
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, November 30


The saying, "a lot can happen in a year", is oh so true! Below is our crew cheering for their Buckeyes during a pretty good season last year and a fun season to be a Buckeye. Notice there was still some help needed back then on that Little O!

What a difference a year can make. Our Football Buckeyes didn't have such a great season, this year, but we are still fans! And just look how good our O-H-I-O is!

We'll always be fans, even when the record is not so great! Football (for our Buckeyes) is pretty much over (except for the bowl games), but we are excited about the upcoming Buckeye Basketball season. Our Basketball teams looks very impressive! So we continue to be Buckeye fans, through victory and defeat!

Saturday, November 26

Thanksgiving 2011

We spent a couple of days relaxing with Ron's parents in Northeast Ohio! It has been a fun and needed break from the norm!

One thing Maddie and Eli had been anticipating was a bath in Grandma's tub with Bubbles to their chins!

Thanksgiving Day was full of wonderful food...

and of course relaxing!

We even got to visit with Aunt Barb!

Panpa (as Maddie calls him) even got a double duty back rub!

You can't beat that!

We enjoyed time as a family!

Time with Grandparents!

And although we missed the rest of the Adkins clan, it was fun to be together!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa (Panpa) for wonderful Thanksgiving Memories! We had fun!

Wednesday, November 23

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our family to yours, we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and that the Lord will help you to see your Many Blessings not just tomorrow but throughout the coming year!

"Thank you Jesus for all of the Many Blessings you have given each one of us! Help us to always have thankful hearts."

Tuesday, November 22


Lately, Eli has been very excited to "exercise" with Daddy. He will be right by his side while Daddy is working up a sweat! Eli gives lots of "encouragement" as he chatters away!

Upon closer evaluation, it may be only his jaw that is getting much of a workout, but hey...he's having fun!

Pilgrims and Indians

The boys were permitted to break dress code today and were allowed to dress as either Pilgrims or Indians. They could earn extra credit points if they choose to dress up! Nathaniel opted not too, Ronnie however wanted to be an Indian.

Ronnie absolutely loves history (just like his Daddy) and could tell you the entire story of the 1st Thanksgiving in more detail than you thought possible! He loves to tell all he knows!

He also makes a very cute Indian Chief!

Chief Ronnie!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19

Fun with Pap and Grandma

Friday afternoon we picked up Ronnie and Nathaniel from school and headed south! We were planning to spend the night with Pap and Grandma Neff and they had fun stuff planned.

My Dad is a professor at Indiana Wesleyan University and with that comes perks! The kids were pretty excited about the chick-fil-et right there in his school. It was kinda hard for them to concentrate on eating though with all those college kids around. They were equally impressed with the movie theatre right there too and it was even playing a baseball movie (Sandlot). I pulled my mom card out though and overruled the majority by deciding to go to the Women's Basketball game!

It only looks like they are not enjoying themselves. (they are enjoying themselves so much they can't stop for a picture). In fact they all 4 had a great time. Ronnie and Nathaniel loved the watching the game. Eli and Maddie loved watching the band and cheerleaders! Everyone was happy!

Then Pap even took us off campus to the local JuJu Berry (which really everyone should try) where we built our own ice cream treat! Fun times.

Then we headed back to Grandma and Paps for a fun sleepover that included watching a little OSU Buckeyes Basketball on Pap's TV! Who knew you could watch the Buckeyes while in Indiana!?

We had a great time and made fun memories. I was in a rush to get home before Daddy did so that he wouldn't come home to an empty house (and we did), so we rushed off this morning, but we had a great time and are already talking about when Pap can use his IWU Pass again!

He Made It!

Ron made it home today and we are so so thankful to have him home! We are praising the Lord for protection, safety, health and the best week yet as far as research goes!

It's just not the same around here with Daddy gone!

We are super excited today!

Friday, November 18

Jesus Birthday

This handsome young man celebrates a Birthday today! 2 years ago today Ronnie invited Jesus to be Lord of his life! We are still rejoicing in that decision!

The big plans are to pick him up after school, along with his brother, and then we will head south to spend the night with Pap and Grandma Neff! Fun times with Grandparents as we celebrate Jesus in Ronnie life!


Yesterday we met my mom in Ft. Wayne and then traveled together to Warsaw to visit my Grandma Hornish. I have mentioned her several times on this blog before. She is such an amazing woman and so fun to visit with!

Eli got to help fill her bird feeder and was amazed at how soon the birds began to visit and get some lunch! She was recently moved into a smaller room but has a much better view out her window! Eli also shared his recently learned Bible Verses with her and a new song too! Maddie was a grouch and didn't act very well, but all in all we had a good visit.

Grandma is doing well. She turned 90 just a few weeks ago and looks so good for her age (although she doesn't think so). The thing that most impresses me is her mind. She is still very much in her right mind and so fun to talk with! I love how she will quote the line of an old hymn as we sit together and are in conversation with her!

I love love love this sweet lady and am so thankful to have her in my life and now even in my children's lives! What a wonderful Blessing!

Waiting to Talk

This is what we've been doing lately...
waiting to talk to Daddy!

He will be home in less than 24 hours and we are SUPER EXCITED!

Wednesday, November 16

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures that I don't think ever made it to the blog!

"Do my eyes tell you, I'm innocent?"

snuggling with "Panpa"

"Look Mom, I dressed myself!"

Baby can dance on the table!?

"Like my new glasses?"

Sibling bonding!

Cute picture

We are managing this "Wilmore Week" -

thankful it is Wednesday, praying for Saturday!

Tuesday, November 15

Matthew 25

My Pastor (who I might add is my favorite man in the whole world), challenged me a couple of weeks ago with new insight into a passage. I love it when he does that. It is a passage that I have looked over several times since and I am convinced that many people don't truly understand it for what it is!

The passage that his sermon was preached on was Matthew 25:1-13. You may know the passage commonly referred to as the Parable of the Ten Virgins. It is a familiar parable.

In summary, there are 10 virgins who are all waiting on the bridegroom to come. He comes unexpectedly in the middle of the night and 5 virgins are unprepared for his coming and need more oil. As a result of their unpreparedness, they are left out of the wedding feast.

It may also not be a surprise to you that this bridegroom is referring to Christ and when He returns for his people!

That all makes sense to me and I've heard it time and time before, but here is the part that was new, at least in my ears - and yet makes perfect sense!

If we go back to the beginning of chapter 24 we will see that Jesus is answering His disciples with this question. The disciples want to know, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?" (vs. 3).

Jesus uses several parables in the next few chapters to explain different aspects of this question. So He is talking to the disciples and therefore talking to believers about the End Times or His Second Coming.

Now go back to chapter 25 and the 10 virgins. Those 10 virgins don't represent just anyone, they represent the Church! They represent Believers! He is talking about 10 Believers!

See all 10 Virgins were waiting on the Coming of the Bridegroom. They knew Jesus return was coming. None of them knew when and yet only 5 were prepared.

This chapter tells us very clearly that there will be those "churched people" who do not enter the Wedding Feast (Kingdom of Heaven). There are those who have grown up in the church and are still not prepared.

We can't just "play church" and expect to be taken into Glory when our Lord returns. We must be prepared!

See, we can Know that Jesus is coming back. We can Be Ready for His coming, we can even Be Watching, but if we aren't Prepared we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! We will not join the Wedding Feast, we will be on the outside and when asked for the door to be opened. The reply will come, "I tell you the truth, I don't know you."



You might ask, how can we be prepared? Discipleship is a way of being prepared, simply seeking others for accountability, knowing the Word, Asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand and absorb His Word! Seek Him in order to be prepared!

"Jesus, help me to be prepared! I know you are coming and I am anxiously waiting. Help me to be prepared for your return!"

Monday, November 14

Card Update

In case you were wondering...
Ron continued to get cards even after I updated on all that had come in.

The total was 123 Cards from 15 different states (AZ was added) and 2 additional communities in Ohio were added making it 30 different zip codes from Ohio alone.

It was a huge outpouring of love for Ron and our whole family. Thank you to all who sent him a Birthday wish!

In case you're wondering, I won't let him forget he's 40, at least not for a few more years!

Sunday, November 13

Wilmore Week #3

Here we are in our third month of Ron traveling to Wilmore! Just because we've done this twice already, doesn't make this time that much easier! We are still missing him already, and he just pulled away!

Would you pray for Ron this week as the Lord bring him to mind. Please pray for his safety, he will be traveling in the dark today (he keeps getting a later and later start on the week). Pray for his truck to run well (the brakes should be good now!)

Please pray for his physical health. We have had some sickness in our house this past week and I really don't want Ron to be stuck in a dorm room in KY sick! Please pray that the Lord would keep the germs away!

Then would you also pray for his studies. Pray that he will get the time he needs to research as well as work with the Francis Asbury Society. He needs to be able to balance both of these this week! Additionally he will be meeting again with his Discipleship Group - pray that the Lord would continue to lead these men as they draw closer to Him!

Thank you for your prayers and love for our family! We are counting down the days and hours until Daddy comes back next Saturday!

Friday, November 11

Fun with Family

After our time at the Historical Museum, we went pack to Granny and Gramps house for lunch. Pap had bought pizza and Grandma made a birthday cake because Uncle Jay had just celebrated his birthday the day before!

Here are some more random pictures from our time with family!
What can possibly be more fun than eating pizza with your cousins on Granny's kitchen floor?...Pap joining you!

male bonding!

Then of course, I had to try a group picture

which Uncle Jay felt left out of, so he rolled in...

then he disappeared!

notice who wasn't too excited about the pile on Uncle Jay!

She has told me several times since Saturday, "I love my Uncle Jay".

Pap and Grandma Neff with 6 out of 10 grand kids!

Granny and Gramps with 6 out of 13 great-grand kids!

FUN Family Times!