
Gulf Shores

Thursday, October 31


People everywhere are dressing up today!  Putting on masks, pretending to be something they are not.  We have been asked many many times over the years - "why don't you 'do halloween'"?  

Quite simply, it offends our Christianity!  Today is a day to celebrate the Reformation!  But no one knows what that even means.  Today is the day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door, but that is foreign to most!

We don't celebrate and to top it off when we get out of town to be away from those going door to door - we ended up being served at a restaurant by a lady dressed as a cat (at least I think she was a cat).  Craziness!  

We read the story of Martin Luther tonight!  We don't feel left out.  Our kids don't feel left out!  They think the dressing up, the decorating the craziness is all just crazy.  

We celebrate the beginning of our Protestant faith!  Those who understand...understand!


October is Pastor Appreciation!  Our church people have flooded us with cards, gifts and many kind words.  We are Blessed by our congregations!

  One particular family made their card and I just had to share.  I've seen these things before on a much smaller scale!

Ron was laughing and reading and it was so much fun!
Talk about creative!

For those who don't want to try to read the pictures, here is what it says.

Dear Pastor Ron-
You are such a “Mr. Goodbar” that we have a reason to give you some mo-“Mentos” to give you “Snickers” and “Chuckles” on the “Extra” special day by telling some “Whoppers” and “Laffy Taffy” about you!  If we “Orbit” the “Milky Way” we’d never find a better “surprise” (dum-dum) than you and your family, even if we “Orbit” the planet “Whatchamacallit”!  You are not “Air Heads” or “Nerds” in our eyes, because your “Mounds” of knowledge and “Extra” (extra long lasting J) preaching is helping us get in “Mint” condition for God!  You have “Whoppers” of faith.  We wanted to give you a “Payday” of “100 Grand” for a shopping “Spree” on New York’s “5th Avenue” but we have “Zero” money.  So we wanted to give you and your “Sweetarts” a ”Nutrageous” “Fast Break” with tickets to a symphony to hear a great “Skor”.  But with “Zero” money, we can take care of your “Sugar Babies” while you watch the “Starburst” in the “Milky Way”.  Thanks for all you do in the “Halls” of our church.
                                        Love –
                                                The Degryse’s

It was fun to read and now he's having fun eating too!

Sunday, October 27


Ron made it home Saturday morning from Wilmore and we celebrated his birthday!  He had a long week away from home and we were glad to have him home!  

It's so good to have him back home!

Friday, October 25

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Ronald Lee, II!  
I'm so glad you were created and that I get to call you mine! 
You are an amazing friend, husband, and father!
I love you so much and pray you have a GREAT Birthday, despite being away!
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 24

Harvest Party

Last Sunday we had our Ney Harvest Party.  This year we went to the Mack's house.  It was a great afternoon/evening and the kids had a blast!  

Maddie enjoyed several trains rides around their property!

Eli and Brett thought they could pedal around.

It really was a neat train and some of us adults enjoyed too!

The heat of the bonfire was welcoming too!

All the kids decorated pumpkins too!

21 kids - WOW!

I  was able to get the younger 2 corralled long enough to get a hot dog.  The older 2 however, were in the woods the whole time.  They missed supper, and loved it :)  Eli didn't like the smoke in his eyes!

Maddie tried her hand at pedaling!

We  ended the evening with a hayride.  That was a little chilly!

We had a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship with our church family!

Wednesday, October 23


A few updates before I close up for the night!

Ryan is home!  He is  still very weak and still needs prayer, but he is a miracle!  His life is truly a miracle and a testimony to God's Amazing Grace.  Thank you so much to all who have prayed!  We are hoping to get to see him soon!

I posted a few weeks back on Nathaniel's eye injury.  He is doing great now.  It took a week for swelling to go down, but when it did - his vision was back to normal!  We are so thankful.

Eli had a slight incident this past weekend (while I was gone) with a field mouse.  He caught it and then proceeded to attempt to feed it.  Needless to say, it didn't want his help and bit his little finger.  You will really have to ask Eli and Ron for the complete story, but he is fine and is still looking for the mouse.  He wants to make it his pet!  I would be happy with no urgent care visits for awhile :)

Many have asked about the boys and their new school.  They are doing well.  There have been some issues, but I think there would be "issues" anywhere.  We have been praying a lot - as a family and individually.  Praying for the Lord to go before them, praying for all 3 of them to have Boldness in their Faith!  I could give you specific prayer requests, but for now, we continue to appreciate your prayers as they wrap up their first 9 weeks of public school!

Miss Maddie had her annual cardiologist exam this week!  She looks so big on that table!

She talked to the doctor, a little.  She cooperated for the nurse during the EKG and  allowed the doctor to listen.  It was a pretty routine visit and everything seems to be the same as a year ago.  They will do another ECHO next year, but she is doing great!

We are missing Daddy this week!  Would you join us in praying that the second half of his week is productive and good?

Thank you for your concern and love for our family.

Come to the Fire

This past weekend I spent at Central Wesleyan Church in Holland, Michigan at the Come to the Fire Conference!

It was an amazing weekend. 12 ladies from both of our churches went with me and we had a great time! (Somehow Cathy didn't get pictured, sorry)

 It was a great time of fellowship...

with some great women

The worship was truly amazing!

The speakers were, without a doubt, Spirit led.

I am Blessed to have had the privileged to go!  

I tend to get a little anxious with 13 women "under my care", but I was so thankful that the Lord allowed me to relax in Him and spoke to me personally as well as to many of the women who went.

For those of you who have never heard of Come to the Fire.  It is a totally free Women's conference that is 100% committed to leading ladies to the feet of Jesus.  Ladies come from around the nation and world to join together and praise, worship and adore Jesus!  Next years conference will be in Grove City, Ohio on Oct. 2-4.  We already have ladies wanting to go.  Are you interested?    Let me know, we'd love to have you join us!  I promise you won't regret it!


We've been keeping pretty busy around here, but I did get a new camera from Ron for my birthday, so I'll be posting pictures of the busyness soon :)

Until then -This was my practice picture - 1st one on my new camera.

Isn't she beautiful!!!

Sunday, October 20

Wilmore Week #18

Ron has arrived in Wilmore for another week of research!  He left this afternoon.  We have had a crazy busy few days and I'll post more in the coming days, but just wanted to ask for your prayers for Ron.  Pray for a great week of research.  Pray for a smooth transition tomorrow morning and for clarity as he reads and studies!

Would also appreciate your prayers as I hold the fort down here with the kids.  I'm starting the week off pretty tired, but we serve a God who is bigger than all our circumstances and surrounds and I am trusting that He will sustain us. 

Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for our family!

Tuesday, October 8


I am babysitting again this year and we are again memorizing Scripture.  Last year I used the ABC Memory Book  from Scripture Memory Fellowship (you can get it through the Francis Asbury Society).

Anyway, we went through the alphabet in order last year and the little ones I watch, and Maddie, learned a Bible Verse for every letter.  The cool thing is they can still remember them - I love it!  Well this year we are again doing a verse for every week - only we're not going in order and we're learning new verses!  I'm using a curriculum I found online (Raising Rock Stars).

So we are going in random order.  Last week was "Ff" week and the verse was John 3:16.  A great verse, but one that takes some working on to memorize, especially for a 3 year old!  So the week didn't start off that great.  The first 2 days were 3 hour delays (due to fog) and then there were sick kids too.  So we didn't get the practice we normally do, but we worked on it.

Well yesterday the kids came and they always say their verse from the previous week on Monday and get a certificate as well as add a circle to their caterpillar (on the wall).  I was blown away!

4 out of 4 who were  here yesterday.  2 more who came today and then only one that didn't say it was the 5 month old who has yet to talk to me :)
Love it!

Love, Love, Love that they are hiding God's word in their hearts - and that their parents are working with them to do it!


On Saturday, Eli and Nathaniel were raking leaves.  Ronnie had made a quick trip with Dad to the church to prepare for Sunday morning.  I think Maddie was "helping" her brothers rake and I was getting dinner ready.  All the sudden Eli came running inside.  "Nathaniel got hurt!".  Right behind him was Nathaniel saying, "I passed out" and then the tears were just flowing as he had a hand up over one eye.  After getting him calmed down enough I realized he had gotten a direct shot in the eye with Eli's rake handle.

He couldn't get it open for me and couldn't calm down either.  So I opted to get him calm first. He was in some serious pain.  To make a long story short - we took him to the ER after over an hour of unbearable pain.  He could read fine, but was not able to handle the pain.

The ER doctor said he could see the spot where the rake handle hit directly on his eye and there were other scratches too.  Apparently something else had been in there, but probably was rinsed out with his tears.  He prescribed an antibiotic cream for his eye and a pain med.  He also advised seeing his eye doctor for follow up.

When I called yesterday to the eye doctor they wanted to see him immediately to make sure everything was OK.  Apparently it could have been sooooo much worse.  He really is blessed to not have a serious and lasting injury.

He is still swollen today and will return in another week to check his vision again - he may have some issues there, but we are so thankful that the Lord was watching out for him.  Thankful for His protection on our children!

Thursday, October 3

Her Prayer

Through tears tonight, the prayer of my 4 year old:

"Dear Jesus, 
Please help me to be better!  Please help me to do better next time.  Please forgive me for being bad! Amen"

My own prayer!
"Thank you Jesus!  Thank you for forgiving her and helping her to do better.  Thank you for helping my little girl to be sensitive to what you desire for her.  Thank you softening her heart to be aware of things that you desire for her!  Help me to guide her to follow you and please you in everything she does!  Amen"

No Camera

It's crazy how much you want to take a picture when your camera is DEAD!  My Camera is finished.  I'm hoping to get a new one very soon, but I am already having withdrawal.  There are things I want to capture and I've missed them!

Like Maddie reading!  Really reading.  She picked up a sight word book this week and realized she could read it - she kept going and going and going!  There are 7 in the packet of books!  She's a genius!  (Takes after her Daddy).

Then of course another Football game, although, it wasn't their best game.  They didn't do too well at all, so I guess it's OK that I didn't document that with pictures!

Last night Eli had a " 5 senses" test for his big brothers and Daddy.  They actually tasted, smelled, touched, felt and listened to whatever her gave them - would have been a good blog post - but no pictures to go with it!

I feel kinda naked without a camera.  It has had a LONG life though.  I can't even remember which Christmas it was that Granny and Gramps gave me that camera.  Before Maddie, but I can't remember how much before.  I suppose it's time for a new one!  Just hard to part with the old sometimes!

If anyone has suggestions on what kind or anything else I should look for, please let me know!  Until then, I'll be picture-less on the blog!