
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, February 29


I've mentioned before that Eli wants to be a preacher!

Well that means he wants to be just like his DADDY!

Sunday was no exception. When Daddy told Eli he was wearing dockers with his suit jacket - Eli got dressed!

All the boys want to be like their Daddy, although not always to the "extreme" of Eli. Ronnie did opt to wear a tie on Sunday though (which doesn't happen often)!

Nathaniel...well he wants to be the sports lover that his Daddy is - he could care less about what he wears, but he is pretty handsome in my opinion.

I'm so thrilled our boys have a Daddy who loves Jesus and models Christ to them; not in his dress, but in his life! What a blessing!

Maddie would love to be just like her Daddy too!

But she will settle for being his Princess!

Friday, February 24

Crazy Busy

We are keeping busy around here! It seems the week leading up to Ron leaving for KY and the week after his return are always just "insane" times with a lot going on.

We are offering a "What we Believe" class right now for new members, those wishing to be Baptised, and a confirmation class all combined. That is meeting weekly!

We had an Ash Wednesday Service this week. Additionally Ron and I are both involved in Discipleship Groups and adding to them. Pray that Jesus would give wisdom as I seek to lead ladies to desire and be in deeper relationships with Him!

My mom is here again last night and today for Grandparents day at the boys school.

Additionally there are meetings with 2 churches, school stuff for the kids, PhD research, visitations, baseball meetings (the season is almost upon us), and many other things that fill up our time.

We are seeking to Honor Jesus in all we do!

Saturday, February 18

We Made it!

Just wanted to let everybody know


Thanks to everyone who has been praying for our week!

2 Grandma's in 1 day

Yesterday we got to see 2 Grandma's in 1 day. Eli is big on numbers lately, and loves to point stuff like that out. You may remember his 2 Dates of not long ago.

We met my mom, Grandma Neff, at my Grandma Donna's.

Eli and Maddie were excited for the day!

It took Maddie a little while to warm up to Grandma Donna, but once she did she wanted to show her all the "princess stuff" she brought!

Eli had brought a game of uno thinking both Grandma's would like that, he was right!

When we left Grandma Donna's we brought Grandma Neff back to our house with us. She stayed the night!

She substitute teaches and usually gets extra papers when she does so that Eli can use some to "practice school". She had a game she thought the older 2 would enjoy too!

Eli ended up likeing the game more than the older boys, but I think some of that was because it was Friday night and they were done with worksheets and school-like stuff for a little while.

They all love it when Grandma reads to them!

All 4 kids love it when Grandma comes and they all had her reading on the couch this morning before she left!
Thanks for coming Grandma, come back soon!

Thursday, February 16

Party in Heaven

Tonight is a big night in the Adkins home! Tonight we celebrate with the angels!

I'll back up a a few minutes and explain.

A few minutes ago the kids and I were having our devotion time. We have been reading a book called, "Leading Little Ones to God". We read tonight about God's Children being New Creatures. The lesson was on how Adam and Eve were created in the Image of God and how they were sinless and pure. Eli stopped me at that point and wanted to know what sinless meant. I explained it and we went on.

The lesson continued with how Adam and Eve sinned against God by disobeying Him. It talked about how as soon as they sinned, they were different, they weren't pure anymore.

The lesson went on to tell how Jesus came so that our sins could be forgiven and we could be sinless and pure again.

At the end of the lesson there are questions that we always go around and answer. Maddie loves answering and her answer is almost always, "Jesus died on the cross" (no matter the question). Well tonight the 2nd question was, "What bad things can you see in your own heart?"

I waited to see if any of the boys wanted to answer. Eli started listing things and went on for a little while thinking of more and more things. I allowed him to continue and then ask him how we can get rid of the sin in our hearts. One of the other boys answered, but I could tell Eli was still contemplating and thinking.

We sang, and I honestly can't remember what song. Usually we sing out of the hymnal, but tonight a song came to me and we just sang it through a couple of times then we all knelt down at the bed (like we always do). Ronnie began our prayer time then Nathaniel. When it came to Eli, he continued with the confessing of his sins and asked Jesus to forgive him for all the bad things that he has done and the things that are in his heart! Then as if he had taken care of business he went on to pray for our Missionary family for tonight. :)

As we closed our prayer time, I sent the others to their beds and took Eli into my room to talk. We talked about his prayer and what it meant. I asked him some question to determine that he really knew what he was doing and what he was asking Jesus to do in him! He did and does!

We prayed again together and then we held each other and I cried! I am so proud of that little man!

I told him, we need to call Daddy. Daddy will want to know. He got shy and said, "can you tell him first then I can talk to him."

He talked to Ron and again I was in tears as I heard his little voice explain about the sin he knew was in his heart and the prayer he had prayed to ask for forgiveness!

I hugged him again as I tucked him into bed and he said, "Mom, I wasn't as good today as I should have been." I questioned him, and he continued, "when Elijah (a friend who visited today) was here, he didn't want to play something and I kept playing it." "I shouldn't have done that."

We talked some more about the lesson we had read tonight because it went on to explain how we continue as Christians to grow in Christ and be all that God wants us to be and be more and more like Jesus - pure and sinless.

I told him that if things come to his mind that he has done wrong, he has to ask Jesus to forgive him and then do better with Jesus help!

He immediately bowed his head and prayed again. The Holy Spirit is moving and working in my little 5 year old and it is amazing to watch! What a celebration in heaven tonight!

Jesus guide Eli, continue to show him all that you want and desire for him and lead him to be more like you. Help me to be an example of You to him! Thank you Jesus for stirring Eli's heart tonight to seek you and thank you that the angels are dancing in Heaven tonight for a lost sinner who has come to you!

Wednesday, February 15

The Kids and Ministry

I was pretty proud of Eli today! Let me tell you why. We dropped off the boys at school this morning and then headed to our Farmer Church. I usually meet on Tuesday mornings with another lady to pray! Eli and Maddie play in the nursery during our prayer time.

Because of the bad weather yesterday, we moved our prayer time to this morning! Everything went well and we said good-bye to Marilyn after praying together, then we headed across the street to visit Ms. Shirley at the Farmer Post Office.

On our way over, Eli said, "Mom we haven't visited Ed and Marion in a long time, can we go see them today?". I hesitated a little because we hadn't called ahead, but decided that after visiting Shirley I would go to Ed and Marion's door and see if they were up for company. They are a part of our Farmer church but have been unable to attend for a couple of years. We have missed them and our family enjoys visiting them! Eli was so excited that they invited us in!

Eli climbed right up on the couch beside Ed and talked away. I'm pretty sure Ed couldn't understand all he was saying, but Eli had stories to tell! Pretty soon Maddie got comfortable enough to join them on the couch!

really they started to get a little too comfortable and I decided we better get going. I wasn't sure how much "chaos" Ed and Marion could handle and I could tell both Maddie and Eli were getting very comfortable!

We said our goodbyes and gave some hugs!

Then we made one other visitation, per Eli's request (I forgot to get a picture). I was just so proud of him to suggest we visit some of our shut-ins. I can't imagine there are too many 5 year old who would enjoy spending time with and sharing stories with the elderly, but Eli loves it. I think the Lord has big things in store for this little guy and I'm so thankful he has a heart for people and a love for bringing cheer!

Tuesday, February 14

Valentines Day Past and Present


Today, despite our Valentine begin in KY, Maddie and I got flowers! We were both pretty excited! You can tell by her smiles that she loved her "love bug". The little lady bug becomes a basket she can carry around after her flowers are gone!

(see Daddy, she loved them)

Eli took a picture of both of us with our flowers! I also got chocolate covered strawberries! Gotta love chocolate and flowers! You can't see my flowers very well in Eli's picture below, but they are cute little baby roses, they are so pretty!

I've been thinking a lot today about a Valentine's Day years ago. Actually it was 13 years ago! Wow, that sounds so long ago, but let me set the scene for you!

Ron and I were both a part of the boys and girls basketball teams with Circleville Bible College. We had a tournament and didn't get back to the dorms until very early in the morning on Valentine's Day. We decided to get some much needed sleep and then go to brunch together and then go to Old Man's Caves. At the time we had been dating right around 10 months!

I remember that morning we went to Bob Evans, one of our favorites back then. I also remember that Ron was acting a little strange. He proceeded to be "out of it" and in a hurry to get through our meal and even as we began hiking. I noticed he was intent on getting to a particular spot, instead of our usual stroll and enjoying the beauty! It really was beautiful that February day too. There had been a slight snowfall and the hills and trees were so pretty!

To make a long story (Ron has a lot more details about how I made it miserable for him to get to the particular spot -you can talk to him about those details), but anyway...

I also noticed that Ron was keeping me away from a certain side of him - he had something in his coat pocket, but I tried not to allow myself to think about what it might be :)

Finally we reached the intended spot and the love of my life asked me to be his love for the rest of our lives!

And now 13 years later he's still the most amazing Man and now so much more. Now he is the Most Amazing Husband and Father! He's loving, kind and caring to me. He can be rough and tumbly with the boys and yet firm, and he's so sweet to watch transform as he talks and interacts with his little princess!

Ron, it's hard being away from you today, but I can handle a Valentine's Day here and there and even a week now and then because I know that I will grow old with you and you will be my Valentine for many many years to come!

I love you!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day Preparations

Technically, I should have posted this yesterday, probably - but better late than never.

Yesterday, I needed to make some cookies for the boys Valentine Parties at school. Eli and Maddie were all set to help out, until...

Eli decided we need Valentine decorations in our house! After all Walmart has Valentine decorations, why shouldn't we! Instead of explaining why we don't need to do the things that Walmart does, I told him to go ahead and make decorations. This task actually became an all morning project. He was so proud to cut out hearts (a recently discovered task he can do). Then he got some tape and taped them to the front and back doors!

He also make a big red one for "brothers" bunk bed and one for his own! He was pretty proud of his decorations, as you can tell above!

I have to tell you I was pretty proud of my cookies too! Occasionally, a little hint of creativity comes out! Who knew!

While I was keeping busy in the kitchen with cookies, I was enjoying the most beautiful sound. Maddie reading to me! It was so fun. She went through book after book. Sometimes singing, sometimes "reading". Always jabbering away. I loved it. I never knew there were so many memory verses and songs in Pinocchio! Fun to hear her intermingle her Bible verses with her reading of Snow White and sing "Hi Ho, Hi Ho" with "Jesus Loves Me".

So we are set for a day focused on LOVE! Our love may just be kept here with us today - so far the boys are on a 2 hour delay. I'm not sure exactly what the day will hold, but I'm excited to spend it with my 4 little ones.

Sunday, February 12

Wilmore Week #6

Ron is on his way to Wilmore and of course, we are missing him!

This morning, Eli had a Concern during the Joys and Concerns time at our Ney Church - "Dad's leaving"! It's hard when he is gone and yet are thankful that the Lord is providing and protecting.

We would appreciate your prayers for all of us this week while we are apart! Pray for a good week of research for Ron and a good time of Discipleship with the men he meets with! Pray for protection as he travels to and from (espeically today as he is very tired to begin the trip). Pray that Jesus would be Honored in our Home while Daddy is away and that we would love each other as Jesus would! Pray for patients, strength and wisdom! Thank you so much for your prayers!

We are counting the days till Daddy comes home!

Saturday, February 11

Twin Day ...again

Twin Day was rescheduled for today! The boys didn't seem as excited today as last week, in fact they seemed nervous! Not sure how their classmates would react! They really didn't want pictures this morning, but I got a couple anyway!

Notice Nathaniel has a butterfly bandage to match Ronnie's!

They were disappointed this afternoon, because they didn't win any of the prizes for Twin Day! They said a girl was in charge and she picked all girls! Oh well! They were excited because the boys in their class seemed to love their outfits especially that they had matching glasses and band aids!

These will be pictures that we tell the grand kids about! The day their Daddy and Uncle dressed as twins! Fun times around here!

Friday, February 10


Last Sunday, Ronnie and Nathaniel graduated from Jr. Church! They along with another young gal have now officially graduated. They will now be a part of the entire Worship Service on Sunday morning!

They were all 3 presented with Bibles! The boys were so excited and have been reading them throughout the week!

A lady in our church will be making "listening pages" for them for each Sunday that will help them to follow along with the scripture, music and sermon and then meeting with them briefly afterwards to make sure they are understanding what they're hearing. Additionally they will still be memorizing things together as a group!

It's exciting to watch my boys develop and grow into the men that God intends for them to be. I'm so glad they are reading the Bible and desiring to be more like Christ!

Thursday, February 9

Big Girl Stuff

This picture is several months old, however, it is so cute. I found Maddie like this one day when I went to get her from a nap - she claimed, she "didn't want to mess up her bed", so she slept on the floor! Makes logical sense.

Especially now that she is a big girl and has to do all the Big Girl stuff. We're still working on the fact that it might be easier if you don't completely strip the bed every morning!

I remember my parents telling stories of my sister, where she would say, "I do it my own self". Well that is Maddie's mentality. She will do it herself and ONLY ask for help if it is her idea! Oh the joys of a little girl in the house! :)

Wednesday, February 8

Tea Party

I have to tell you, there was a time when I NEVER thought these would be images I would capture, then Maddie came along! Ron loves his little princess!

He and Maddie enjoyed quite the feast together!

I just love this Daddy/Daughter Bonding time!

Saturday, February 4

School Spirit

This past week at the boys school was "Spirit Week", which meant a couple of things. One there was a chance to show school spirit, but it was also a break in dress code!

On Monday the boys got to wear jeans and a school shirt. They both have FCCS (Fountain City Christian School) sweatshirts - so that was perfect. I didn't get a picture of them though.

Then Tuesday was "formal day". Ronnie was pretty excited to participate. Nathaniel opted not too. I think he was not liking that he would have to be "more careful" at recess! He likes his freedom to play!

You'll notice, Eli and Maddie got in on the "spirit" too and wanted to wear their formal stuff! They were so excited to get to wear a tie and dress all day and to get to pose with the boys for their school things!

Wednesday was Pajama Day and although Daddy told them over and over again, "nobody wears PJ"s to school", they proudly wore their new Jammies from Grandma!

They both decided not to participate in Thursday's dress as it was Nerd Day. When I picked them up after school I ask them, "so what exactly does a nerd look like?". They proceeded to tell me (large glasses with tape on them, pants rolled up high, clothes that don't match, etc.) and said they were glad they didn't participate! Not sure really why that one was in there!

But Friday...that was the big day! The boys had heard two weeks ago what every day was going to be and they came home all excited about Friday! It was Twin Day and they wanted to be TWINS! I was excited for them as we planned out what they would wear. Then a week ago Friday they had an assembly and discovered that they had to draw a name for their twin. They were upset. They had really wanted to be twins with each other. They were super excited when Nathaniel drew Ronnie's name for his twin! So without further delay, I introduce to you...The Adkins Twins!

You'll notice we even took a pair of Nathaniel's old glasses and took the lenses out so that they could "really be twins". Then on Thursday night Ronnie cut his eye pretty bad and we had to butterfly it (never a dull moment), so Daddy said he would let Nathaniel wear a band aid too!

These 2 were very disappointed when their two hour fog delay turned into a cancellation. Now no one would see their twins!

They are really hoping it gets made up next week sometime, we'll see! For now, you'll have to settle with one last image of our twins!

Don't they just look like tough football players!?

Oh boy, not looking forward to that!

Wednesday, February 1


A couple of weeks ago, a friend gave us the Tim Tebow book, "Through My Eyes". I read it in about 48 hours and really enjoyed it. I shared things with Ron and the boys as I was reading and got them excited about it too.

Daddy decided he would read it to the boys in the mornings. Usually we eat breakfast together then he said if they would dress quickly (without fighting) he would read to them for a half hour or so before leaving for school. (The morning arguments have been cut significantly!)

So, they are reading together, and enjoying it!

Since they started, I also read Colt McCoy's book, "Growing up Colt" (yes there is a football theme - not sure why! I did enjoy both books). I think that is the next book on their list!