
Gulf Shores

Saturday, February 27

Old Technology

I'm pretty frustrated right now.
Ron and I spent a few days away and I had some pictures to go along with an explanation of where we went, but when we returned I realized my computer was not doing well. I have known for some time that it was failing and now it seems that I don't have enough RAM (random-access memory) to install or reinstall the Easy Share picture software that I use with my camera. I am technologically challenged, but after spending way too much time on the phone today with a guy who I really didn't have much patience for, I think I came away with the fact that I can either get a new computer with more memory, or I can forget putting my pictures on the computer (and therefore the blog). Due to the fact that we cannot afford a new computer, I'm guessing that means I will not be posting pictures for a while.

So...I'm bummed!

I will share the story of our trip next week. And try as best I can to update this blog with "stories" of our family and life, at least until the computer goes completely. But I know as well as you that the blog will be lacking without my adorable children's faces!

Wednesday, February 24


Recently the boys have learned about the Disciples. They learned their names and even a song about them to the tune of Jesus Loves Me.

Jesus called them one by one,
Peter, Andrew, James and John
Next Came Phillip, Thomas too
Matthew and Bartholomew

Yes, Jesus Called them,
Yes, Jesus called them,
Yes, Jesus called them,
He called them one by one.

James, the one they called the less,
Simon also Thadaeus
Twelfth apostle Judas made
Jesus was by him betrayed.

Yes, Jesus called them,
Yes, Jesus called them,
Yes, Jesus called them,
He called them one by one.

So I recently found, at CBD, the boat with all 12 disciples, Jesus and even Matthias (the one who replaced Judas). I bought it for the kids for Valentine's Day. Actually I bought it before Valentine's but I needed a reason to spend $20 - so they got it for Valentine's Day.

They have loved playing with it and it has been a great teaching tool. Even Eli knows the song and the Disciples. Each little figure has the name on the back, so they role play a lot with them.

It was a great purchase that I'm sure will bring fun play for years to come!

Tuesday, February 23

Home Wars

I found this... ...last Friday evening when I came down the stairs. When I questioned what had been going on I was told that it was just a friendly little game.

Then Saturday I witnessed a little more of what was happening.

These bright young boys of mine and their Daddy too, have been welting each other with rubber bands. It a "rubber band fight". At least that's what I've been told. What is it about the male mind that finds enjoyment in chasing each other to welt the other and then collapse in a heap of tiredness and pain? I guess Boys will be Boys, no matter what age!

Maddie and I have yet to figure it out!

Monday, February 22

Praise the Lord

Mom just called, and with a smile in her voice said, "I'm Done".
It went well. She and dad are headed now to eat. She knows that she might get tired, but for now she is doing well.
She is a little tired now, but attributes it to the lack of sleep last night.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Jesus heard and Answered us! So we'll give Him all the GLORY and PRAISE!!

Long Day

The boys school is canceled today and mom starts chemo. It is looking like it might be a very long day. I would appreciate your prayers for my mom and dad!

Start 'em early

We start our kids early around here. Reading is very important!

Friday, February 19

9 month Professional

Yesterday, Eli and I took Maddie to have her 9 month pictures taken (only about 3 weeks late, not bad for baby #4). She looked adorable, as usual. But she refused to smile at the lady. She did that at 6 months too. You can go here to see my attempts back then.

I still think we got a good one, but no big Maddie smiles. When we came home I took a few of my own!

Here she is posing with her new toy from some friends at Farmer. She has to be propped up, but once she is, she loves it.

Again she was propped up here, but she likes to stand once she gets up.
Stand and bang on the couch.
Finally that big smile I was looking for.

Thursday, February 18

More than a Word

Yesterday I went to the doctor. I have had a growth of some kind right beside my eye for about 2 months. It grew pretty rapidly and I knew I needed to check into it. Because of other things we needed to get done, Ron and the younger 2 took me to the doctor and waited in the waiting room. When the doctor came in and took a look she said, well I think it is a wart, but we'll need to do a biopsy to be sure. "A What?"

Biopsy -that word has taken on new meaning in the last 2 months. We've been through biopsies. There was just something in that word that scared me. I'm honestly not worried about results of sending a wart to the lab, but I'll admit, that word threw me. The doc explained what would happen and then stepped out to leave me with my thoughts - not good.

In that moment I felt so alone. Then I heard Maddie. Probably not a great thing, because the waiting room was a little ways from my exam room, but I heard her little screech of excitement. "I'm not alone". Not only is my family with me, but Jesus reminded me in that moment that He was with me. I can't imagine how people get news like we have recently gotten with mom and don't know Jesus. Oh, I know it happens, but how lonely it must be to walk this road of life without the Creator of the Universe.

Ron preached last night at our Ash Wednesday Service on how we have to endure some things (sometimes painful) to get the end results we want and God wants for us. My minor set back was hearing the word biopsy and then the numbing shot and removal of an unwanted piece of skin. Now it is gone and only a band-aid remains.

When I went to the lobby some friends were waiting there. He has had skin cancer and was struggling again. He commented (after Eli's long questioning of the band-aid) that at least it was just one spot.

That's right. I heard that word biopsy and then let my mind wander in my own self pity, but it's just one spot and Jesus is still on the Throne. Even if the results are less than perfect and not what I'm expecting.

Praise the Lord that even though we go through trials and struggles and things in life and with our families - Jesus still remains King of Kings and Lord of Lords - UNCHANGING!

Wednesday, February 17

Coming in and Falling Out

We had a strange week last week as far as teeth are concerned. Ronnie has been loosing his teeth and as of Saturday had lost 3 and had one that was loose. After a fun wrestling match (those are frequent in our home) he had a really loose tooth and a lot of blood. His tooth was hanging sideways - but still he refused to allow anyone to pull it or even to pull it himself. I was so worried that it would come out while he was sleeping. Then Sunday morning he was eating his cheerios when all the sudden he grinned and held it up. The picture at the top of this blog is the best way to see it. He's got a big gap now and he is having trouble with the "th" sound too!!

Then on Thursday sometime between lunch and supper Maddie's first tooth made it's appearance. She gave us plenty of warning it was coming. All week she had been waking in the night and having trouble getting comfortable. She was also sporting those bright red cheeks. But finally it is through. The boys never had that much trouble with teeth. I'm hoping it is just the first one that give her that much trouble - we shall see!

So we're loosing and gaining around here. Both are hard to handle and just another example that my babies are growing!

Tuesday, February 16

The Winter Games

Around here were sports fans. We like sports. We're not picky (except for NBA, I mean really, is that considered a sport? I played Basketball, I know it's not that). Last week we finished up football, so this week were on to the Olympics. Ron and I were both athletes in high school and I played and he coached in college. We just like to be involved in sports. We no longer participate, but we love to watch. Our boys are no different. They love to watch a good game, match or even race.

So, as you know, it's Olympics time. We have enjoyed watching the different Olympic games and cheering on the USA. There is something exciting about cheering on your country and seeing them on the medal stand. It's so patriotic. I had to make a few phone calls yesterday afternoon and each time I got someone, I could hear what sounded like the Olympics in the background. It's contagious. Americans like to cheer for their country - even when they don't think their country is going in the right direction, there is still support for the athletes!

So we've been doing a lot of cheering here. I'm not sure we have a favorite. I remember watching Apolo Ohno 4 years ago, so I enjoyed watching him race the other night. I also like to cheer for the underdog. Do you watch the Olympics? Do you have a favorite event or athlete?

As you can see in the picture - Maddie is not a huge fan yet, she's still working on the whole movement thing. We'll give her time.

Monday, February 15


I had to share these 2 Valentines. Aren't they adorable?!

Ron got these beautiful roses for me - the pictures really doesn't do them justice.

I hope your Valentines was good. Ours was full of things with the church, but we were together!

Saturday, February 13

Hot Date and Cold Night

I really should clarify what that title means. Ron thinks it needs a lot of explanation :) So here goes.

Yesterday afternoon, about the time Ronnie got home from school, Pap (my dad) called to see if we wanted to meet in Ft. Wayne for dinner. On occasion this will happen and I love it when we get a night out to a nice restaurant. Our idea of a nice restaurant is Captain D's and believe me it happens so rarely that it really is nice! Usually when we plan to meet Mom and Dad we plan it the morning of, if not even earlier than that. But this time dad had waited until mom got home from work - yes you read that correctly. Mom is a substitute teacher and she had a 1st grade class yesterday. (She is actually only 6 days away from getting her half year in - there isn't time to get that in before chemo, but she is still hopeful). So he waited to see how she felt then gave us a call.

I was so excited. I love these excursions to Ft. Wayne and love "dinning" out! Not only were we going out for dinner, we were going to Olive Garden. Usually we go to Red Lobster or Logan's so the boys can look at the Lobsters or throw peanuts on the floor. So I was considering this our Valentine Dinner. (I do know that Valentine's Dinner's are typically a couple thing or perhaps even more than one couple, but really after nearly 10 years of marriage and 4 kids - I was just thankful for a Dinner out on Valentine's Weekend!)

The problem was that we were not the only people wanting to get out on this Friday night of Valentine's Weekend. We had what they told us would be a 40 minute wait and really was only 55! But we were at Olive Garden. YIPEEEEEEEEEEE!! Ron and I have been wanting for a couple of years to go to Olive Garden. We figured it had been about 4 since we've been - So I wasn't about to let 55 minutes or 4 kids stop me from enjoying it now.

Eli and Pap stuck together during the long wait!

But finally we were seated and enjoying our food. That handsome guy in the middle of the 2 cute ones below is my Valentine of nearly 10 years. He was so busy enjoying his food he didn't notice I snapped his picture.

So that was our hot date. We even went through the drive-thru at Steak and Shake for a milkshake on the way home. It's not even that we really were hungry, but we have made it a habit to stop after Dad buys dinner. There's something nice about saying we only spend 6 bucks and had a steak dinner and shake or even better Olive Garden and a shake!

So when we returned home the boys were tired but still remembering my promise to watch some of the opening ceremony of the Vancouver Olympics. Our house was so cold. Ron checked the thermostat and it was reading 51 in the house. I bundled the boys and we wrapped in blankets to watch a few minutes, then we realized it would be warmer upstairs in bed.

After investigating, Ron realized the furnace was broken and not just that the thermostat had messed with, you never know with these boys! So we ran some heaters all night and I was up multiple times checking on kids and heaters, but we managed to stay warm. It actually stayed about 64 upstairs. Downstairs was a different story, but it's OK. The furnace man is here now! Below are some pictures to show you how all my Valentine's stay warm.

The love of my life, drinks coffee. Well he actually drinks coffee all the time, but this morning he drank with his toboggan hat!

The boys stayed up in their room this morning and just colored, also with toboggans.
Maddie, cheered anytime anyone looked at her and sported her long johns and hat. She is so cute in anything!

So now you know the truth behind our Hot Date and Cold Night.
Have a Wonderful Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12

Valentine Party

Yesterday was Nathaniel's Valentine Party at school. Eli and I were invited to join the kids for the party.

They started with a game where they had to hold an M&M on the back of their hand and walk to the other end of the classroom where they put them on a napkin. They continued until time was called and then had to count their M&M's.

Next they made a little bug out of toilet paper tubes. Nathaniel is pictured below with his "bestest" buddy, Devin.

Of course they got to eat too!

Then they played "hot potato" with a cut out heart.

Can you believe Eli won the first game and Nathaniel won the second!

The rest of the class thought it was fun to watch them play.
Here they are: FCCS's Kindergarden Class - Kaden, Mrs. Andrews, Eliya, Nathaniel and Devin

I think Nathaniel had a fun time and I enjoyed watching him in his class.
At the end of every day they line up at the door and end the day with the following quote that they all 4 have memorized (with motions).
To-day is the best day of My-Life
Cause Jesus Christ is BIG in Me
I walk God's walk,
I talk God's talk
I think God's thoughts
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
It was so cute to see these 5 year-olds end their day like this. Jesus has truly blessed us by providing the way for the boys to have this year at Fountain City CHRISTIAN.

Thursday, February 11

Snow Day

Both Tuesday and Wednesday were snow days here (today is delayed 2 hours, so far). The boys have been home. The neat thing is that both days Ron and I had meetings and classes that were also canceled. So we found ourselves home for 2 days with no reason to venture out. It was great and very out of the ordinary (Usually Ron and/or I have meetings 4 out of 5 nights). So we enjoyed the time. Tuesday we watched the snow come. We played domino's. The boys all 3 played lots of cars and Maddie enjoyed having extra company.

Yesterday the snow was still coming a little, but the boys needed to get out in it. We figure total we got around 9 inches. I know the boys have never seen that much and I can't remember when I have. It was windy too. Ron decided to take all 3 out with him while he shoveled.

The above picture not long after they got out. Ron had to make them get away from the house to play so that he could shovel - I think that the house was blocking some of the wind!
Eli lasted only about 10 minutes before his hands were freezing (he wouldn't leave his gloves on) and he was ready for "warm chocolate" (cause Hot Chocolate is just too Hot).
Nathaniel was about 15 minutes behind him. He wanted to warm up and then go back out, but by the time you take all the layers off, it's really not worth putting them all back on - at least not in my opinion.
But Ronnie,... he lasted. He kept trying to make a sled path. Sled paths and flat ground are a little difficult, but as you can see below, he waited until Daddy was done shoveling and then got some expert help!

Oh and just in case you were wondering. Maddie had fun just looking cute inside where it was warm!

Wednesday, February 10

Chemo Date Set

Yesterday my Mom and Dad braved the weather and headed to Muncie to the doctor. Mom's incision was checked and it was determined that she is healing nicely and is ready for chemo to begin. She will start on February 22nd. Dad will take that day off and go with her for the 4 hour treatment. Then after that she will go every other week for 4 cycles and then she will go every week for 12 weeks. By the time she starts the 12 week cycle dad will be done teaching and able to take her every week, but until then - Jo, Jay and I will alternate and go with her.

Mom and Dad also went back to look at wigs yesterday. They picked one out that they both said looks just like mom. Dad suggested she just shave her head now and not have to go through the trauma of loosing it. Mom is, as you can imagine, not going for that plan and actually wants to hold out for hope that perhaps it will just thin and not all come out. We will know in time, and she will be prepared.

So phase 2 will begin soon. We appreciate so much all the prayers, emails, cards to mom and just support from so many of you. My Dad put it best. He said, "being in a position of a Pastor is sometimes very lonely, we don't have a lot of friends that we call up and go to dinner with, but when something happens, we do have a lot of people who care and lift us up to Jesus."

Praise the Lord for all of you and for your friendship to us and to my family.

Tuesday, February 9


I could go anywhere with this stylin' luggage!

Monday, February 8

Going Fishing

The boys got a new fishing game for Christmas from our neighbor, Mrs. Hazel. They really like it, especially Eli. The only problem is that it takes a little more hand eye coordination than he has mastered.

I overheard his conversation with the fish the other day before I snapped these pictures.
As the game is spinning, he sighs, then turns off the game and says to the fish, "Guys, can you let me have you?"

I'm not sure if the Fish listened, or if the other hand was more helpful, but he ended up getting some!

Friday, February 5


I came across a poem tonight that so describes how I feel lately.

Cleaning and Scrubbing can wait until tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

It is so true. My babies are growing so quickly. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder where the time went. Just today I told Ron, "look at Eli, just watch him." "He has grown so much in such a short time."

I often mention how I want to keep them just as they are. I love the baby and toddler age. I love the innocence and those big eyes full of wonder. I love the pleasure and delight in learning a new trick.

A big part of me is sad to know that I will never hold another newborn of my own. No, I don't want to be pregnant again and no I honestly don't want a newborn right now (I enjoy my uninterrupted sleep), but I also know that there is no going back to those days. No holding a quiet newborn and nestling him/her in my arms. Soon, no more nursing a growing baby and having one who is completely dependant. How quickly that time goes by.

My heart hurts as I wonder if I am doing this mothering thing right. Here I am with 4 chances to get it right and yet I worry, am I doing things everyday and every moment that are best for them. I'm sure there are days when the answer would be no, although I hope that most often I do the right thing when it comes to mothering my brood. I love my babies.

My encouragement is that I am raising them for Jesus. Praise the Lord I have Him on my side and all around me as I nurture these young growing children He has entrusted me with. I'm not sure how mothers of young ones do it without Jesus. There are day when I wonder if I will make it to dinnertime and then there are days when I hope dinnertime never comes.

Jesus, Help me as I raise Ronnie, Nathaniel, Eli and Maddie for you. Help me to lead them to you and help me to grow in you as they grow. Help me to live in the present and prepare them for the future. Help to me to keep my focus on You and allow You to teach all of us. Amen.

Somebody in Waynesburg

I mentioned just last week that Maddie is now 9 months, well, she is wearing 12 month clothes. She is not really a chunk...she's just really long and weighs 21.5 pounds. OK, she's a chunk, but she's a cute chunk!

So I recently got out the 12 month clothes and just had to put this shirt below on her. It says, "Somebody in Waynesburg Ohio Loves Me". Doesn't she just look adorable in it, and chunky?!?

So thanks to my most faithful reader of this blog...AUNT BARB, Maddie is loved in Waynesburg and wants you all to know it. We love you to Aunt Barb!

The picture below is just cause she's cute and I thought you'd enjoy it! You can tell her hair is getting longer, but I'm not sure there will be any curls, oh well!

Thursday, February 4

The Last Couple of Days

Maddie and I have spent the last couple of days helping mom. We went Monday evening so that I could go to the "chemo teach" and radiation oncologist appointments on Tuesday. The chemo teach was a lot of information. A lot of what could happen, but when it boils down to it, we will just have to see how mom's body reacts to the chemo drugs. The only things we know for sure is that it will be a long road and she will loose her hair. Next we went to meet the Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Lin. She was not all that impressive, but I guess there is some confusion as to whether Radiation will be needed now. The surgeon took some muscle, so there is a chance that Radiation might not be necessary. Anyway, that is so far down the road that we weren't too concerned about those details yet. It would be a month after chemo (which would be about September), so we'll see.

In the afternoon, Jo, Mom, Maddie and I went to mom's beauty shop where there is a lady who specializes in wigs. It was an interesting appointment. This is probably the thing that has been hardest on mom, and to be honest, "wig shopping" is not my favorite part for sure.

On Wednesday, Maddie and I hung out with Mom and cleaned her house for her. She's only 1 week from surgery and I didn't want her messing with that stuff while she's still recovering.
She will go Friday to get the staples out, then next Tues back to see how the incision is healing to see if it is OK to set the begin date for chemo. There was a heart test today that was pretty uneventful.
Grandma and Maddie pose below. Mom is still sore, but she really wanted to hold Maddie. She was OK as long as Maddie was still; which, if you know Maddie, is not long!

Maddie and I returned home last night to a meal cooked by the Adkins men. They all 4 helped and served us chicken, potatoes, gravy and green beans. I should leave more often, they're great cooks!

Monday, February 1

Missionaries from Japan

This weekend we had the privilege of having Zach and Esther Motts in our home. Ron and Zach both grew up in the same church in Waynesburg, Ohio. Their families have known each other for a long time. Esther was a Wesley Biblical Seminary our last year there. It was so neat to see both of them and see how God will use them in ministry to the young people of Japan.

On Saturday night we had our "get to know the Missionaries" night at our churches. We had a fun time learning more about Japan both the language and culture. The kids loved trying to use the chopsticks. Ronnie still wants to eat everything with them - he even wanted to pack them in his lunch today!

Our kids loved Zach and Esther!

We were a little worried at first when the boys started wrestling Zach...

but I think he held his own pretty well!

They all loved that Esther was willing to read to them. You know how much my kids love to read!

Esther and Maddie hit it off too!

It was a great weekend. As we prayed for them and said goodbye yesterday. Eli again said, maybe I can go with them. When I explained that they were traveling so that they could go back to Japan to serve Jesus. He was ready to go. He'd never been to Japan! Well maybe one day Jesus will call one of them to Japan!
Thanks Zach and Esther for a great time. We enjoyed having you in our home.