
Gulf Shores

Friday, December 24

Very Quick Trip

We made a quick trip to Circleville and back yesterday (4 hours one way). We left early in the morning and arrived it time to exchange gifts with Ryan, Holly and the girls before I headed to the hospital with them for Ryan's port to be put in again. It was a very rushed day and very LONG, but we think it was beneficial. Our kids helped to keep the girls busy and occupied and their minds off their daddy, even if only for a short time. And I think I was helpful to Holly by being with her at the hospital. Ryan is in a lot of pain still today, but the port is back in and can be used as early as next week.

Right now the plan is to meet with the transplant doctor on January 10th. More will be determined at that time.

I thought it might help in your praying to have a picture! Thank you to so many who have emailed and left comments. We appreciate all your prayers.

Wednesday, December 22


Today has been one of those days you don't wish on your worst enemy. It's been horrendous. Even as I type this there are tears streaming down my face.

Ron's brother, Ryan, received his test results today. The cancer is back. There are 3 hot spots. One was what was removed last week. There is another in his neck and a third beside the remaining mass from before. Tomorrow he will have the port put back in. Immediately (which is hard to measure at this holiday time). He will have a consult with a transplant doctor. In a nutshell the plan is to have high doses of chemo and then use his own bone marrow for a transplant (which they will freeze). He will be in the hospital for 3 week for this process.

That's really all I know right now.

We need your prayers. Ron and I for wisdom to know how to be the most helpful. Ron's parents as they process all that is happening to their baby. Ryan and Holly as they go through all of this, again. And my 4 nieces (11, 10, 7 and 4 yo) who will find all this out in a matter of minutes when they get home from school.

Please pray!
Thank you!

Tuesday, December 21

Happy 4th Eli

Today our handsome little Eli turned 4 years old, so much has changed since last year. Eli's big now! He's a whole four years old. He's so smart (and I know every mom says that, but really he's a genius!). He's a handful and he full of energy, but I wouldn't trade him in for anything. He's our Eli. He's perfect!

Last night as Ron carried him up to bed (he had gotten out of bed when he heard daddy come in from his meeting), Ron told him, "Eli, this is the last time I will carry you as a 3 year old." Eli's response, "I'll still be Eli!" So, although he is 4 today, he's still our Eli.

A couple of days ago he got a package from Aunt Barb and wanted to wear this outfit from her for his birthday. He was quite the handsome 4 year old too.
Since his birthday is the last of the year in our home, he gets a chance to see what everyone else chooses for their cake. He decided he liked Nathaniel's this year and wanted his own "Buckeye Cake". Since I didn't want to make the same cake, I asked if he would like Brutus! So here's his Brutus cake! I think you can tell by the eyes, it was a success!
Gotta love that smile!
I think it passed the taste test too!
Here he is patiently as any 4 year old can!

And here's our Eli in his "Full Armor of God"! Not sure if this was the best gift or not (especially on days when there is no nap and an added sugar intake).

So there he is, our 4 year old, Eli!
Tonight as I got him out of the bath he was singing, very loudly, "Oh How I love Jesus!" My hope and prayer is that all the energy and love this little man has will be bundled and harnessed for Jesus.
We love you Elijah Wesley and are so excited to see what the Lord has for you as a 4 year old!

Monday, December 20

7 Kids

Today was the first day of the boys Christmas Vacation. It was also a babysitting day. So that meant 7 kids in the house! It was a rough day, to put it mildly! Long day! One more day of 7 kids tomorrow --- then back to 4!

Friday, December 17

Daddy's Girl

Maddie loves her Daddy,
Daddy loves his little girl too!

Thursday, December 16

Answers to Prayer and More Needed

A couple of days ago, I asked for prayer for 3 family members. I wanted to thank you for praying and update you on all that is going on in those situations.

My Grandpa (Gramps) is doing well. His tests results confirmed that there was no stroke and that he had a virus which has left bacteria in the blood. This seems to be cleared up by medication and Praise the Lord he is much better.

My sister-in-law, Tonya went in for all of her tests and got a good report too. She wasn't even nervous for the tests which I know is because so many were praying. Thank you.

Ron's brother, Ryan, is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm to remove the lymph node in his neck. He should know by Wednesday of next week, when he returns to the oncologist, what is going on. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. The PET scan is completed so now the surgery is tomorrow!

Thank you again for praying for our family. We appreciate it so much!

Wednesday, December 15

Snow Day Project

This past Monday was a Snow Day at our house. No School and no Kids to babysit. So, we took advantage of the "just us" time. We had a craft project. We made snowmen., or as Maddie says, "nehna". (not sure why she calls it that, but it is obviously a snowman she's talking about).

Some of the "crafters" took their time and contemplated each addition to their snowman.

Some decided everything would be one!

Others choose to use everything they could find to decorate with.
Still others would rather play in the fun materials than mess with a snowman!
But we did end up with 4 very nice looking snowmen to decorate our home!
Maddie's is on top and going clockwise it is Eli's, Ronnie's and Nathaniel's. They are all pretty proud of their creations and can't wait for grandmas and grandpas to come so they can show them off!
What do you do on Snow Days?

Tuesday, December 14

Winter Wonderland

This weekend our first Real Snow of the season came. And it was beautiful. Yes it was also treacherous, but just look at the beauty! What a Creation, What a Marvelous Creator! What beauty! Thank you Jesus for the beauty of Your Creation!
our house

our street

I'm not sure what was wrong with my camera. This isn't the future (2187), but it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, December 11

A Lot...all at once

It has been one of those weeks where you're afraid to answer the phone or check email for fear of something else going on. We have several people from our congregations in the hospital or facing surgery or just getting out of surgery and recovering.

Then we have some issues within our family. My Gramps (dad's dad) was taken by EMS to the hospital Thursday evening. We think right now that it was just a virus that his body is fighting, but we're still waiting on tests results to rule out a stroke. He is improving and home with Granny now.

Then my sister-in-law, Tonya, is facing some tests and some physical things. Please keep her in your prayers. We hope to receive news next week on all the details.

Then on Tuesday we got a call from Ron's parents saying that Ryan was going to the doctor. None of us knew what was going on, but his family doctor sent him to his oncologists (which he got into Friday morning) and from their he was told that a bulge in his neck (that has been growing for over 2 months) needed to be biopsied. The surgeon (whom he got into Friday afternoon) said that it was in fact a lymph node and needed to be removed. Right now it looks like that surgery will be on Monday and then a PET scan on Tuesday and all the results late next week. Would you join us in praying?

It is scary how much these appointments remind me of just a few short years ago with Ryan. We are hopeful that this bulge is an infected lymph node, but won't know until they remove it, do the biopsy and the PET scan.

Please keep our family members in your prayers. We serve a God who knew Gramps, Tonya and Ryan long ago and knew these days were ahead. Please pray for wisdom for all of us and a peace that overcomes all else.

"Jesus, please touch Gramps, bring him healing. Jesus calm Tonya's nerves, be with the doctors and please help us to get a good report. And Jesus, with Ryan, we pray Lord for only infection. We ask that you would perform a miracle in his body and his life. Jesus heal him from the sickness that is in his body. Lord please help Granny, Jay and Holly too. Give all of your peace and your comfort. Thank you Jesus!"

Thursday, December 9

Christmas Parties

Last Sunday we had our Ney Christmas Party. We began by taking goodie bags to the Ney shut-ins and Caroling to them. It was softly snowing and blowing a little - very cold - but we had a good time. I think we even wore the kids out a little.

Next we enjoyed some soup and sandwiches provided by some of our church members. All the food was yummy. Then we went upstairs for a movie, "The Very First Noel". (Great movie, by the way, I would highly recommend it).
For some reason, our people seem to think that Santa needs to be a part of our Christmas Party, so he came too. Now let me just say that both Ronnie and Nathaniel know that he is not real, and last year they did not want to sit on his lap. Well times seem to have changed.
Ronnie was actually the first one (of my 3) this year. He said up there and when asked what he wanted for Christmas replied, "drums".
I couldn't hear Nathaniel's reply as to what he wanted and he couldn't remember later when I asked him (so obviously he really wants it).
Eli, though, when asked the same question; replied with a grin on his face, "presents". Of course Santa, what else would he want?!

And Santa Provided!

We had a great time at our Ney Christmas Party and one of the little boys we babysit for has mentioned the movie a couple of times. Yipee! The real reason for our celebration is Jesus! Have you been celebrating Jesus?

Wednesday, December 8


The week after Thanksgiving we did a lot of decorating. We helped at both churches (although there are only pictures at Farmer) and we got our own home ready for Christmas too. I've shared (last year) about some of the meanings behind our Christmas decor so while we are decorating and all throughout December we talk about why we use a tree, lights, etc. The kids all enjoy the decorations.

Below, Andrew is placing the star at Farmer Church while my 3 boys watch.
Maddie was content to just hang out with Ms. Erin.
Eli helped Daddy with the bows on our tree at home (I got Ron off guard, can you tell?)

Nathaniel helped hang lights on the smaller tree.

Eli tried to place the star (at least long enough for a photo)
Nathaniel got the smaller one.
The kids love to help decorated and they love to look through the basket of Christmas books that come out this time of year.
Fun times in the Adkins home as we prepare for Jesus Birth!

Tuesday, December 7

My Brother for a Visit

My brother, Jay, his wife, Tonya and their kids, Terra and Bradley came for a quick visit this past weekend. We had a great time together. We don't get to see them very often and it was nice to get to catch up. We ALL stayed up way to late, but we had a good time.

Terra enjoyed having another girl around.
Maddie snuggled up to her Uncle Jay!
She really liked her Aunt Tonya too!
The kids made snowflakes to hang on my windows!
Playing Games
Listening to Terra read!

We had a great time and can't wait to see them again (the week after Christmas)!

Thanks for staying with us, even though it was a long drive!

Monday, December 6

Go Buckeyes!

For those of you who didn't know, and actually care - The Buckeyes beat the team up north last week. Before the game we ran down (in the freezing cold) to the home of some friends here in Ney and snapped some pictures of Brutus. Eli was so excited. I tried to get all 4 kids, but what you can't tell from the picture is that Maddie is actually at my feet screaming. Oh well, 3 out of 4 isn't bad.

Next Eli decided that Brutus needed a big hug before we left.
And of course, "Monkey see, Monkey Do"! I mean, "the brothers" had to follow his lead.

Thankfully Brutus survived the ordeal and the Buckeyes made us proud too.
For all those devoted Buckeye Fans out there. Our Bucks will play on January 4th in New Orleans in the Sugar Bowl against Arkansas. They have never played Arkansas before and we're already looking forward to a great game!

Friday, December 3

Thanksgiving... better late than never!

This thanksgiving was a little different from past ones. We decided to go to Ron's parents in Northeast Ohio. We haven't gone to their place for Thanksgiving since we've been married. They were thrilled that we were coming. The boys were so excited they begged to leave Tuesday after school, so we did. It made for a late evening, but we had a fun time with Grandpa and Grandma. Maddie came down with a bug while we were there (thankfully she waited until we returned home to share it with all 3 brothers). But I think even she had a fun time. Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving Break.

Thank you God for books and Daddies to read them. Thank you God for smiles and adorable boys to make everyone smile
Thank you God for Grandpa's who love their little granddaughters!
Thank you God for the comforts of home on a lazy Thanksgiving afternoon and a good Football game to watch.
Thank you God for Aunt Barb and fun times with her.
Thank you God for minds that allow us to think and plan strategically, for daddy who will take the time to teach little ones new things, and for yummy food to fill our bellies.
Thank you God for cousins, and for Morgan's birthday!
Thank you God for Aunt Holly and Uncle Ryan
Thank you God for Daddies and for "Uncle Ronnie" to snuggle up with.
Thank you God for laughter.
Thank you God for fun times with Cousin Emmi.
Thank you God for basketball games with Morgan.
Thank you God for games with Sarah.

This year I have been reminded repeatedly how Blessed we are as a nation and people, but also just how Blessed we are as a family.
Thank you Jesus for my family. Thank you for our health (even the ability to fight off stomach bugs). Thank you for a husband and daddy who loves Jesus with his whole heart and desires to instill that relationship into his children. Thank you Jesus for parents and in-laws who not only love Jesus, but also love each other and are committed to both! Thank you Jesus for the abundance of food, clothing, shelter, and Blessings that you have given our family.
Happy Thanksgiving (a week late). Even though I am late in posting, my prayer is that throughout the coming year we will be thankful in all we do and in all Jesus Blesses us with!