
Gulf Shores

Friday, July 30

Keeping Nathaniel Company

Maddie is in a phase where she likes to do whatever her big brothers are doing. She especially likes to be around Nathaniel, because he is very fatherly to her. He really takes care of her and we can tell he will make a great daddy one day.

So the other day, when Nathaniel was sent to the corner (I honestly don't remember why); I was very surprised to turn around and find this.

Maddie thought if the corner was good enough for Nathaniel then she should be there too! Why not, Nathaniel enjoyed the company.

Thursday, July 29

Daddy's Girl

Daddy loves having a little girl! She's pretty fond of him too! Below she is talking up a storm as he gets her Sunday Sandals off.
Another Sunday means another afternoon nap!
I can't tell you how many times I hear, "I just love having a little girl".

Tuesday, July 27

Dum Dum's and More Fun

Yesterday we took a trolley tour of Spangler Candy Factory. In case you didn't know, Spangler is located in Bryan, Ohio and is the maker of the Dum Dum Suckers and Saf-T-Pops, as well as Candy Canes. They are actually the only candy cane manufacturer left in the United States and they are one of the largest in the world. Spangler is most know for the Dum Dum's though. Did you know that the Dum Dum was named for a bullet in India? (we learned lots of interesting facts). It was a fun time and although we didn't see as much of the factory in person as I would have liked, it was still very interesting.

The kids had fun too. We all enjoyed daddy having to wear the hair net for the trolley tour. Of course we all had to wear one, but Ron commented as we were beginning that he could feel his hair through the top of his net! Eli was fascinated by his beard net too!

Here we are on the trolley, waiting for the tour to begin.
There were no pictures allowed during the tour, but I snapped this just after it was over!

Remember I said Eli liked the beard net? Well after we were done, and looking around the museum, Daddy let him try it out.

He also liked the Dum Dum hat!
All 3 boys enjoyed being the Dum Dum man.

Even after we got in the car to go home, Eli still wanted to wear his net (I'm not sure how the glasses got thrown into the mix)!
We had gone on the tour with Ms Cathy, and her grandson, Bradyn as well as his parents, and Cathy's mom and aunt. So after we were done we went back to her house for lunch and some swimming. Maddie relaxed in the shade of the swing. OK, she didn't really relax, but I snapped this picture when she was at her stillest moment (is stillest a word?)
As always, the boys had a great time with Bradyn and got completely worn out!

It was a fun day and fun to be together as a family!

Monday, July 26

Heroes and VBS

This past week was Vacation Bible School with our churches. We did a joint one with both Farmer and Ney and had between 26-31 kids each night. That is really good compared to the last couple of years. We were pretty excited. The theme was Hero Headquarters and the lessons were about Bible Heroes and how we can be Heroes for God.

Our whole family was involved in Bible School so it made for some long evenings, but we all had a great time. Ron got involved with one of the "experiments" and somehow got a pie in the face. I would show you other pictures, but they might be a little incriminating!

Each night we had a Hero come from the community. The boys loved Friday when Mr. Matt came with his firetruck. I didn't get a picture of Eli's favorite, the Deputy!

Mr. Matt was a big hit for all the kids!

I think it was a great week and the kids had a lot of fun. I hope that we were able to plant some seeds that will point little ones to Jesus.

Friday, July 23

Visiting Grandma Donna

This week we went to visit my Grandma Donna. I didn't get any real great pictures as it was just me with the 4 kids and Grandma and her friend, Chuck. This picture below was is interesting though. Grandma thought Maddie would like this rocking horse. I was a nervous wreck. Turns out it was Grandma's dad's and is over 100 years old. She didn't think Maddie could hurt it - I decided she better get out after the picture.

Here are the boys swinging with Chuck.
Eli talking to Grandma
Grandma swinging too!
Maddie thought she could warm up to chuck as long as he was helping her

I haven't been to visit Grandma in awhile because I usually go with Mom. We had a good visit, although it is easier to go when adults outnumber kids!

Thursday, July 22

The Park and Ice Cream

Last Saturday we had a family fun day. We started with a walk around the great metropolis of Ney (aka the town as big as it's name). From there we ended in the park, where the older boys played some basketball, while the younger two just played around.

Then we walked back home and decided to go to nearby Harrison Lake. We had never been and thought it would be a fun thing to do. We ate a picnic lunch overlooking the lake and then drove around it to the beach where the boys and daddy swam. Maddie and I people watched and tried to find shade!
After getting completely worn out in the sun, we headed back towards home. Daddy surprised us all by stopping for ice cream! First let me tell you that an ice cream cone in our home is a special treat. It doesn't happen often, so when it does it is special. So we captured the moment in pictures!
In this picture below, the boys are standing by the grass because they are all dripping! I'm not sure if it is possible, but it might have been too hot for Cones!
Look at his knuckles.
"I can't eat this fast."
We had a great day and the ice cream was a perfect ending! "
Thanks Daddy, now do you want a kiss?"

Wednesday, July 21

EVERYTHING means Every Thing

(Maddie Praisin' Jesus)

The Bible says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6). EVERYTHING! That's a loaded word in itself. Every thing that has breath. It doesn't say, every creature (which was made by God), although all creatures are included. It says every thing. Even the heavens (sun, moon, stars) praise him by painting a beautiful picture across the sky and showing how God is in control of the universe. Every creature can consciously and verbally praise the Lord, but the rest of creation gives it's praise to God by being what He has created it to be. Psalm 148:5, says Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.

Psalm 148 gives a description of who and what all should Praise the Lord. Then verse 13,

Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.

I'm pretty sure that includes you and me. Do you praise Him? Do you praise Him in Everything you do, or do you wait until Sunday morning and then follow with your worship leader at church?

Read Psalm 150,

Praise the Lord.

Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.

Praise him for his acts of power, praise him for his surpassing greatness.

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,

praise him with the tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute,

praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let EVERYTHING that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

So what are you waiting for? Start Praising!

Tuesday, July 20

Summer Reading at the Library

This summer we've been participating in the Summer Reading Program. We have tried to go at least one day a week to the Bryan Library for different programs. On Tuesdays they do their Story Time, Wed. is called Wacky Wed. and there are usually games and fun things, Thurs. is when a teacher from a local elementary comes and reads and does activities and Fri is at the park. So we have enjoyed a lot of Library fun.

This past week, we took a break from green beans to put out some fires. The Bryan Fire Department came and showed the kids their house fire.

Eli and Nathaniel worked hard with the "Real Fire hose" to put the fire out quickly.

They had a fun time and got back in line a couple of times to put the fire out.

We enjoy our public library.

Monday, July 19


Surprisingly, I didn't dream of Green Beans. This past week, in 3 days, I canned 62 pints of green beans from our garden. Because we had been gone on vacation, we missed a picking and so when we got back, Ron picked 15 gal of beans. Together with the boys they got them all cleaned. Finally on Friday afternoon, I got the last of them canned. Long week of canning, but we'll be grateful this winter! Tomatoes should be ready next!

Saturday, July 17

Tons of Vacation Pictures

I have so many pictures that I just wanted to show you a few more of our time with Grandma and Grandpa Adkins last week. In random order, here they are.

All dressed up and no where to go!

Musically Inclined
Relaxin' on those hot summer days!
One way to cool off!
Snuggle time with Grandpa
We went out for lunch one day, can you guess where?

Stinkin' cute

How many boys will one hammock hold?

These were daddy's cars when he was little. It's a great way to spend a hot summer afternoon - INSIDE!
Being at Grandma's always wears me out.
The tongue helps.
Coolin' off
Can you tell how much fun she's having?
Sandbox anyone?
In case you missed out on the last several posts, we had a great time and made memories to last a lifetime. Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa Adkins, we can't wait to come back!