
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, January 31

Weekend of Travel

This past weekend our family traveled to Ligonier, Indiana! On Saturday night Ron and I gave a seminar on Discipleship. The church had been hearing about Discipleship from their Pastor, Troy, but he had asked Ron to go into more detail about how to and what might become issues in a group.

Ron and I have been leading Discipleship groups since Ron began teaching at Circleville Bible College (now Ohio Christian University). We both lead a few groups during our 4 years there and have continued to lead discipleship groups.

We think the seminar went well and we are excited to see what God has in store for Ligonier Evangelical Church.

Then on Sunday morning Ron lead the adult Sunday School class

and preached the morning message.

Additionally, our boys sang, "How Great is Our God" with sign language. They have sang this song several times now in different churches, but this was for sure the biggest church they had sung in and they did a great job!

We had a fun weekend! We were pretty excited to get to stay with our friends, the Diersings (who also Pastor the Ligonier Church). Troy and Gloria were at CBC when we were in school and we were married the same summer and went to Wesley Biblical Seminary together! We enjoy spending time with them.

and now our kids enjoy their kids too!
Here Nathaniel is holding Caleb while he chews on a toy!

Here are our 4 with Charissa and Caleb! (They were all sooo upset when the weather got pretty intense on Sunday afternoon and we had to stay longer than planned - sarcasm intended!)

We had a great time with friends and a great time worshipping together!

Friday, January 27

2 Dates and a Preacher

Yesterday I took Eli to get his 5 year pictures taken. It was a little rough knowing that after this he will have school pictures and no more trips with mom to get them taken - crazy, but it was hard in a way!

So Eli kept telling Ron, "Mom and I have a date". I realized Eli was pretty excited about this so I told him that we would need to take Maddie with us too. His response, "oh, 2 dates"! Gotta love that kid!

Here he is enjoying his Subway. After the pictures we stopped to see a parishioner in the nursing home, Eli's request, then we went to Subway for lunch! Eli did great and really tried to be the big man and take care of his 2 dates!

He was pretty excited to get his picture taken. He wanted to wear his new suit! The photographer asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and his response was, "a Preacher"!

When we got home and I relayed the conversation to Ron and he immediately said, "Eli, you should have taken a Bible with you!"

We proceeded to take some pictures at home.

The Preacher

"Jesus said"

"Praise the Lord"

I'm so thankful for Eli and for his desire to be a Preacher!

My prayer is that Jesus will use Him in Big Ways to further His Kingdom!

Wednesday, January 25

Did you know?

I'm not sure if you were aware, but besides having 3 boys and a little girl around here, we also have...

Cowboys and Princesses

It is so fun to watch these 2 play together! They have realized that they can both be Cowboys! Maddie has learned though that she is a "Cowgirl"!
They have also both learned that Eli can't be a Princess, but he can be a Prince. At which point he gets out his shield, sword and helmet and protects his princess!

I love it!

I wish I could always have a Cowboy and Princess around!

Tuesday, January 24

"Wake Up Panpa"

When Ron's parents came at Christmas time, it had been right around a month since "Panpa" (as Maddie lovingly refers to him) began a new job. He had been laid off for several years and it was a huge answer to prayer when he began a job right after Thanksgiving. However, it was 3rd shift and at Christmas time, when they visited, he was still adjusting to the hours!

This picture below shows him trying to get some sleep (imagine with 4 running around)! He was successful in sleeping and was out pretty hard, but Maddie thought she would read to him a story while he napped!

It was so cute. She got some books (Christmas books with Baby Jesus in them, of course) and she sat down in front of him to read to him!

She tired of that, (perhaps of his lack of responding to her amazing reading skills!) and decided she wanted Panpa to wake up! She would get real close, but not touch him, then she would slowly rub his arm! Grandma was trying to encourage her to rub his back - to which she got very frustrated because she "couldn't find his back" :) So Grandma suggested, "give him a kiss", but his face was covered too!
She proceeded to get more and more daring, kissing his arm, rubbing his arm, talking softly to him! Until finally...

She got what she wanted...Panpa's undivided attention!

It was so cute to sit and watch!

Maddie loves her Panpa!

Saturday, January 21

1st Significant Snowfall

Yesterday and into last night we got our first significant snowfall of this winter! It seems very late for it and we were pretty excited about it coming! We stayed warm last night with some yummy biscuits and gravy and then sat around and played games.

Then this morning we all bundled up and went to work!

OK, not everybody worked!

she did manage to clear some the snow off the porch!
Everybody worked hard!

It was a very fine snow, it didn't pack very well. Maddie was excited to make a snowman and a santa claus (not sure where she got that)! But she and Eli settled for just relaxing!

He's sun bathing in the snow and lovin' it (just look at that grin)

Eli and Maddie even got their beach stuff out to play!

Immediately after I took the above picture I went to get one of the football game that was beginning! I didn't make it though. The little gal in pink decided that Eli needed a little snow on his head - and down his neck and into his shirt! That cut our morning time a little short!

Eli eventually went back out (after some hot chocolate) and helped the Giants win the game. Apparently the NFC, AFC and Superbowl were all played this morning and the Giants were successful!

Daddy is still recovering after 3 games in 3 inches of snow in 1 morning!

But everyone had a great time!

Thursday, January 19


In late fall, I began a Discipleship group with some young ladies from our Farmer Church. There was a desire by one and so I offered it to 7 or 8 young ladies who were in a similar situation with young families. My thought was that keeping it to this younger crowd would allow us learn and grow from one another and our experiences. Four of those ladies were interested and one more has since joined us.

I will admit, and have to them, the first night was eye opening. I struggled with how God was going to use this group when I realized there was not any set aside time for focusing on Jesus and deepening relationships with Him.

Through much prayer I had to share how Jesus is moving and working. I am being challenged every time we meet. Challenged to know Scripture and be able to answer questions, challenged to pray in new areas, Challenged to seek Him for others in all situations, Challenged to be Jesus to these women! They are reading their Bibles now and seeking and asking and questioning and desiring! It is exciting! We are praying with and for one another and we are seeing answers!

I am excited and nervous every time we meet! Excited to see what God has done and will do, nervous as I lead these young women who are searching and have so many questions!

I'll be honest I didn't think, after that first meeting, that I would be challenged. But Jesus is showing me new things from His word every day as I prepare and pray for these women! It's amazing!

I would love for you to pray with me. Pray that Jesus will use me! Pray for these women to desire more of Jesus and desire to be in deeper relationships with Him! I'm so thankful for all He has done and excited to see what He has in store for each one of us!


Two weeks ago now, Eli had his 5 year check up! He likes his doctor and so this was a pretty good visit! Eli was a little disappointed to learn that he would go ahead and get his shots for Kindergarten while we were there! Not sure he was ready for school in that moment!

His nurse tried to comfort him as he waited for the inevitable! It seems to be working, as you can see I got a thumbs up!

Both Eli and Maddie were good for the visit and as a result the nurse, who adores them, gave Eli 4 free Kids meals at Applebees!

(Yes, 4 - they like our family).

So last night we were finally able to enjoy the Applebee's meal. Eli was so excited to "treat" everyone - too bad they decided we could only use 2 kids meal coupons per visit!

We had a fun evening together!

It was an answer to prayer as the beginning of the evening didn't go quite as planned!

Tuesday, January 17


Last Friday a box came for Ronnie and Nathaniel. Our "mail lady" remarked that it looked like somebody had been left out. In all honesty, Eli knew what was in the box and he was excited.

See for his birthday, Eli had gotten some PJ's from Grandma Adkins. These weren't just any PJ's, they were handmade and soooo warm! So Eli knew that Ronnie and Nathaniel's were coming!

The boys knew too, but they were so anxious to see them!

You can tell by their faces, they were pretty excited!

Ronnie didn't even take time to take his coat off before opening the package!

So now all three boys have Jammies from Grandma.

Oh... and Maddie too. She reminded us that she is not to be left out. Grandma Adkins made her nightgown before the boys got their PJ's! So fun to be warm together, sporting all Grandma's hard work.

Thanks Grandma Adkins, everybody loves them!

Saturday, January 14

He's Home

We are so thankful that Wilmroe Week is over. Daddy is home with us again! Thank you to all who prayed for him this week, and us! It has been a rough week for all of us and we are thankful to have Daddy back home!

Friday, January 13

Beauty Sleep

Some day just require a little extra!

Daddy captured these pictures while we were in Gulf Shores!

Ron, I thought yo might like to see them while in KY!

Thursday, January 12


Have you heard of the book, Heaven is for Real for kids. It is told by a little boy named Colton Burpo and is the story of his experience in Heaven. You should read the adult version, its a good book. I read it this past year and enjoyed it.

Anyway, the kids got the Kid Version for Christmas from my Grandma and I had held it back waiting for a good opportunity to read it to them and have a discussion that I was sure was coming.

Well I took that opportunity one evening this week and let me just say, it was amazing!

We talked about Colton's "Astounding Story of his Trip to Heaven and Back" in his own words and descriptions. We talked about how wonderful Heaven was. The book is really neat in that it gives Scripture to back up the memories that Colton has. So it would describe the amazing music and bright colors and streets of gold and jewels and then use Revelation 21: 19, 21.

The book talked about how happy everyone was there and how there is no sun in heaven but it is never dark, because the Light of God is so bright. (Rev. 21:23-24).

When we finished the book, we had a great conversation. Eli was very excited about Colton's memories of playing with animals particularly Lions and Kangaroos. He was so excited about the idea of heaven being filled with animals and being able to play with all of them (Is. 11:6).

Nathaniel liked the idea of playing with all the kids. (Mark 10:14-16) He of course was thinking more along the lines of football and said, it even says we won't get hurt when we play. We don't even have to wear pads. (Wow, can you imagine!)

Ronnie commented on the fact that he would actually get to meet Daddy's Grandpa Adkins. I didn't even get to meet Grandpa Adkins although Ronnie has heard his Dad and Grandpa talk about him and was so excited to think that he will get to meet him and know him!

It brought tears to my eyes to sit there and experience with my kids just a tiny bit of the excitement that we will get to experience in Heaven. What an amazing story! What an amazing reality! Heaven will truly be amazing.

As excited as I was to discuss Heaven with the kids, I wanted them to understand that not everyone goes to Heaven. We talked about the fact that there is a place called Hell as well and that it is much worse that our worst nightmare. It is more horrible than we can imagine and it won't be fun at all.

We talked about how we can be sure that we are going to Heaven and get to play with kids and animals and Great-Grandpa Adkins - and JESUS! We talked about living a life here on earth that is honoring to Jesus and pleases Him and asking Him to guide us every day!

They took in a lot in in this short time that we sat together. It was an amazing opportunity for me to show them the excitement of Jesus and eternity. I am so greatfull and thankful for opportunities to share Jesus with my babies!

Wednesday, January 11

A Quick Visit

Yesterday afternoon, Pap and Grandma Neff came for a quick visit. They played with the younger 2, while I picked the older 2 up from school. Then they took all of us out for pizza!

The kids always have a good time with Pap!

I didn't get my camera out soon enough, but I got a picture right before we headed home!

Thanks for a fun visit Pap and Grandma!

Tuesday, January 10


The Bible says to count it all joy when we face various trial! I know that and yet it is hard. We have had a hard week and a half around here and it's sometimes hard to be joyful.

Brakes out in the Van

Radiator out in the Van

Washer transmission gone

Random electrical outlet needing replaced

Refrigerator/Freezer not cooling or freezing

Ron gone to Wilmore

Ron struggling this week in Wilmore

Kids up at night with belly pain (perhaps due to not cold enough milk ?)

It seems the "trials" are adding up. I'm doing my best to remain joyful, but it's hard!

Jesus help me to remain JOYFUL in all things and find you in them too!

We walked out the door this morning after a less than restful night for this momma, but the repair man had already been called and will come before lunch and the belly issues seem to be OK. And despite little sleep from this momma and her youngest - there was excitement!

The Moon was Big Full and Beautiful this morning as we traveled to take the boys to school. Eli kept an eye on it and declared it was "following us". Even "stopping when we stop" at lights! He waved to it, talked to it and reported on it's progress! It was amazing! Beautiful!

Thank you Jesus for Reminders of your Love for us! Thank you for your Beautiful Creation. Thank you for trials when we can lean on you and draw closer to you and be JOYFUL!

Sunday, January 8

Wilmore Week #5

Ron is off again for a week in Wilmore!

We had our share of "trials" last week, and I am just very thankful that he was home for those. We are praying for a calm, uneventful week both her and at Wilmore.

If it crosses your mind, please pray for his research studies to go well this week. Additionally, there are some logistical things to work out at the seminary, please pray for God's leading in those areas!

We are missing Daddy already and beginning our countdown to Saturday!

Friday, January 6


I love Nativities!

I love that they show the true meaning of Christmas! It's fun for me to see all different kinds. I am collecting them and am at about 20! Not a lot, I know, but it is fun. I thought I would show you the new ones I got this year, as I just got all my Christmas stuff put away today! (The pictures don't really do them justice, just take my word for it, they are neat!)

This Nativity was given to me by my handsome hubby prior to Christmas. He actually got it in November when he went to Wilmore! He wanted me to have it to display this year! It is so neat, I love it!

This one was a gift from our Farmer Church. It has so much detail that it's hard to see it in this picture. It is very neat! I love that it is in a cross too! I'm not sure you can see it, but in the top, below the star are the wise men coming!

This one is from a parishioner! She got me one last year too. I like this because the boys and I studied the Christmas Tree this year in our Advent book. We talked about how its shape is a triangle to represent the Trinity. And how all the branches point to Heaven. We have talked about this story before, but it seems to have stuck this year with Eli who has repeated it several times. This Nativity is a fun reminder of that story!

This one is only partially new! We had the Stable, star and Mary, Joseph and Jesus before, but this year my mom added some pieces. She made all of it. It is cross stitched. Her intent was so that the kids could play with it, and they are honestly beginning to wear it out. It sits on our windowsill that leads up our stairs, so it has a lot of activity throughout the Christmas Season!

A funny story with it, Maddie opened the bag that the new pieces were in, along with her brothers, but she was very upset and even began to get whiny and weepy. She wanted to know why we didn't get Baby Jesus! I had to explain to her that the Baby Jesus was at home (not AL, where we opened it) and that we would take the other pieces home to be with the Baby Jesus!

This one below is another new Nativity in our home, but it is not mine. Maddie got her first Nativity or "tivity" this year! Granny gave her this glass one. She was so excited that it was her own and I can't wait to see her use it to decorate her own home one day and share it with her children! Until then, I'll display it for her! Maddie has really grown to love the Baby Jesus' figurines around our house and it has been a good opportunity to talk to her about Jesus and who he was. I new she was a little confused one day when she said, "Baby Jesus died on the cross". Not exactly, we'll still work on the whole story!

So we are sad to put away our Christmas decorations today and our Nativities, but excited to see them all again in just about 11 months :)

Thursday, January 5


The travel down to Alabama went pretty well. We left Christmas day after our 2 church services, so we didn't get a very early start!

Maddie passed much of the time like this:

We stayed the night in KY

The trip home was a little bit more rough. For starters, there isn't the excitement of going to the beach - there is the thought of going home and getting back into the routine!

Secondly, we had car troubles! We are extremely fortunate though that despite the fact that the van didn't run real well, it only cost us about an hour (in a dealership in AL, along the highway). The real cost was once we got home.

We have had new front breaks and a radiator in the last 4 days and discovered that we got a tank of bad gas somewhere along the way!

But the Lord protected us while we were traveling. This handsome driver below did the entire 1914 miles to and from Alabama! Isn't he amazing?! He is, take my word for it!
We did 16 hours straight to get back in one day.
Ronnie passed the time looking for license plates.

Nathaniel struggled!

Eli entertained. (he's singing here)

Maddie didn't sleep quite as much, but she well!

We are extremely thankful for a great trip filled with lots of memories that we will take with us for years to come.