
Gulf Shores

Friday, February 13

16 Years

Sixteen years ago tomorrow (Valentine's Day), I said Yes to the most Amazing Man!

A few days ago we were sitting at dinner and recalling that day 16 years ago for the kids - they were all ears!  While Ron and I have a few details different in our story - we agree on most of it!

It was a cool February Sunday.  We had had basketball tournaments all weekend and didn't get home until early Sunday morning.  We decided to sleep a bit and then grab brunch before a hike at Hocking Hills!

- My interjection - Ron was nervous, not himself and hiding something!--

Our breakfast at Bob Evans was a little rushed (my recollection) and Ron was acting a little strange!

We drove (fast) to Old Man's Cave's and Ron said there was a certain place he wanted to get too.

----he had rehearsed it all in his head over and over again and knew the exact spot---

So after some delay (on my part), we finally got to the spot and he got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him!  The moment I said yes, he snapped the box closed and hugged me!  (He did finally let me see the ring, but he wanted to get away from the edge).

I find out later on that his nightmare in the wee hours before waking was that he had dropped the ring off the edge and had to dive down after it to save (he always woke up before he got to the ring). 

We have had 16 years together, coming up on 15 years of marriage and there have been ups and downs.  Hard times and easy times, tears and laughter.  Honestly, I cannot think of anyone else I would rather share my ups and downs, my day to day and my whole life with! 

Saying yes 16 years ago was (a part from my yes to Jesus) the best decision I have ever made!  I continue to be madly in love with my Valentine!

Love you Babe!

Wednesday, February 4

1st Tooth

This week has been a little rough - LONG week, and it's only Wednesday!

Eli is on an antibiotic - and then last night Maddie barely slept!
I called this morning to get her an appointment to see the doc, but she  was pretty much in this position all day!

Then lunchtime came and she started eating...and the drama started.  You can tell in this picture that her little tooth on the bottom is sticking up above the others.  It was so loose and she was so afraid it was going to bleed!

She finally agreed I could touch it to see how loose.  It fell out in my hand, and ...
mood change!

Maddie has officially lost her first tooth!  It might have been a little different if she wasn't feeling so yucky today - then again, I'm pretty sure there would still be drama!  Wow, girls are so much different than boys! :)

The doctor said it was a stomach virus!  
She is hopefully on her way to recovery. 
Her friend Marissa called tonight to let her know she was missed at school!

Thankful that, for now, everyone seems to be on the road to recovery!

Tuesday, February 3

Lesson in Economics

Ronnie got his first paycheck - which means he also paid his "workers".

They were all pretty excited about the money they had earned!

What followed was an economic lesson from Daddy and then some dividing up!  Each boy decided what percentage they wanted in each category (tithe -minimum of 10%, savings, college, spending).  Below Eli and I are getting a system together!

 After dividing up the money they made - money started coming from all over.  Not sure how long they had been saving it all, but we divided all they had and now they have a system!  Hopefully a lesson this afternoon that will guide them in the years to come!

Monday, February 2

Snowfall 12 inches

We had 12 inches piled up when we went out this morning!  It was a beautiful quiet morning!  Love fresh snow that has been "messed with"!  Wish so badly we were out in the country where we could enjoy it!

Ronnie has a new shoveling job, and he has hired his brothers to help him.  Well that means the work at home is left to Daddy, Maddie and I!  It was a lot of shoveling this morning!

This little gal, didn't last too long, but she came back to help with the finishing touches!