
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, May 31

First Picnic

Today we decided to have a picnic lunch in our back yard! This was quite the undertaking considering we means me and 5 kids! We had a fun time though!

Eli and Brett

Maddie and Evan

Ron even decided to join us!

Fun times together

Even some self portraits were taken!



Boys will be boys

Siblings and friends!

All 5 of them!

We had a fun time!

Monday, May 30

Celebrating our Freedom!

Today we celebrated Memorial Day!

Maddie was ready to go in her red, white and blue!

I started by getting a couple of pictures of the kids!

After all...they are really cute kids!
And they're proud to be AMERICANS! (even with the sun in their eyes)

...and proud to be brothers too!

Here the boys are getting "ready" as we arrive at the cemetery!

My handsome hubby was asked to give a short "speech" today for Memorial Day! What an honor! I was so proud of him!

There's just something about cute guys, American flags and men in suits! I love these 4!

Ron did a fantastic job and was truly honored to be asked!

Maddie, on the other hand, could have done without the band and the 21 gun salute! "Mommy loud" was all she could say and she got her death grip on me and buried her head!

It was a warm and humid morning, but the boys seemed to enjoy themselves as they listened to the Fairview Band and held their flags with pride!

From our family to yours, we hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 28

A First For Me

Today I participated in a 5K! It was a first for me and before you go thinking it is anything real big - I walked! Did anyone really think I ran? I haven't run since college basketball - and that was a LONG time ago! But I did participate in my first 5K and I really enjoyed it. I honestly had no idea what to expect, but it was a lot of fun.

It was the Brook's Bucks 5K. You can go here to learn more about what Brook's Bucks is, but in short it was to raise money for those affected by cancer and benefits the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee! It is also in honor of a 3rd grader here in our community who is a 6 year cancer survivor!

I was actually asked by a friend if I would walk with her and I was a little hesitant. Then last night I was up quite a bit with Maddie who couldn't stop coughing and therefore couldn't sleep! So I actually called this morning to say that I would be taking her to the doctor instead of doing the 5K! Thankfully I changed my mind just in time! Maddie seemed to be improving, so I went for it and I'm glad I did. It was a fun time!

I ended up taking Maddie to the doctor this afternoon and as it turns out she appears to have allergies like her big brother, Nathaniel! So we'll check more into that at her checkup this week.

I'm exhausted now from a very long day, but it was a fun first for me! Who knows, maybe I'll do it again sometime!

Wednesday, May 25

Fun at the Park

Sunday was a beautiful day here in Ney! We decided that after our Sunday afternoon nap we would go and grab a sandwich and go to the park! The kids were very excited! I'll let the pictures tell the story!

Eli eating

Nathaniel and Maddie grinning!
Ronnie shading the bright sun!

It was very warm at the park (80's) so Maddie needed a drink

(soon after we arrived!)

playing at the park

strong man

This picture is hilarious to me.

Both of them were walking away from me and I called their names.

When they turned, this is what I got -

they are 2 peas in a pod

Nathaniel and Ronnie played baseball the whole time we were there. Daddy and I played too. I wimped out and took some pictures, but these guys never quit!

Nathaniel throwing


Ronnie ready to catch -

He really does put his glove up right,

I just snapped the picture to quick :)

Monkey see, monkey do!


Eli really is better than we thought. He still has a long ways to go, but we realized we need to get him a lefty glove and he will do much better!

Here he is, ready to play!

so much fun!


"I got it!"

Fun times were had by everyone!

We really had a great time and ended up being gone for 3 hours!
Fun times for sure!


Yesterday we took Eli for his annual cardiologist appointment. He has been going for a couple of years now since they heard a murmur and a clicking noise in his heart. The murmur is normal, a lot of people have one (including his daddy and I). The click is one of the valves that sticks a little. Again it is not anything to be concerned about, however it is something we need to continue monitoring! He has to be very careful of infection and then also has to take care of himself (no smoking, no drinking, eat healthy, etc.).

He did a great job though an EKG and ECHO! The staff even asked if he wanted to stick around and show others how to act during the tests - he declined! He helped take all the stickers off his body after the tests and claimed "it didn't hurt at all, well only a little."

His doctor didn't hear the clicking yesterday, which could be sign that the the valve is closing on it's own! Either way, we continue to monitor it and Eli is doing great!

As you can see, he was pretty relaxed as he waited!

Monday, May 23

Cute and Thought Provoking Conversation

Yesterday Nathaniel and I had a conversation that went something like this...

Nathaniel - "Mom, Why does Aunt Jo want to live in Africa?"

Me - "Because Jesus has called her to live there."

N - "Well, why doesn't she want to live in the United States?"

M - "Because Jesus wants her to tell the people in Africa about Him."

N - "Well, she could live in California, cause there's people there who don't know Jesus." (not sure why he picked California)

M - "Yes, that's true. There are people everywhere, even Ney, who don't know Jesus. But Aunt Jo has been called to tell the people of Africa about Him."

The conversation ended there, but his little mind was still thinking! What a privilege to have Aunts and Uncles who are following Jesus and are an example of Jesus to our kids!

Thanks Aunt Jo and Uncle Billy!

A Quick Visit

On Friday evening my parents (aka. Pap and Grandma Neff) came for dinner. We enjoyed some Chicken Bar-B-Que that our Farmer Church was selling for a fundraiser and we caught up a bit.

Mom and Dad have moved into their new home in Marion and are still in the getting settled stage. Dad will continue to preach until the end of June and mom has 1 more week of subbing possibilities! They are doing well!

Saturday, May 21

Cleaning out the Diaper Bag

You're never gonna guess what happened today. Remember a couple of days ago when I posted about my missing ring? (If not check this out).

Well today I found it!

For some strange reason I decided to check the diaper bag. It needed cleaned out anyway! And there in the very bottom was my shinny little symbol of my love for my handsome hubby! I found it! I was so excited I ran outside to show Ron. He was excited, although I found out later - he was secretly hoping he would be the one to find it :)

Anyway, now it is back on my finger where it belongs, along with a little bit of yarn to make sure it stays there!

Thank you for praying!

Thursday, May 19

He Knows!

All day today, I've been thinking of these pictures. So tonight I had to look through my pictures and find them. All of these pictures were taken during our time in Gulf Shores this winter. That beautiful sunset was so peaceful. It was so relaxing! So amazing! Our God, the God of the Universe loves us so much that He would paint such an amazing picture for us!
It's bind boggling! What beauty! It's hard to believe this was just 5 months ago.

I remember that night, sitting there on the porch of the house dad rented for our whole family for a week. What a fun week! What a relaxing time! And yet I can't help but think, as I look at these pictures now - Jesus knew. He knew the decisions that lay ahead for our family! He knew the crazy times! He knows everything. Not only does He know, He Cares!

The same God who painted that picture for me on that beautiful Tuesday evening in December, knew I would be sitting here today somewhat confused about the future and wondering what He had planned. He knew! He still knows! The God of the Universe who created such beauty, knows Me and LOVES me!

Thank you Jesus for your beautiful Creation!

Thank you for Knowing and Loving me!

Thank you for Knowing All!