
Gulf Shores

Friday, November 19

Thursday, November 18

Addition to previous post

If you haven't read the first post today, scroll down and read it first.

So today Ronnie took some cookies into his classmates to share and this morning we talked about what he would tell them. We prayed together that he would have BOLDNESS to share with them about Jesus. And guess what!! Jesus made him Bold!

I got an email from Ronnie's teacher this evening saying that he did "a great job sharing with the class what his spiritual birthday meant". He also shared the verse, Romans 6:23 which was the verse we had been learning in the days before Ronnie accepted Jesus as his Savior. Miss Hanson said how Ronnie's sharing had "spurned on some curiosity among the class as to when their spiritual birthday's were".

Praise the Lord, Jesus lives in Ronnie and is making him a Bold Christian!

Happy Birthday

Today Ronnie celebrates a birthday. Now for those of you who know Ronnie, you know that he was born in June, but today he celebrates another year with Jesus. It's his Spiritual Birthday.
We put a candle in his oatmeal this morning and sang to him!

So our Ronnie Lee is growing, with Jesus that is! Another year with Jesus.

We couldn't be more proud! We love you Ronnie Lee and we are excited that you walk with Jesus!

Wednesday, November 17

Never A Dull Moment

In a house full of children, there really is NEVER a dull moment.
There is ALWAYS something going on.
Some things I know about, some I hope to never find out :)
Here are a few I have caught on camera recently.


Smiles ??
Seriousness, or nearly serious
Mopping the floors (this was actually completely spontaneous - I realize that probably means I need to do it myself a little more)
More reading
Playing Peek-a-Boo
Lots of Grins
and of course, Hugs!
Hope your home is full too!

Tuesday, November 16

Praisin' the Lord!

Tonight we are Praisin' the Lord! Mom had a bone scan last week and got the results tonight. No cancer in the blood or the bones! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you Jesus!

The tests showed arthritis, but hey we can handle arthritis!

Thank you Jesus for your protection over momma this past year. Thank you for good test results. Thank you for being King in our Lives and for seeing all of us through this past year. Thank you for drawing us closer to you! We give you ALL the Praise and Glory. Amen.

Monday, November 15

A New Stage - Commands

Maddie has entered a New Stage, she is now following commands pretty well. I thought I could use this to my advantage for some good picture taking - I forgot to take into account the 3 (almost 4) year old who I attempted to photograph with her.

Below the command is given by Eli, "stick out your tongue Maddie!"

"Smile pretty!"
"Laugh" (note, not the same as Smile)
Then there's that 3yo again who doesn't follow commands quite as well as he used to!

Saturday, November 13

A Friday night ER Visit

Yesterday I actually go off from babysitting a little early, so I got to go pick up the boys at school. When I picked them up, Nathaniel was complaining of a headache. On the way home he explained how he had hit his head during recess while playing basketball and it had hurt ever since. When we got home I got some Tylenol in him and he laid down. A few minutes later, he threw up. Scary! This is not a kid who has trouble taking medicine. Ron and I both thought concussion. While Ron cleaned up the mess, I called the school to get more information. As we gathered info and found the swollen knot on Nathaniel's head, we determined we need to go to the ER to make sure there wasn't a concussion.

I took him and on the way I struggled to keep him awake. We prayed and I tried to keep talking to him and keep the van on the road. Thankfully the boys and Daddy were praying at home too. Grandma and Pap were called to pray also.

After 2 hours, and a CT Scan, we determined that he was OK, but we needed to continue to watch him for a few symptoms because things could possibly (not likely) develop.

I woke him up a few times in the night, just to be sure, but Praise the Lord he is now outside running and climbing trees with his brothers!

Thank you Jesus for protecting our Nathaniel. Thank you for watching over our kids, even when we are not around!

Friday, November 12

Buckeye Bowls and A Good Picture

Nearly 2 weeks ago now, Aunt Barb sent a package for the boys. Inside were 4 Buckeye Bowls. They loved them. I attempted to get some pictures and then forgot about posting. So here is the attempt.

They are all saying "Thank you, Aunt Barb!"

While I was at it, I thought it would be a great time for a good picture of 4 kids - what was I thinking?
3 our of 4 crazy grins will have to do
Thanks Aunt Barb for the surprise package.

Thursday, November 11

Last week

So I am a little behind on posting - it's been a crazy week (school delays, always throw me!)

Last Friday, Ron and I went to a Gideon Banquet and Pap and Grandma (my parents) came to watch the kids. This was a special treat. Pap rarely stays the night and so the boys were very excited! Even before we were out the door, they set up to watch a new Veggie Tales movie Pap had brought. (Nathaniel watched too, he just wasn't on the couch)
They seemed to have a great time and were all in bed when we returned, even Pap!
Here is Maddie with Grandma. What you can't tell from the picture is that this is one of about 6 before I could get them both still long enough to look in my direction!
Then we were trying to get a picture on Saturday, before they left (and after our delicious breakfast of gravy and biscuits - from Chefs Ron and Jan - we make a great team).
Anyway, the picture - Pap and Daddy couldn't stop talking, so I took this one of Grandma with the kids.
Then we got Pap in too. After many more pictures, I finally got one I liked.
Thanks for coming Pap and Grandma, come back and stay anytime!

Friday, November 5


Sundays, at our house, start out a little crazy. We have 2 services to attend and we have to be out of the house by 8:30. We managed to do a pretty good job, I think. We attend our Ney church first and then we typically have about a half hour (depending on the service length) to make it to Farmer. So that leaves us getting home between 12:30 and 1:00. Let me just say, I don't think there are too many 3, 6 and 7 year old who could handle that as well as ours do. (Maddie typically gets a nap at one or the other service, thankfully). I'm pretty proud of our boys. They not only handle it well, they enjoy it. They love to attend both services and they know that our family is ministering to both congregations.

But that's not what this post was about.

It's the time after those morning services that I was going to fill you in on today. Typically Sunday afternoon and evenings are our crash times. We like to watch a little NFL football and some of us LOVE Sunday afternoon naps. So this is usually what our house looks like on Sunday afternoons and evenings.

I really think she was hugging him good night here and not wresting him!
The boys have recently gotten to camp out on the living room floor for their nap time. While Daddy and I get the couch. They can either watch the game quietly or sleep! 99% of the time 2 out of 3 nap (Ronnie holds out so he can give the play by play when we all wake up).
Below, Maddie is just finishing her goodnight hugs or wrestles before she goes off to bed.

Sometime we'll get a game in (after nap time, of course), Boggle is a recent favorite.
Then there is always lots of laughing and entertaining too!
We love Sundays!

Wednesday, November 3

Caning Again

The last 2 weeks I've been canning again. We had gotten the potatoes out of the garden some time ago, click here for details and although they had stayed pretty good in our basement, I knew it was time to get some canned. I can already smell the potato soup!

So, Eli thought it might be good to help out and document our canning process.
Actually he pretty much lasted till this first picture was taken, then got bored, but hey -Step One - a cute 3 year old holding a potato in front of his cute little smile, is a good start.

Next, We, well maybe I, had to wash the potatoes
and clean them (all skins removed)

Then somehow in my rush to get things done, I missed photographing the slicing and getting them ready, but here they are in the caner.
And the process that seems to take forever!
Until finally, we are ready for potato soup.
42 pints in 2 days is pretty good, at least I think so!

Tuesday, November 2

Election Day

As American citizens we have the freedom and privilege to allow our voice to be heard. As Christians we must be about the Christian principles this country was founded upon. We must speak up, we must do what it right, at all cost. For some of us that means running for office, for others it means working the campaigns, still others will work all day in the polling places. For ALL of us, we must take the time to vote! Please go out and vote today. You can't complain if you don't take the initiative to cast your vote!

Monday, November 1

The Reformation

You may remember from last year, we "celebrate" October 31st a little differently. Here the boys are reading the story of Martin Luther.

They really got into it this year and even remembered a good portion of the story.

Then today, Lelah, came to our house in costume. I just had to show you this - she's so cute. We don't do costumes around here and I think Eli was a little confused as to why she was dressed like this, but I thought she looked cute!
I hope you all had a Happy Reformation Day!