boys from Sam's Club. Who knew 7 years later he would still be a hit! Just don't call him a bear when Eli is within earshot - He's Silver!

Friday, March 18

The Tournament

Last Sunday we watched the Buckeyes win the Big 10 Tournament and then watched the selection show for the NCAA Tournament. Ron then printed brackets for everybody to fill out. The boys had so much fin filling out the brackets for the NFL Playoffs and kept asking when they could do the basketball one.

So our Buckeyes are the #1 seed in the whole tournament. Surprisingly, they are also in the toughest region. We'll see how they do.

So last Sunday, Ron sat with Eli and asked him game by game who he picked to win. It was funny to listen. Eli was quick with his answers and very positive that he was going to do well. His final four picks were: OSU (of course), Northern Colorado State, Wofford and Morehead State. Eli is probably the only one (outside of Morehead State fans) in the country who picked them to beat #4 Louisville - but he did!

The boys are enjoying it, and Daddy and I are too. The winner of our family brackets gets to pick the restaurant of his/her choice to eat out one evening! The boys are trying hard to beat daddy as he won the NFL brackets! We'll see! I'll try to report back who wins.

After only 1/2 of the 1st round (or I guess 2nd, as they're calling it now):
Ron is winning, but Nathaniel and I are only down by one and Ronnie only by 2! Eli got his big win over Louisville, but not much else :)

Fun times in the Adkins home. Oh yeah, in case you didn't know. The Buckeyes will play their first game at 4:30 tonight (thankfully Nathaniel didn't have to miss school today to see it)!

Thursday, March 17

Recognizing Letters

Lately Maddie has been recognizing letters. Not what each letter is, but she knows when something is a letter. She will sing, "ABC" when she sees letters. She likes to play with the letters on the refrigerator. This particular day I video taped her singing over and over again "ABC". Then I snapped these pictures!

She already loves learning! YIPEE!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16

Science Fair Projects

We were informed 2 weeks ago that the boys would need to submit a project for the upcoming Science Fair (it was last night). Despite the fact that these have been 2 very busy weeks, the project turned out pretty good.

I was a bit surprised that 1st and 2nd graders were participating in a Science Fair, but I think the boys had fun and learned a little bit too!

Ronnie's project was on Eclipses.
Here are a few pictures of his work using a basketball, golf ball and a flashlight.

Ronnie also did a little more work on his board to show how an eclipse happens.
The finished board.
At the fair last night, I was very impressed. Ronnie talked to parents and teachers as they came around to view the projects. I noticed they had to get very close to hear him, but he was talking!

Nathaniel's project was titled: Naked Egg!
He took an egg and put in it vinegar for 24 hours.
He thought it was pretty neat how it changed colors, size and texture.
The soaked egg had a rubbery feel (the shell had dissolved).
Here he is with his finished board.
Nathaniel also did a great job last night at explaining his project to parents and teachers. He was pretty proud to tell everyone about what he did!
Although neither of the boys placed, both got a green participation ribbon that they were pretty proud of. They did a great job and I think are looking forward to future science projects!

Tuesday, March 15

Update on Ryan

It has been a little while since I updated on Ron's brother, Ryan. Some of you have asked how he is doing and what is next for him. He continues to need prayer. I'll catch you up a bit and explain what is next too.

***PLEASE only read if you want detailed information of what Ryan will be going through. This might be difficult to read!***

Last week he went for Pre-Transplant testing. There was a lot of tests run to make sure he was ready physically and prepared otherwise for the beginning of the stem cell transplant. The final test was to extract some bone marrow to be tested prior to the transplant. He described it like this, "it's like your toes are being pulled up through your body". Very painful. He is still feeling it. That was last Thursday and Friday and this week he gets to recover and prepare for next week.

On Monday, the 21st, he will go to have a special line put in that will come out his chest. This is how they will both take and return the stem cells. It is an outpatient procedure. Then Tuesday is the first "draw day". It is a 4 hour process that is called a centrifuge (sp). Basically it spins the blood around, skims off the stem cells and returns the blood to him. So that is Tuesday. Then it is my understanding that on that first day they will count the stem cells, because they need a certain number. They will draw again on Wed, Thurs, possibly Fri. until they get to that number. So it could be one day, could be 4. Then they freeze the cells (which can actually be used up to 10 years later - just in case you were wondering).

Then 8 working days after the last draw, he will be admitted (So we can't say for sure when that will be, but Ryan is hoping it is after 2 of his girls birthdays - April 3rd and 5th - Holly is also hoping it is after the 6th which is Kindergarten registration for the youngest). Another tidbit of information--the stem cell transplant is not what will actually cure Ryan or fight the cancer. It's the chemo! The transplant is simply so that his body can handle higher doses and more chemo (again, in case you were wondering).

So, when he is admitted -- he will be given VERY high doses of chemo for 6 days. My understanding is that this is stronger than anything he has had to this point. It will wipe him out. On day 7 they will return the stem cells, which will take about an hour to get back into his marrow. Then it is like a garden. The marrow has to reseed. After about 6 days his white blood cell count will be at 0! Yes, you read that correctly. He will be unable to fight anything. It is serious! He will be on antibiotics and may need platelet and blood transfusions. Around day 16 or 17 the hope is that his counts will be back up high enough to return home. (although it could be as much as 4 weeks total). He will continue to recover from home where Holly (or other family) will be his 24/7 nurse!

So that is the next month or so! The doctor basically said he will feel like a truck hit him for a while when he returns home. It will take a while to return to normal, but the doctor also reassured us that he will fully recover. After all of this Ryan will have scans every 3 to 4 months for 2 years!

So...will you again join me in praying for Ryan? Please continue to pray for healing! Will you pray that they can wait to begin so that they can celebrate birthdays with the girls? Pray for protection during this time. Pray that all germs can be kept away! I guess the hospital is saying he can have guests, but that scares me too! Pray for protection for his immune system. Pray for Holly as Ryan wants her to be with him and although she is allowed to stay - that means a lot of traveling too. Pray for the girls as it will be a difficult time. Pray for Grandparents who are struggling too and will also be watching the girls. There are so many prayers! So many thoughts. Please pray for Jesus to be Honored and Glorified and Magnified through all of this! And finally, please pray that in a short time we can give Praise where it is due and Ryan will be healed!

Thank you!

Monday, March 14

A Caring Guy

Nathaniel has a very caring personality. He likes to take care of the "little guy". He loves his little brother and sister. Here they all 3 are posing together in the morning before he leaves for school. (Eli already wearing his cowboy clothes and Maddie still in her favorite jammies)
It's interesting to me how all 4 of the kids have their own personalities. Nathaniel though seems to be the most thoughtful when it comes to others!

Thursday, March 10

Wanting Sunshine

Yes we are desperately wanting some sun around here!

In case you were wondering, they are both wearing them upside down!

Wednesday, March 9

Giving up for Lent

I have to share with you a story about my 5 year old nephew. I got an email from my sister-in-law this morning!

Last night during their family devotions, my brother, Jay and his wife, Tonya were explaining to their 2 kids about Lent, the significance, and what it is. They offered for them to participate and told them what they were giving up for the next 40 days. My niece, Terra, thought of something right away, but Bradley elected not to participate.

Later in the evening, Bradley came to his mom and said, "Momma, I've reconsidered what I would like to give up for Lent."
She asked him what he had decided on.
His 5 year old response, "my underwear"...(he paused, tilted his head to the side and said), "I'd sure miss those."

Don't you just love it!!!
For those inquiring minds - he is wearing underwear today!

Tuesday, March 8

A Proud Moment

Tonight, I prayed with each of the boys individually as I tucked them into bed. We don't always do that, most often we have a family devotion time, but tonight we did one on one.

As I was talking with one of the boys (he will remain nameless for privacy reasons), we began talking about girls! I'm not sure exactly how the conversation came up, but we talked for a little while about how God made us and how it was normal for him to like girls and then that daddy and I had expectations of him and rules of things he could and couldn't do at his young age when it comes to girls! (no dating, etc)

Then I asked him, "what makes you like this girl, what makes her different from the other girls in your class?"

The first thing he shared was that when the teacher has them line up most of the girls are jumping around and acting silly, but not this particular girl. She stands quietly.

I jumped on that right away and said, "so she listens and obeys?"

"Yeah" came his reply.

ME - "What else makes her different?"

SON - "Well, when we go outside, she doesn't act silly and goofy, and she is nice to other kids."

ME - "So, she is polite and kind?"

SON - "Yeah"

ME - "That's great, ________!" "You like this girl because she is obedient and she is polite and kind and of course she is pretty too, right?"

Son - Grinning sheepishly, "YEAH!"

I cannot tell you how proud I was walking away from that conversation! My little guy looks for obedience, kindness, politeness and of course "cuteness" in girls! I would venture to say that not many little ___ graders look for those qualities!

Very Proud Moment as a Momma!

Monday, March 7


This past weekend I went to Dayton for the East Central Conference of the Evangelical Churches Women's Retreat! Unlike last year, I took no babies. However, my mom and sister-in-law did get to join me again this year! We had a great time. The speaker did a fantastic job, the missionary speakers were excellent and the whole weekend was focused on Prayer! I loved it!

Of course we also through in a little shopping, some yummy food and some good laughs! Fun times! I'll have to share more about the theme and some things I learned in another post!

Thursday, March 3

Family Visitation

Last week we took dinner to some friends from our Farmer Church. The Maugels have been unable to attend church for a little over a year now, due to health issues, but they love to see the kids! Our kids love them too!

We enjoy taking part in ministry together. We had a nice visit and love for the kids to be able to minster right along side us! Ok - maybe Maddie didn't let on that she enjoyed it, but I think she did, she just didn't want her picture taken! If we had been able to stay a little longer, she would have been up on Marion's lap - she was slowing warming up!

I'm glad we can minister together as a family!

Wednesday, March 2

Picture Attempt

I'm increasingly aware of how hard it is to get 4 children to pose together simultaneously for a picture - without tears, goofy looks, even looking at the camera or other such hassle!

I'm pretty sure I should have learned this lesson by now, but no - not me - I continue to take picture after picture until we're all in tears!

I should learn to just stop after the first one, regardless of how wonderful it turns out!