
Gulf Shores

Saturday, December 29

Games and Snow

We have had a week full of games...
We've played all of these, and more this week.  We introduced the boys to Rail Baron.  Ron and I were taught this game while in Seminary and I don't think we have played since.  The boys are all a little young for it, but they seemed to enjoy it.  Eli came in 2nd and 3rd the 2 times we played!
Then there has been a lot of shoveling too!  We got our 2nd snowfall overnight, so everyone was back out shoveling.  They are loving it!

So that is how we have spent the last few days.  I hope you are enjoying time with family as well!
My Dad helped me put things into perspective earlier this week when I was a little down.  Our immediate family is together and we have so much to be thankful for!

Thursday, December 27

White for Christmas

The last few years we have enjoyed a White Christmas on the white sand beaches of Gulf Shores!  This year it is a White Snowy Christmas!

With everyone working together the shoveling was done in no time!

We were even able to help our neighbor girl with her side walk before the kids decided it was time for football and snow forts!
Maddie and I enjoyed some warm hot chocolate inside while the boys played!
We are have a lot of family time the last few days and enjoying being together with nothing pressing to get accomplished!  Lots of games, some movies and just being together as a family!

Tuesday, December 25


We celebrated Jesus birthday a day early (yesterday).  Complete with singing Happy Birthday and enjoying a coffee cake and Advent reading before presents!

I was so proud of the kids this year, they all got each other gifts!  They weren't big, but they thought of their siblings - I love it!

We enjoyed some days with Grandpa and Grandma Adkins.  They were able to come on Saturday (celebrating Eli's birthday) and stay through until this morning!

Last night we participated in our Christmas Eve Service!  Our family was busy, as Eli sang, the boys had the Advent reading and prayer, Ron and I served communion and he gave a devotional!  What a blessing to worship and lead our congregations in celebrating Jesus' coming!

The plan was to load up early and begin our 16 hour trip to Gulf Shores, AL where we would spend the next few days with my parents and my brothers family!
Unfortunately, plans change!  (I don't like change, by the way!)  We were a little nervous about the weather (tornado's and blizzard like conditions in the path we were traveling), but we decided we had a window and we were preparing to go. 
Let me back up just a minute and say that we had gotten a rental vehicle.  We have had it booked for over a month  - our van is in the shop this week and we knew it wouldn't make the 900+mile trip one way.  Yesterday when Ron went to pick up our rental van we were told that it hadn't been returned and would we be OK with an upgrade.  Ron agreed (with no price increase).  However, upgrade meant leather seats and fancy gadgets, instead of more room.  In fact, there is less room.  As we loaded this morning - it didn't work.  We couldn't cram our family of 6 and our belongings for 6 days into it.  We tried, we maneuvered, we attempted - it wouldn't work.
Finally we had to make the decision that it wasn't going to work.  I despise letting people down!  I had to call my mom and inform her we couldn't come, then we had to tell the kids - I really don't like disappointment!  I so don't like letting them down!  There were tears!
I am trying to be upbeat, I'm trying to roll with this one and see what it is Jesus wants to do for us and through us this week.  Perhaps it's just a week of relaxation as a family.  Perhaps there is something more!  Jesus knows and despite my disgust of change and things not going as planned, I am trying!
Our Christmas has not begun quite like we expected - or not at all like we expected!  But Jesus still came, and He is still coming!  We wait with anxious anticipation!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Adkins!

Sunday, December 23


Last week our churches came together to carol at a local nursing home.  We had nearly 70 people participate and bring Christmas Greetings to the residents!
After our caroling we went back to the church for cookies and fellowship!
It was a great evening together as a church family.
(unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures)

Friday, December 21

Growing and Changing

I mentioned this morning that our little guy was turning 6!  Well here he is with his birthday hat from school and a brand new Christmas book from his teacher!

The party at school was a Birthday/Christmas party and Eli loved it. 
Maddie was able to join him too!

Then at home, he decided we would wait for pizza until Grandpa and Grandma come and he settled for breakfast food (his 2nd pick) for supper!

Eli, for the second year in a row, had no ideas for his cake and simply left it up to me! 
So I went with a campground! 

Judging from the look on his face, I think he liked it!

Ron was impressed too because he took tons of pictures :)
Eli's response to the cake was priceless! "Mom, its impressing"!

I also captured the look on his face when he got his brand new BIG BOY bike!  It's a 20"er! 
Just like his big brothers!

Again judging by the response, I'd say we did good!

Eli, we are blessed beyond measure to be your parents!  You are a fun, caring, kind, considerate little man and I am proud to be your Momma!  I am so so excited at the man you are becoming and how Jesus is molding your heart for His purposes!  Continue to honor Jesus in all you do!  We love you little man!



Today (well I guess when he wakes up) we will have a six year old in the house!  It's so hard to believe this little guy is 6!  I remember when we moved to Ney he was only a little over 18 months! Wow, he is growing up!
So kind, so loving, always thinking of others!
So much wanting to be like his Daddy!
 Eli is a great little man!  Full of energy!  Full of life!  Always making people laugh! 
He is the life our our party and we are so blessed to have this little man in our lives!  I pray that today is a FANTASTIC day for him.
When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he couldn't think of anything (not your typical 6 year old), he finally said,  "Mom, I think I know what I want".  He was laying in his bed, looking at the ceiling, with his arms crossed under his head.  "I want a 6 year old gift".  I laughed and waited, he said nothing more so I said, "Eli, whats a  6 year old gift?".  He looked at me with a stunned look on his faced and said (as if I should know), "Mom, I'm not six yet!".  So he has no idea what a 6 yo gift is, but that's what he wants!
So much fun!
Eli we are so blessed by you and so thankful for your contagious smile!  Keep smiling and sharing Jesus with those around you! 

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Wednesday, December 19

Heart Breaking

I debated for a while if I should even post on the massacre in Connecticut.  I have decided to, only because I think our society is confused.

First let me say that what happened was horrific.  Unimaginable and absolutely senseless.  I cried as I heard about it, longing to hold my kids.  My kids are those ages K-4th grade.  So innocent, such a senseless crime.  My heart breaks for the families, not only those who lost little innocent lives that day, but those who lost their innocence just by being and hearing and seeing such chaos.  It's is so unfathomable.

I am sickened by our media.  How dare we stick a camera or microphone in the face of a grieving family.  All for a story.  Please people, allow them to grieve.  Give them space.  How dare our media report every little tidbit of misconscewed information.  Lanza's mom was not a teacher, it was not a whole Kindergarten class missing, there was not a second gunman in the woods.  How dare we speculate at such a horrific time.  I pray that they would back off - allow authorities and those in charge to do their job.  Allow families to mourn and be with their family.  Allow the rest of us as nation to simply fall on our knees and beg our Creator for forgiveness!

Then the audacity of our government to think that if we had another law in place this would not have happened.  That's ridiculous.  If we had another law, that simply would have been one more law that was broken (among the countless) that horrific Friday morning. 

Please people stop!  Stop and look at the big picture!  Reporters, Media, Laws and Government don't save lives - JESUS SAVES!

Our country has turned so completely in the wrong direction.  The scary thing to me is that when this all began, I turned to Ron and said, "I cannot even begin to imagine and the Bible clearly says that this is just the beginning."  I'm so thankful that the Lord will call all of His people home.  I'm ready!  Are you?

Thursday, December 13

1st Attempt

If you are a mom of multiple children you know how difficult it is to get a decent picture of all of them at the same time!  So, being the efficient mom that I am - I began my attempts early this year!  Here is my first take

We still need to "practice" and there will be plenty more attempts!
Surely by the time Christmas arrives I will have a good one of all 4!  It might help if I invested some time into photo shop! :)  But I'll have fun trying!

Tuesday, December 11

This guy is crazy

There is seriously, never a dull (or serious?) moment when it comes to this little guy.

I stuck him up on the counter the other day to talk on the phone.  There were multiple intentions on my part.  I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and I didn't want him running off with the phone.  I thought by putting him up, he would focus and talk to his grandma - what was I thinking?
At least he has fun!

Monday, December 10

Busy Sunday

This time of year with 2 churches is busy! 
We started the morning with Eli singing with a little girl in our Ney church.  These 2 are not shy at all and they did a fantastic job.  They both love to sing!

Then in the evening, we had our Farmer Christmas Play.  There were 25 kids who participated to tell the and act out the Christmas story.  They really did a great job.  I admit I was a little worried seeing the practices, but they pulled it off and it was GREAT!

Of course I am a little biased toward, Joseph, a shepherd and rogue sheep and the littlest angel!

A busy but fun Sunday!

Sunday, December 9

Daddy's Home!

For those of you wondering, Daddy made it home!!!!!!  We were so excited to see him as it had been a VERY LONG week! 
He actually came a little early because of our very busy weekend!

We had Christmas with my grandparents on Saturday.
Maddie had been sick all week and was still a little down a little, but she loved being read to by her big cousin, Terra! 
My brother, his wife and my Mom and Dad.

Terra and Ronnie got to hand out gifts to everyone.

All the boys, including the big one, enjoyed Bradley's new 5 in 1 game. 
Here they are learning to play pool!
Then Saturday evening, I took a group of 16 (2 missed the pictures) ladies to Ft. Wayne to hear Chonda Pierce.  It was her last concert of the year and it was great.  I had not heard her before, but she was funny and also had a great message - it really was a fun evening!
So that was our Saturday.  Today was pretty busy too, but I'll post more on that later.

Friday, December 7

New Book Reports

The boys have their next book report due today.  This time they were to read a folk tale or fairy tale then they had to decorate a cereal box to tell about their book.
Nathaniel picked, "Three Billy Goats Bluff". Then he used the Honey Bunches of Oats cereal as his template.  The cereal was Honey Bunches of Goats and he even had a toy goat as a prize!  The slogan was, "get a kick out of your morning" :)

Ronnie read, Jack and the Beanstalk.  His cereal was called simply Beanstalks!  He drew a pretty detailed picture of the cereal too!  The slogan was, "It makes you healthy, wealthy and wise".

I am excited that the boys are being so creative and enjoying reading. 
Next report... a biography or autobiography!

Thursday, December 6

Hands Free

Eli puts a whole new "cute" twist on Hands Free!
I was picking the boys up from school on this particular day and was also talking on the phone while I waited.  When Eli jumped into the van, he asked to talk.  The above picture was taken as a result of him, needing to buckle up and still wanting to be on the phone!  Hard to believe our little big man is going to be 6 later this month!  He's still our little funny man, always good for a laugh!

Wednesday, December 5

Ii is for Igloo

Last week with our "babysitting kids" the letter of the week was "Ii".   I decided we would make Igloo's!
I paired the kids up with their sibling and as it turns out there were only 4 the day I planned it.
I love to see them work together with their little brother or big brother and sister! 
They kids really enjoyed it and I even heard, "this is the best craft ever".

Maddie and I worked together on hers and she had a blast too!
We had some great igloo's and some fun creating!
We're off this week with Ron gone, but next week were on to Jj!

Tuesday, December 4

Missing Daddy

Last Friday, as we were heading into the weekend, the kids knew that Daddy would be gone next week at Wilmore.  That made them not want to leave his side. 
This little girl is especially missing her Daddy today!  She has not been feeling well the last couple of days, she's fighting a fever and just wants to snuggle Daddy!

We're all missing him, but trusting that the Lord will bring him home to us soon - and we're counting down to Saturday!

Monday, December 3

Wilmore Week #13

We are once again beginning a Wilmore Week!  We had such a busy day yesterday (with Church activities) that Ron decided to wait until this morning to head out.  Now today there is fog and mist, the kids are already delayed, please pray for Ron's safety in the trip down and throughout his time in Wilmore.  Pray for a good week of research and discipleship.  The kids and I have a busy week here too; play practice, school, discipleship to name a few!

Our prayer is that all 6 of us, though separated this week, will honor the Lord in our daily lives!