
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, April 30

Happy 5th Maddie

Today my Baby celebrated her 5th birthday!
As I tucked her into bed tonight she seemed to think it went well, but she was very very tired!

We started the celebration off this morning with babysitting kids!  We even had cupcakes for lunch.  I don't recommend giving 5 preschoolers sugar before laying them down for naps, but it worked!

This picture is very rough - not a good face on any of them, but pretty funny.  Our days with this crew are never dull!
 Maddie couldn't seem to decide on a cake, so we combined some things.  Lots of Hello Kitty stuff this year and a Belle thrown in for good measure!  She seemed pleased!

I was impressed that all 3 boys wanted to go shopping for their sister.  They had just gotten a few dollars from their Pap and they were determined to buy Maddie Birthday gifts.  She was pleased with their choices!

 At dinner this evening Maddie announced,  "You now have a 5 year old sister".  Well I guess it's official.  She followed her statement up with, "Don't worry guys, I'm still gonna be funny".
Love this little princess!
So so blessed to be her Momma and watch her grow daily and even more excited to see what she will do for Jesus in the years to come!

Happy 5th Birthday Maddie Anne! 
We love you so much!

A Whole Hand!

My beautiful baby girl is growing up!  
Today Maddie Anne turns 5 - a whole hand!

She's beautiful, talented, loving and kind!  She has such a sweet personality.  She's a delightful mix of her Daddy and I!  She is just so much fun!  She brings laughter and fun into our home and a little "girly fun"  too!

Maddie Anne I am so proud to be your Momma!  Although it is difficult to watch you grow up before my eyes, I'm excited to see all that Jesus has for your life!

Sunday, April 20

Happy Easter!

He is Risen! 
 He is Risen Indeed!

I hope you have a Happy Easter as you celebrate the Resurrection with family and friends!

Wednesday, April 16


It's that time of year again!  The big leagues have begun and the little ones are practicing too!  Spring is in the air...finally!

Eli is old enough this year to be on a Pee Wee team (or Pee Weed, as he says it :) ) Although with his broken arm he hasn't been able to do quite as much as he would like.  The plan is to go for the final x-ray on Friday, we'll see!

He is still pretty excited to be the Bat Boy for his brothers team!  That was one of his first questions when we talked to him about playing this year, "can I still be bat boy for brothers?"  Love this little man!

Ronnie has been getting ready to pitch for a while now.  He has some amazing skills (and I'm not just saying that cause I'm his mom).  He really is talented!  

Somehow I didn't get a close up of Nathaniel when Maddie and I went to watch last week, but he is doing great too.  Has a very strong and accurate arm and may even see some outfield this year.  He has been working on pitching again too!

So Baseball is underway around here!


Ron didn't travel to Wilmore last week, as originally planned!  He has been very busy here and it just didn't work out to travel.  He attempted to get some PhD work done at home, but that is easier said than done too! Would you continue to pray for wisdom and time and God's best in working on and finishing the PhD?

Maddie and I were super excited to have him home!  We already had the week off from babysitting, and we were excited when Daddy wanted to take us out for lunch!

Ron and I are taking advantage of the time we have left with this little gal during the days! I know I've posted it, but it just doesn't seem possible that she is starting to school in the fall.

She loved that Daddy got her a chocolate lava cake to enjoy!  Isn't she cute, even with it on her nose!!

Love my little gal and so proud to be her Momma!

I promise there are boy posts coming - love my handsome men too!


On Saturday night Maddie and I went to see Cinderella with Cathy and her granddaughter!
Our local high school was putting on the Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella.

Maddie was super excited!
She wanted to dress like a princess.  The only problem (or so I thought), she didn't have a Cinderella dress.  She was not deterred in the least.  She proudly put on her Jasmine outfit.

She was ready!

Oh wait, can't forget the Cinderella shoes!

Reese wore her Cinderella dress and they were both super excited to be seeing Cinderella!

They had a blast!  We all did!  It was well done and the girls had so much fun!  I was worried because it went kinda late, but Maddie stayed up through it all and enjoyed it so much, especially the carriage all lit up and Cinderella in her Wedding dress!

Fun times with my little princess!

Tuesday, April 15

God's NOT Dead

This weekend we went and saw a great movie!  First let me explain that it has been a long time (like Cars when Ronnie had his 3rd birthday - and then it was just Ron, Ronnie and I) since we went to the movies as a family.  It's kinda expensive to take 6 of us to a theater.  We simply wait till something comes out and then wait a little longer and eventually we see it...maybe.
Well this movie was one we really wanted to see!

We were super excited when some friends of ours got us a gift card to our local theater.  

As I said, it was the first movie theater for these 3!
And it did not disappoint!
They loved it!

Maddie even said, "Mom, it's a WBCL song".  WBCL is our local Christian radio station and she knew the Newsboys song, "God's Not Dead"!

I would for sure recommend this movie, even if you wait till you can watch it at home, it's worth the watch!

Getting Ready!

Last week Maddie went for her first eye exam!  Everything went just fine!

 Except she looked way too big in that chair!

You may remember that a few weeks back she had her Kindergarten screening...well today the letter came and she is officially starting Kindergarten in the fall!  My baby is getting growing up.  This is hard!

Friday, April 4

Israel...Part 2

I think I will give you some pictures and you can look up the Scripture to see what takes place in this particular place.

Bet Shemesh - I Samuel 4 - where the Philistine army defeated the Hebrews.  This is the locations where the milk cows returned the Ark of the Covenant back to the Hebrews.

Lachish - Joshua 10:31, 2 Kings 19:35

Arad - this is the modern day city of Arad looking out our hotel window.  The second picture is of the 4 horned altar which was discovered in Arad and is now in a museum. (Numbers 21 and Joshua 12:14)

Do you recall the story of Qumran?  Qumran was the location where ancient scrolls were discovered by a shepherd boy who had lost his sheep in 1947.  At Qumran we also saw the ancient city where the Essenes would have lived.

This is just one picture of Jericho.  From Joshua 6 the story is familiar of Joshua fighting and the walls tumbling.

This is a picture of my mom getting water at Elisha's well.  2 Kings 2:19-22 tells this story!

This is the Mount of Beatitudes!  The location where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount.(Matthew 5) This was a neat place.  It was like a natural amphitheater.  I don't know if you have ever wondered how 5000+ people could hear Jesus as He preached, but the way this terrain is - it makes sense.  He could have been sitting on one of these rocks and his voice would have been amplified and reached thousands.

This is believed to be the house of Peter.  The place where Jesus healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law (Luke 4).  This location, like many others, had a modern church built over top of the location.  However as you will see in the next picture - this one had a viewing in the modern church so you could see the church underneath.

Center of the sanctuary with a glass floor so you could view Simon Peter's house.

This is the Church of the Loaves and Fishes.  The rock under the altar is believed to be where Jesus sat when he multiplied the Loaves and Fishes.

This is a close up.  The mosaic is unbelievable!

The Jordan River - however not the location where Jesus would have been baptized.
Many come to be baptized in this river, including some in our group.

Cana was the location of The First Miracle.  John 2 tells the story

You may remember how Jesus was told that the wine had run out at the wedding ceremony.  He told the servants to fill the "foot-washing" jars.  This is one of those "jars".  You can see how big it is by the people in the background.

This was a special day for my parents.

The purpose of the invitation to Israel was so that we could all witness the renewing of vows by my Mom and Dad in the chapel built over the location where that wedding took place.
It was a special time and such a blessing that all 3 of us kids and our spouses could be a part and stand with Mom and Dad on this day.

Although the actual anniversary is not until June 22nd - Happy 40th Mom and Dad!

This is Nazareth. As you know several things happened here.  This was where Joseph and Mary lived.  Read Luke 1:26ff and Matthew 2:19-23.

Mt. Megiddo was impressive.  In Hebrew Har means Mountain.  Well the 'H" is also silent in Hebrew, so Mt. Megiddo is also where we get Armededdon from Rev. 16.  

This valley is where we believe the last battle will take place.  Interestingly enough, there is an Israeli airstrip in this valley and they have underground airstrips!  Amazing!

Mt. Carmel was also on our list of stops.  Remember where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal

This is one of the views from the top of Mt. Carmel. (I Kings 18)

We also went to Bethlehem.  While I didn't purchase this Nativity, I did get one!  (notice the size in comparison to Ron)

This is the Shepherds Field where in Luke 2 the story is told how the angels announced Jesus birth to the shepherds.  Ron was asked to read Luke 2 in this cave and it was neat that as he read the sun shone brightly through the entrance and illuminated him - reminding of the host of angels who proclaimed Jesus birth.

We also visited the Church of the Nativity.  This is somewhat disappointing to me because every where we went they have built a church over a location.  The center of this star is a rock that protrudes up.  It is believed that this rock is the location where Jesus was born.  This church of the Nativity is huge.  It is a big shrine.  Personally, I would have preferred a stable!

There is still so much more to share, but it will have to wait for another posting on another day!

Thursday, April 3

Tanto Times Two

My kids are by no means the norm.  In fact, just this week Eli was telling me his music teacher played a song and asked the kids to write what they thought of when they heard it.  He wrote that he thought of the Lone Ranger and Tanto!  She told him afterwards he was the only one in the class that knew what it was!

So yes, my 4 and 7 year old are different.
Probably not many their age sit and watch "The Lone Ranger", but really they are stinkin' cute!

Love my Masked Babies!