
Gulf Shores

Friday, November 30

Buckeye Theme

While we're on the Buckeyes, I thought I would show you how talented my kids are :)
Again, if you are familiar with the Buckeyes Football team, you know that the players have buckeye leaves on their helmets.  Much like the helmets below that hte boys got from their grandparents a few Christmas' ago..   The players get new stickers for things they do in the games each week.
So...being the amazing kids that they are, the boys decided that they should be getting new Buckeye leaves too.  After all they play football each week and they have great plays and stats - they need a way to document it.
So Ronnie started drawing Buckeye leaves. 
Then he came up with "a system" (that only he knows) in which HE awards these coveted leaves!

All 3 boys seemed thrilled and excited to get new leaves each week. 
Ron and I are still trying to figure out how Ronnie can be a player, ref, coach and statistician, but it must be his great abilities as a firstborn :)

Tuesday, November 27


For those of you who are not Buckeye Fans, this past Saturday was the BIG game against "the team up north".  We were all 6 ready to watch and cheer on our Buckeyes on what would be their final game this year (due to sanctions from last year).



"little O"

At half-time we had our own little football game/wrestling match

complete with a little cheerleader (in the background).

Who, by the way, wasn't quite as into the game as the rest of us.

All in all, we had a great time and enjoyed the season watching our Buckeyes go undefeated. There was only 1 other team this year who managed to do that!

Update on Thanksgiving

(I think I figured out my blog problem, I hope)
I've been wanting to post about our Thanksgiving. 
This was the first Thanksgiving where we stayed home, we needed some down time and it was a fun day with just the 6 of us!
Ron fried our turkey this year, we hadn't done that in several years either, it was very yummy!

The kids seemed to enjoy the process too!

We have so much to be thankful for beginning with a full table of food!

The boys all 4 enjoyed a game of football!

Maddie enjoyed her swing.

In the evening we played games and just had more family time!

It was a fun, relaxing, quiet (as quiet as possible for 4 kids) day! 
We are so blessed!  I hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Haven't Forgotten

I haven't forgotten about the blog, in fact I have several posts I want to write, but I am having technical difficulty right now.  I'm hoping to be able to get some Thanksgiving Day pictures posted before December (at least that is my hope).

Wednesday, November 21

Happy Thanksgiving

We have decided this year to stay at home.  Ron and I were thinking back and we don't think we have ever (in our married life) been home for Thanksgiving.  Ron is planning to fry a turkey and we will just have a quiet (with 4 kids) day together!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to Count Your Blessings!

Tuesday, November 20

Being Thankful

We "practiced" being thankful yesterday with the "babysitting kids" (as Maddie calls them).  We really had quite a full day of Thanksgiving activities.  We made a turkey as you can see below.  We also read 10 or more Thanksgiving books.  Did some fun worksheets.  Sang songs and danced.

One thing we did throughout the morning was come up with things we are thankful for.  I talked to them a little about Blessings and shared with them how the things we are thankful for are Blessings from God.  We even "tried" to learn the chorus to "Count Your Blessings" (not sure anybody but Maddie got it - she loves to sing).
But we compiled a list of things we are thankful for.   I was a little uncertain at first as the list began with our youngest who proudly said, "teddy grahams".  But we continued from there are got some great things we are thankful for. 

Yes, we also got some comical things, but I was so excited to see them being thankful for everything.
Even at lunchtime, each one thanked God for something!  It was fun to spend the day in Thanksgiving for all our Blessings!

Monday, November 19

Where did Thanksgiving go?

I get easily frustrated when I walk into a store in October and see Christmas decor.  Not only because they are rushing it, but honestly it seems that, as a society, we have forgotten that there is a holiday between halloween and Christmas!  I remember it used to be at least there was a big turkey in the stores, but now it seems we just skip it completely.  We've gone from completely secularizing it to just fogetting completely.  Yeah, we get off work and school, but really do we celebrate?

We (as human beings, as American's, as Christians) are such a blessed people.  We truly have so much to be thankful for.  Yet we by-pass the holiday in order to get ready for the next "big" one. 

What is Thanksgiving and where did it go?  How many will actually stop this week and be really Thankful?

Thanksgiving seems to be just an opportunity to deviate from the norm.  A couple of days when we can be with family and eat and not have to attend work or school.  Anymore, it seems that it's just a day!

I have tried this year to be more intentional about celebrating Thanksgiving in our home.  We started early and began a Thanksgiving countdown.  We had a November calendar in which there are Thanksgiving and Blessings passages that we read every evening.  We truly have so much to be thankful for and I don't want my kids to take on society's role of - it's just another day!

Despite our lack of acknowledging it, we are a BLESSED people.  I have a BLESSED family!  I am a BLESSED Momma!  and I want my kids to know that too!  We are BLESSED beyond our comprehension and even our knowledge!

"Jesus, forgive us for skipping over the one day each year set aside to thank you for all you have given us. Jesus help us to be truly thankful and teach and train our children to realize the Blessings in their lives and be truly THANKFUL to You!"

Sunday, November 18

4 Years Ago Today

It was 4 years ago this morning that this handsome little man asked Jesus into his heart!
Today we celebrate, Ronnie's Spiritual Birthday!
We love you Ronnie Lee and are so proud of you! 
I'm praying that you continue to seek Jesus for many many more years to come!

Tuesday, November 13


Ron made it home last night in record time :)  He was able to hug the kids and snuggle a bit with them before the had to get to bed!  We are so thankful to have Daddy home.  Thank you for praying.

His meeting went well with the representative from London as well and he is moving forward with his program!

We are rejoicing to have Daddy home as we get back into our routine.  Maddie and I will have 7 kids here today, so we're jumping in with both feet :)

Monday, November 12

2 Home Comings

We just got word, Ryan is going home!  He will have to return to the James several times a week, beginning tomorrow morning for continued monitoring.  He and Holly are both thankful to be headed home. 

The Lord's hand has continued to be evident in this process.  There was no oxygen needed, no transfusions needed and although I'm sure very difficult for Ryan, it has been a good/smooth few weeks of chemo and transplant, according to the doctors!  We are so thankful! 

We serve a Mighty God who has watched over Ryan and continues to guide his steps! 

Our second home coming is Daddy!  He should be home late this evening.  He is meeting right now with a representative from London.  I'm praying it is a good visit, but also a quick one!  We are really missing Daddy!

So today we rejoice in 2 Home comings!  Thank you to all who have been praying for our family and extended family during these weeks!


Last week Maddie and I went to visit my grandparents.  First my mom's mom, Grandma Donna.  Grandma is living in a nursing home.  She pretty much does things on her own, but I think she is very lonely.  She didn't know who we were, but it didn't seem to matter because I had Maddie with me.  It's so neat, for me, to see the people in the nursing home light up with they see a child!
Maddie didn't disappoint either.  She talked to Grandma, answered her questions (even the ones that were repeated).
She played Uno with Grandma!  She loves bringing this game and playing with Grandma.  Grandma doesn't seem to remember playing with her, but she always agrees to whatever Maddie wants to do!  They are so fun to watch interact! 

Then as we went to leave, Grandma showed Maddie the puzzles in the hall, the fish and then this big turkey that was set up for Thanksgiving!  Maddie loved it (as you can see)!
Our next stop was to see Granny and Gramps!  (my dad's parents).  We hadn't seem them since Ron was gone to Wilmore last month, so we were anxious to visit.  Maddie read books and was so excited when Granny gave her a whole bag of books to take home!
Granny fixed us a delicious meal, that Maddie devoured! 
"Pap", my dad, was there too and we had a fun time with everyone!

Maddie and I had a fun day of visiting.  I am so thankful that she is making memories with her Great-Grandparents!

Saturday, November 10


Last night the kids wanted to be out and it was beautiful weather - near 60 here!  At some point they decided they would be "Indians".  They got beads and strings and headed out.  They attempted a tee pee, gathered bugs, attempted fire making and just had a great time!

I love it when they enjoy each other!

Friday, November 9

Hanging out with Daddy

We are missing Daddy A LOT around here!  So I thought I would post some Daddy pictures!
We went out for dinner together on Monday evening before he left for Wilmore. (Of course, I had my camera - I rarely leave home without it!
I snapped this picture because I was sitting across from these two just thinking how much they are alike!  It's so fun to watch Ronnie, watch his Daddy.  He wants so badly to be just like him. 
Notice even their napkins are the same, neatly folded under the plates!

 Then Eli wanted to do a self portrait!

It turned out better when Nathaniel took it!

But Eli tried another pose, this time across the table!

I just love these 5!  Love being with them, don't like missing one!  
I'm so thankful for my family!



Last week the boys grade cards came home!  The end of the 1st Quarter had come and it was time to see how the boys were doing.  I really wasn't worried, but they were super excited.  Daddy had promised the boy with the highest GPA would receive a Cleveland Browns tin.  There was only 1, so that was Daddy's way of distributing it evenly.  Unfortunately Daddy was not home when the grade cards came home.
As I opened envelopes, there was nervous excitement.  Out of a possible 34 grades (12 each for Ronnie and Nathaniel and 10 for Eli), there were 33 A's!  My kids are genuis'!  That would have been plenty of reason to celebrate, but...
Problem: Only 1 tin.

So, it really did come down to GPA and Nathaniel had higher A's than his brothers, so he received the coveted tin.
As you can see below, there were mixed emotions in the house, even some tears!
Next time grades come home - Daddy's opening the envelopes, even if we have to wait a week for him to get home! :)

Thursday, November 8

Kindergarten Class

On Tuesday Maddie and I were invited to join Eli's Kindergarten class.  His teacher, Mrs Andrews, had invited any parents to come in and read a book to the class, or make a craft, or play a game, or just whatever!  Eli wanted me to do all the above, including bringing a snack!
So yesterday was the day!  I prepped for our craft while the class did their morning activities.
Feeding the fish and watering the plants
feeding the hermit crab
I missed the calendar and weather time (you can see them on the wall behind the kids below)
Song time!

After that, the kids went to their desks and went through their alphabet (which Maddie loved) and began with some reading and rhyming of words!  Maddie wouldn't leave my side, but she enjoyed the class time so much.
Then we were up.  We began by reading the "Pumpkin Patch Parable".  I love that book.  We have the board book, but Eli had brought home a paperback that he wanted me to read from his school library.  It was more detailed and is just a great story of comparing us to pumpkins and talking about how the Farmer (God) has to clean out the yucky slimy pulp inside us (sin) and then gives us a new face and puts his light inside of us!  Great read!
After I finished a little girl raised her hand and said that she had done that, she had asked Jesus into her heart!  Praise the Lord - that was a great way to end the story!!!
After the book the kids went back to their desks and we did a craft!  I had traced their hands and arms on brown paper then gave them some leaf stickers that they decorated their "tree".  It's a cute craft that I used with the "babysitting kids" last week!  The kids all seemed to enjoy it!

 Maddie had such a great time with the class that she cried when we had to leave!
We both enjoyed our morning in Kindergarten!

Wednesday, November 7

Growth Spurt

Since my last post was on my oldest growing up, I thought I would share with you some growing results in the 2nd born!  Nathaniel went to the doctor on Monday for his annual exam.  This kid is an animal!  Here he is at a buffet, which is not a good thing for whatever establishment we are at, but is an AWESOME thing for us as parents!  Let me just tell you, the kid can eat and he is only 8!

So we went to the doctor and in 14 months (cause I can't remember to schedule things when they are suppose to be) he gained 10 lbs and 4 inches.
Did you get that, that's crazy.  4 INCHES!  10 LBS  He's 64lbs and 55 inches.  He's an animal, but thankfully still the cuddly cute kind!
We will probably have to take out a loan, or live on a farm in order to feed him in a few years! 
So there is more growing going on! 
HELP, I can't seem to stop it!

Growing Up

That phrase, "growing up" is not one of my favorites.  I'm seeing it in my first born a lot lately!
Why does he have to change from the little 2 year old, with the cute little voice, who loved cars and wacking a golf ball and just playing with his little brother?  Why do things have to change?  Why in the world do I see him now in front of a mirror?  Desiring so much to be "in charge" and "right" about everything?  I like seeing images of his Daddy in him and how much they are alike and yet I wish I could hold him tighter!

It's hard and yet it's life.  I want him to grow and develop and mature!  Yet I want to keep him little!  I wish so badly I could hold onto him, to all of them!
I just have to pray we are doing a good job and trust that the Lord will be their guide!

Tuesday, November 6

Get out and Vote

I am convinced that voting is a privilege, not a right!  We are blessed to be able to choose/elect our officials.  However, I believe that those of us who call ourselves Christians, Christ-like, have a responsibility to vote for leaders who align themselves with Biblical standards.  We cannot say we are Christian and then vote against what the Bible teaches - it just doesn't add up.
We must vote for those who believe in the sanctity of life.  We must vote for those who stand for Israel, God's chosen people.  We must vote for those with a Biblical view of marriage (one man and one woman).  We MUST if we claim to be Christian - we must follow the Bible even (or especially) in our voting. 
I know that some will differ with me, but I believe that the Bible is clear and these truths are not wishy/washy.  If we call ourselves Christians, we must vote in a Christ-like manner. 

Monday, November 5

Fun Run

On Saturday, all 4 kids participated in a 1/2 Mile Fun Run that was a fundraiser for Ney Park.  They were all 4 pretty excited about it beforehand.  As we approached time to begin, Maddie had gone from..."I can do it all by myself" to "I don't want to do it".  But the boys were all lined up and ready.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any more pictures of them running, because Maddie and I were walking half of the course.  Ronnie paced himself and didn't start out ahead, but ended up finishing 5th (there were over 20 kids from 12 year olds down to 3 year olds.  He did great!  Nathaniel is more of a sprinter.  He started out like that too and totally got!  He finished 8th, which I thought was still pretty good.  But his response was, "I never want to do that again".  Eli completed the whole 1/2 mile and ran the majority of it.  I have no idea on what place, but he did great and seemed to enjoy himself.
Maddie...well, we walked 1/4 mile, and she seemed pleased!
As I said, I didn't get pictures while we were there, but I got this one when we returned!  They all seemed pleased, some with how they did and some that it was over :)

Sunday, November 4

Daddy's Home

Daddy's Home and we're looking forward to a day of Worship and a day of Rest!
Psalm 29:11 "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord  blesses his people with peace."
We are so thankful for the Lord's strength throughout this past LONG week.
We are all looking forward to Worshipping Together and then just relaxing and resting!
Enjoy your day of Rest!

Saturday, November 3

Digging and Mr. Matt

Mr. Matt is in our Ney Church and has big construction equipment, which is a little boys dream!  So when he showed up last weekend to "make a drive" for Ron's truck, the boys were excited!

Equipment... dirt...

and a chance to ride - it doesn't get any better!

Mr. Matt has 2 boys too that we babysit for, so our kids know each other pretty well.

"It's a boring job, but somebody has to do it!"

the machine even doubles and a jungle gym!

Then Mr. Matt came back last night to fix an electrical problem in the basement (The Lord totally is watching out for us - thank you for praying). 
The kids needed a "guy" around even if for just a few minutes.
We are so thankful for Mr. Matt and his willingness to help out!