
Gulf Shores

Saturday, August 30

Aa Week

I am babysitting again this school year!  I will have 5 kids every day and then Maddie and another little boy will be every other day.  Then add 2 more after school.  Should be good.  We began this school year with the letter Aa!

I made some "acorns" like this a couple of years ago and tried it again for this week - another great hit!

This is my youngest little gal - she loves to play with the kitchen dishes and food!

All the kids I watch get along great together!

I've "developed" a curriculum every year and this year we are going straight through the alphabet.
Lots of coloring...

more cutting...

and reading too.

We throw in some singing too, although you can't tell they are singing here.

Maddie is only with us every other day - so I loose my "helper" on  some days - but even though she was gone one day, we had a great first week - and Aa week.


She not only survived...she had a great day!

She was non-stop filling me in on all that happened on her first day of Kindergarten!

Then I turned around to discover that Nathaniel was sick - only 3 days of school - and Strep!  

WOW, hope this year goes well for all 4 of them!

Thursday, August 28

First Day of Kindergarten

So not ready, but it's hear either way!

Maddie begins Kindergarten today!

It's not time, is it?

I know she's ready, it's me that needs more time!

But it's official, all 4 of my babies are off to school as of today!

and she's even happy about it!

Daddy says that Eli and Nathaniel surrounded her as they walked into the Elementary!  At least she has protection!  I'm thankful!

Jesus as she walks out the door, protect her please.  Go before her and behind and beside her every step of the way!  Thank you for the opportunity to train her these past 5 years and thank you for the next phase, even though it means a little more independence.  Please continue to prepare me to be the mom she needs!

Wednesday, August 27

Update and Preparation

UPDATE: The boys did great on their first day of the 2014-15 school year.  Even Ronnie enjoyed Middle School and said it was "fun"!

Here they are getting off the bus in front of the house, along with a couple of kids I watch after school. (they were trying to duck out of the way - really whose mom would embarrass their kids by taking pictures as they get off the bus?)

When asked, all 3 could only think of positive things from the 1st day, and they were all grins!

Tonight Maddie and I read this book!  

Excited doesn't really seem to capture her right now!  She's waited "a long time" for Kindergarten and she is soooooo excited for tomorrow.

Me...well I'd love to hold onto her forever.  I'm sure there is more I need to show and teach her.  As I tucked her in tonight and prayed with her, I kept wondering what I had forgotten!  Nothing, nothing that matters.  She will do great!  She knows the ONE who will go with her and I have to trust that He will go beside her every step of the way.

So hard to let her go, knowing that I will miss things.  But I'll send her tomorrow morning with lots of prayers and trust that Jesus will protect and guide her! (and I'll probably wipe away a few tears too).

Tuesday, August 26

Boys First Day 2014

The 2014 School year is officially underway!
I now have a 6th, 5th and 2nd grader - Seriously, how did that happen? 
They grow way to fast!

Ronnie is actually in middle school this year! 

And that little girl, well I get today and tomorrow before she begins Kindergarten on Thursday!  
LIFE - slow down a little, please!

Wednesday, August 20

School Haircut

 Today Maddie got a haircut!  She is  not fond of cutting her hair, but has had 1 other trimming (about 5 months ago).

We decided with back to school she needed, at the least the split ends cut off!

As you can see below, it was getting pretty long!

Ms. Shelly cut about 4.5 inches and then curled it for her too!  She loved it!

She still has "really" long hair, but at least it is healthy!

Tuesday, August 19

Lunch Date

Out to lunch today with my favorite Middle School Man!  Can't believe he is beginning Middle School!  We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at the park while we ate and talked!  He talked about some fears and some excitement with the upcoming year!   We talked about teachers and what the schedule might be!  He's growing up!  I know that is the plan and he's suppose to mature and grow, but I'm just not sure I like it!

Praying that Ronnie walks side by side with His Creator into the unknown halls of middle school.

Monday, August 18

Camping Trip

A couple of weeks ago now, the boys were excitedly preparing for a camping over-nighter!

Eli had gotten this tent for his birthday and other than setting it up, it hadn't been used, it was past time to pull it out!

It took a little bit of time, but finally they were packed up and ready to leave!

And several hours later, their camp sight was set up!

I think they look like "old timers" sitting around talking! :)

They discovered they like to fish!

From what I hear, Daddy spent a lot of time untangling lines and fixing poles, but the boys had a blast!

 Ronnie even caught this little guy and held onto it just long enough for a picture!

They made memories that will last a lifetime.  Stories that will be told for years to come about crossed lines, the color purple and fun times!

So glad the Adkins boys could enjoy a fun camping trip together!

Saturday, August 2

Not Afraid of Work

I think one of the problems in our society is that kids don't work!  Now I don't mean they should be going out and getting a job at a young age, I mean just getting their hands dirty.  Helping out around the house!  We are  trying to teach our kids to be workers!  It seems rare in our day that kids work!  The funny thing is, our 4 don't seem to know it's not normal to help out around the house!

 last picking on the green beans

 taking the stakes and fence down around the garden

 Ronnie working on beans while the cowboy mends the fence!

Everybody helping to clean!  I am going to have 70 pints canned of green beans this summer!

And in case you think all they do is work...
They have fun too!!!
 climbing trees

 don't mess with this sherriff

 playing ball

and more ball (we have made them use a tennis ball in the yard for several years because they are a little too dangerous!)

So I think a little work is good for them.  
I think they wouldn't complain too much about it either!  :)