
Gulf Shores

Sunday, August 30

Honduras Mission Team

 4 Weeks ago we (Ron, Ronnie and I) returned from Honduras.  It was Ronnie's first Missions trip and we wanted to take him together!  Ron and I have both been to Honduras 3 other times, and both of our first trips were with Gary Knox.  We were excited to take our oldest on his first trip and for Gary to lead it.  However, we also took 7 other people from Ney and Farmer.
We had a fabulous trip and the memories will last a lifetime!
I'll share some with pictures!
It was Ronnie's first time to fly - he loved it!

Our team from Farmer/Ney in the airport in Detroit!  We had a great group and the Lord used them in wonderful ways!
Our main "project" was a VBS in a remote village.  We traveled 45 minutes every morning to put on a VBS for a group of about 35 kids!  It was so much fun!  We would share a story and act it out, then we had the kids act it out too.  We then would divide the kids up and half would do crafts and half to games! 
I was inside with the crafts most of the week, so I didn't get many games pictures, but I captured my guys helping the little ones of the VBS!

One day we didn't have all we needed for our craft!  So Ronnie, Ron and Santos got to work making sticks .
Then I also got a shot of Ronnie playing soccer with some boys!  He had so much fun!
Ron made some buddies too!
Here is the road we had to travel on every morning!
Rough, but it was actually fun!

Ronnie got into the tradition.  He drank his pop from a bag!

Ronnie also got into some OSU vs. Purdue battles with Mr. Dan!  They had so much fun teasing each other.
The picture below is of Kelsie and Ronnie with Santos, our bus driver.  Santos has 6 kids and lost his wife about 16 years ago.  His roof is falling in and he didn't have food to  feed his family, but you never would have guessed it.  He greeted us every morning with a smile and such a sweet spirit!
Chapel at Escuela El Sembrador (School of the Sower)
Ronnie took a little bit, but eventually made some friends that I hope will be lifelong friendships!  Kiley made it her mission to get Ronnie to talk :)
Our Farmer Ney Group!
Ronnie got to try his hand with a machete!  He loved it and brought one back too!
It was fun to watch Ronnie throughout the week! 
He wrote in his journal every day even if it meant staying up late!
Here he is posted with Osmond David - who ran to his mom and said, "there's a cowboy on campus", when he saw Ronnie!  He was such a cutie!

Ronnie was a hard worker too!  He liked that he got to  work with Daddy and the other guys!

That smile says it all - he had a blast!
Ronnie was surrounded by girls!

The beauty of Honduras is hard to put into words!
Our team of 27 from 6 different states.  14 teenage girls and 3 teenage boys!  A great team lead by the most amazing leader, Gary!  The Lord handpicked each one and it was perfect!

Our 5 teens had a fabulous time. 
They are a great group of kids and I'm so happy we got to be a part of their first missions trip!