
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, November 26

I know it has been a LONG time since I updated the blog, especially when my Dad asks when I'm going to update.  I didn't even know you read this Dad, thanks!

Anyway, A lot is going on around here and continues to go on.  With 4 kids, 2 churches and babysitting 6-8 kids - it's really never calm!

3 weeks ago now, Ron's parents came for a visit.  We hadn't seen them since July and we were all happy to hug them and spend a little time together!  

 Then last Tuesday Ron's dad had an outpatient surgery.  Frances has been home to take care of him and he is improving and doing well.  We take off this evening to spend a few days with them, celebrate Thanksgiving and haul fire wood  for Grandpa! :)

These 4!  
They are so much alike!  
All 3 boys wanting to be like their Daddy!  
All 4 adorable and fun and crazy and just boys! 
(their eating apples in the picture)

Last weekend the boys went on their first ever hunt - they went coon hunting!  Despite how this picture looks (I was holding them up for my picture) they were so excited!  They went with a friend and his kids!  By the time they got home they were cold and had lots of stories.  Unfortunately, Ronnie was helping out another little boy and got soaked feet (inside his boots) his toes were purple when he got home.  Thank the Lord, He was watching out for these guys and there are no long term effects!

Maddie has been by little helper this fall.  We have 6 kids on a regular basis and then 2 more that come before and after school!  It is a lot, but they are really good kids.  This picture below is so cute.  Maddie is "reading" to the kids.  She has begun reading some, but in this pictures she is making up her own story to a new library book and the others are just taking it all in!

All 4 of mine love this little gal. This is Aubrie.  She is 8 months old and so cute!  It's kinda weird having a baby in the house again!

We had a little Thanksgiving celebration today with Pilgrim hats!
They really are great kids and we have a lot of fun together.  Hopefully they learn a little bit too!

So now, we are 2 days from Thanksgiving and planning to spend some time with Ron's parents!  I'm looking forward to snuggling up in front of the wood burning stove!  Then on to have another Thanksgiving meal with my parents and brother's family.

Ryan remains in the hospital, in fact was sent back to ICU just yesterday for what they believe to be an infection.  We're still waiting on test results.  He continues to need prayers as He fights!  We continue to seek the Lord and ask for healing!  Thank you for praying with us.

As I mentioned, life is busy!
We are good, I'll try to be more consistent in keeping everyone updated, (even you Dad)!

Thursday, November 14

1st Recital

This past weekend, Ronnie and Nathaniel had their first Piano Recital!  The theme for the recital was Songs from Movies!

Both boys played a solo and then a duet with their teacher, Mrs. Dawn!

Nathaniel's solo was "Hakuna Matata" from the Lion King!  He had it memorized and did great!

His duet with Mrs. Dawn was, "If I Only Had a Brain" from the Wizard of Oz.  

Ronnie's solo was a bit more difficult, "The Pink Panther".  He really enjoyed it after Daddy played it for him off the internet!  He did a great job.  He was pretty upset with himself because he messed up, but I'm pretty sure that Dawn and I were the only ones that even noticed.  He covered it well and continued on (which no everyone did)

Ronnie's duet was "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" from Veggie Tales.

The boys have really loved their first few months of Piano Lessons and they have a wonderful teacher in Mrs. Dawn.  She loves Jesus and she is a very gifted musician!

Monday, November 11

It's Beginning....

Yes, that is snow outside!  It's even accumulating in our yard!  The boys are so excited that "they might" have a cancellation or even a delay tomorrow.  We shall see!

Either way...winter is coming!

Sunday, November 10

Wilmore Week #19

Ron is on his way...again, to WIlmore.   He is very tired today!  I would appreciate your prayers for him as he travels in the next few hours.  Also as he spends this week in his research!  

The kids and I are holding down the home front!  These weeks are easier only in that we know the routine.  It is still hard to be without Daddy for a week!

Thank you for your continued prayers for all of us this week!

Tuesday, November 5


On Saturday, my older 2 participated in the Ney Park Kids Run.  We were all suppose to go.  All 4 kids were signed up to run and then Ron and I were walking the 2 mile course.  It was a fund raiser for the Ney Park.  Well, as it turned out, I was home with the younger 2 and Daddy took the older boys.

This pictures was given to us by a friend who was there!  
From what I hear, the boys did really well.  Nathaniel started off really strong and Ron thought there was no way he could hold onto the lead.  Ronnie, on the other hand, began at the back of the pack and Ron thought he was so far back he couldn't catch up.

They finished 1st and 2nd!  
And they had fun!

Monday, November 4

Fun Work

Ronnie has been learning how to do a power point at school.  So he is anxious to practice his new skill and teach his brother too!  Wish they were this excited about Science homework and studying for tests!

Sunday, November 3

Hair Cut

A couple of weeks ago now, Maddie and I made our way to the Mrs. Shelly's salon!  We had been talking about getting Maddie's hair cut for months.  the first conversation ended in her tears.  She didn't want to get it cut!  After much discussion I convinced her we would only trim and that it would make her hair grow better!
The pictures below tell the story!

She watched very closely.

We just had a couple of inches trimmed.

Then Mrs. Shelly even curled it!

She decided she liked it - especially the curls!
I love this little gal!