
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, March 30

Catch up

So it has been nearly 2 weeks since I've updated the blog. I'm pretty sure that is the longest I've gone since beginning this blog in July of last year. I have missed writing and updating all that goes on around here, but on the other hand, it has been a crazy couple of weeks. I'll try to play some catch up!

I mentioned that our van died. We are still in the process of looking for a replacement. It has been a little bit of a struggle. It is not easy to find a vehicle that will hold 4 car seats or boosters as well as gets good (or decent) gas mileage, is not way high on miles already and is in our price range. So we are still looking. We are thankful to have good friends who have loaned us a blazer for a temporary time.

We received word from Southern that Ron was accepted into their Masters of Theology Program. This is not what he had hoped for. We are trying to seek the Lord on all of these decisions and direction for where He would have us. Ron's desire is to teach. A PhD would be very helpful for that, however, we are, as I said, waiting upon the Lord and seeking His will. At this point it appears we will be staying here in Ney for another year and ministering with the wonderful people at Ney and Farmer.

The boys are now on Spring Break. All next week they are off. Nathaniel is not pleased about this, but Ronnie is excited to be able to spend ALL day outside. This past week the weather has been nice, I hope that next week will continue with this great weather.

As far as the blog is concerned, I think my sis helped remedy the picture situation. They had an old computer that was not enough memory for what they needed and were able to get a new one. So they cleaned up the old one and passed it on to us. I'm working on getting it going so that I can show you some pictures of my little ones again, since I know that is why you are here on this blog in the first place.

Hopefully very soon.

We have a busy weekend with the Adkins Grandparents, and celebrating Easter tomorrow!

Happy Easter To all of you!

He's Is Risen!

Tuesday, March 23

Maddie's friend, Emily

It has been nearly a month since Maddie got to meet her little friend Emily. Emily and her mom, Kristen, came to Louisville to see us while Ron was taking his exams.

They made the trip fun for Maddie and I. Other than some sleeping...
and watching Ron study....there wasn't a whole lot to do.
We are so thankful for wonderful friends. Emily's Daddy is a student at Asbury Seminary and her Mommy is a brand new Mommy and enjoying all that comes along with that wonderful role. Ron and I have had the privilege being a part of marriage counseling with Victor and Kristen and then being a part of their wedding ceremony. So we have enjoyed watching the Lord stretch them and use them and we are anxious to see what he has for them next. See, Victor is Hungarian and they are missionaries with OMS and plan to return to Hungary to serve as soon as they can.

But honestly, this post was suppose to be about their darling daughter. Emily is exactly 3 months (to the day) younger than Maddie, and so we have enjoyed sharing clothes with her. They girls had more fun just watching each other than they did interacting with one another. Perhaps they need a little more time before they become best of friends. I think we had multiple teeth coming in at this point too.

Even though I'm a month late, Thanks for coming to play with us Emily. And thank you Kristen for being you.

We are still waiting to hear from Southern Baptist in Louisville, but hope to hear something this week. I'll keep you updated.

Monday, March 22

In My Opinion

I am not one to be very vocal about my political views. I will share with you, if you ask, but I have never pushed my views on another (perhaps to my own detriment).
However, today is different. Feel free to skip this post, but I feel that I need to share what this new act of Congress affects me on a personal level. Now first of all, I know that most of the medical aspects of this bill do not go into affect until 2014, however, I think we can look even at some of the past to portray the future.

If this bill had been passed just 7 years ago, Ronnie would have been affected. See our firstborn was born with 1 and only 1 result of Cerebral Palsy. The doctors couldn't not explain to us why he only had one symptom, but they were very clear that the lack of movement in his left groin had only been seen in CP patients. Without going into a lot of detail, I am confident that had Ronnie been born under this new system of health care, he would not have had the surgery he needed to walk and run. See this new bill will put Ronnie (and those born like him - or even with more severe problems) up in front of a panel which will decide if being only hours old he is a valuable enough individual to undergo testing and treatment. Those individuals will dictate to parents whether or not their children are "important" enough to continue with those needed procedures.

If that doesn't convince you, think about this. My dad, nearly 12 years ago, researched to find the best orthopaedic around. He did his homework because he knew that his little girl (only 18 at the time) needed a very important hip replacement surgery. He found the best in Dr. Fisher at FWO. For my second surgery 2 years ago, I was denied coverage because he was in Indiana and we lived in Ohio. Even though know one would cover me to have the 2nd surgery with him, it was a decision we made based on how important the surgery was and our trust in Fisher as a doctor.

One more example, my mom, as you know has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. At 60 years old she is past what the government would call her prime. I am 99% sure that under this new health care bill mom would either be denied any treatment or for certain she would be told where to have the treatment (which would not necessarily be the best facility).

We, not only as Christians, but as Americans need to stand up and take back our freedoms. I am sad to think about what kind of country my four children will grow up and raise my grandchildren in. It is time we stand up and start acting like Americans.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Friday, March 19

A cute conversation

Yesterday, a-mid the other chaos of the day, I took Eli to get his 3 year pictures taken. On the way home we had a very interesting conversation that I tried to remember as closely as I could. I wanted to share it here. We were driving in the truck (see yesterday's post) and Eli got to be up front with me in his car seat while Maddie was in the back. Eli and I were singing to a CD of WEE Kids, when out of nowhere,

Eli "Momma? When I get big, like Daddy, and I'm a Daddy,...I think I'm gonna have boys."
Me "That sounds like a good plan, Eli, but before you can be a daddy, there has to be a mommy."
Eli "Well, can't you be my mommy?"
Me "Well, Yes, I'll always be your mommy, but I mean you'll have to have a wife and get married."
Eli " can be my wife!?!"
Me "Sorry Honey, I can't be your wife, because I'm Daddy's wife and you can only have 1 wife."
We've actually talked about this before because all 3 boys have said they wanted me to be their wife - I'm honored to have 4 men who love me so much!
Eli ...(thinking) "and you can't marry your sister?
We've actually talked about this too because all 3 of them want to marry Maddie.
Me "Nope, You can't marry your sister.
Eli "Can you marry your cousins?"
Me (trying to hold back the smile and laughter - cause really 7 out of the 8 cousins are girls, so it's a logical question) "Nope, sorry you can't marry your cousins either."
Eli "Well who else is there?"
Me (again trying not to bust up laughing) "Well God has someone out there that He is preparing for..."
Eli "out where?"
Me "Well, I just mean that somewhere in the world God is preparing your wife for you."
Eli "Oh"
(short time of silence)
Eli "I think I'll just skip it."
Me "Skip what?"
Eli "I think I'll just have boys."
Me (keeping from laughing out loud) "Well you actually can't do that either, you have to have a
mommy and a daddy before you can have boys."
Eli "Well, I'll just go to the hospital."
(because after all that's where we got Maddie!)
Me (no way to hide the laughter now) "we will just have to pray and ask the Lord to help you."
Eli seems content with this and continues his singing.

There really is nothing more to say. He's just a cutie

Thursday, March 18

CRAZINESS, to put it Plainly

The last 24 hours have just been insanely crazy. Let me first explain that Ron is right in the middle of his Candidacy Exams (similar to Comprehensive Exams) for Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, where he will graduate in May with a Masters of Sacred Theology. So the questions were emailed to him and he has one week to complete the exam.

Then last night I had scheduled to take a meal to a family at our Ney church who recently had a baby. It was such a beautiful day yesterday and the boys so badly wanted to be outside, so I was cooking, while watching them, while trying to keep anyone from bugging Daddy. I think I did OK at all that (I haven't heard yet, I hope the food was OK!). So I dropped off the food and headed home to eat our meal when the van starts acting funny. At one point I wasn't sure if I would make it home. It was really weird.

So I walked in and told Ron what was going on. He couldn't' get it to start at all and he could smell anti-freeze. Not a good thing, I'm told.

So...that would mean we would need to have it towed from our garage to a shop. Not a small bill since Bryan is the closest town and Ron was thinking we might even have to go to Defiance to the dealership. Ron struggles with asking for help when things are going wrong, but finally decided to call a guy from church and see where he would call. He suggested a 2nd guy from church. Ron called guy number 2 and he said he would look at it and see whether it was something he could do or not.

So this morning, guy #2 checks it out and says, "I can't do it, but I know a place in Bryan that will be honest with you and tell you what it will cost to work on it". So Ron calls the place in Bryan and after a good conversation with the man realizes that the tow and work will cost more than the 12 year old van is worth. NOT GOOD!

So in the meantime, Ron had gotten a call this morning from a lady whose mom was not doing well. Hospice has been called and she wanted Ron to come. He would take the truck and go this afternoon.

Right before lunch, the school called and said, "Ronnie is running a temperature of 102.4, somebody needs to come get him". So Ron went to get him while I called the doctor to try to get him in.

Ron got Ronnie home then took off to the hospital. The lady was sleeping, but Ron had a good chat with her unbelieving husband and got permission from him to return. They he also met another relative whose husband works at a dealership in town and suggested he go there and ask for him and look at some vehicles.

So now I guess we shop for a vehicle. We had hoped to pay off Ron's truck with our tax return, but not to pick up another monthly bill!?!

Back from the doctor with Ronnie and he has strep! So he is home and resting for tomorrow, but should be better by Sunday or Monday.

Oh yeah, and I'm loosing teams right and left on my bracket. I mean Notre Dame, who would have guessed that?

There are some days when we really don't understand all that goes on, but Praise the Lord we know the One Who Orders All Things. We Serve a Risen Savior!

Believe it or not there were some answers to prayer in the last few hours.
  • #1 I got a hot meal to the family last night and even made it back home before the van quit.
  • #2 Ron was able to contact someone we know and get some opinions on the van before we received a huge tow bill.
  • #3 The man at the shop in Bryan was honest with us instead of making us pay the tow and then tell us that it was not worth working on.
  • #4 We have a truck that is reliable right now - it will only hold 5 of the 6 of us at one time, but it is reliable.
  • #5 Ronnie got a 100% on his spelling and Bible tests today before coming home sick.
  • #6 The husband, of the lady dying, agreed that Ron could come back and visit
  • #7 Ron had a contact for a dealership
  • #8 Villinova pulled off the win
  • #9 A good friend, Erin, brought dinner tonight - Thank you so much!
If you get a chance to say a prayer for us, you could pray specifically for:
  • Ron's Candidacy Exam's and the time he needs to do them
  • A decision we need to make on a vehicle
  • the Lord's provision for that decision
  • Salvation for the family with whom hospice was called
  • Ronnie to heal quickly and no one else to get sick

There's a country song that my dad found (last fall before mom's diagnosis), "Sounds Like Life" by Darryl, Worley. So, there you have, Life in the Adkins home.

Wednesday, March 17

Thoughts on St. Patrick

Nathaniel brought home a great letter yesterday from his teacher, Mrs. Andrews. I wanted, with her permission, to share a little of her thoughts on St. Patrick's day.

St. Patrick was a fifth century Christian missionary to Ireland. As a child, he was kidnapped and enslaved by Irish pagans. He escaped, and then returned as an adult to spread the Word of God in Ireland until his death.

So, Mrs. Andrews goes on to say how she wants the Kindergarten children to have a better understanding of who God is; and not simply offer what the world would have them absorb. Therefore, they will not look for pots-o-gold, wish for good luck, have leprechauns or allow any pinching.

They will however, discuss the role of a missionary, the calling of Patrick, and the country of Ireland. Mrs. Andrews will also discuss the three segments of a single clover leaf to demonstrate the Holy Trinity.
Isn't that wonderful! I just love Christian Education. Yeah, we can do all this at home, but now they can get it at home and at school! Thank you Jesus for examples of you today and for Godly teachers who teach our children to walk in your ways.

Tuesday, March 16

I Don't Like This Stage

Maddie is at the stage where absolutely everything goes in her mouth. For example, so far this morning, I have taken paper, a small army man, food (not her breakfast), and a lady bug out of her mouth. I know you're probably thinking I am a very dirty person to leave all that laying around, but honestly I just swept yesterday.

Why is it that little ones at this age think that everything they see would be welcome to go into their mouth? Why does everything have to at least try to be ingested? And why is it that they can see the smallest crumb from across the room and then it's on to get to it before someone gets in the way?

Then I thought of a passage in the Bible that says we are to be like little children. Now I realize that it may be a stretch, but think with me for a minute.

Luke 18:17 says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

What do little children do? They try to ingest everything they can. Maybe that's what the Bible is saying here, anyone who doesn't do everything they can to take in Jesus and consumed Him will never know Heaven and all He has to offer.

Perhaps it's not exactly what Luke's gospel was trying to say, but it has caused me to think this morning. Do I spend my days looking for the things of Jesus and trying to consume more of Him and all He has for me?
Interesting thought! Perhaps this stage is just another learning stage for Maddie and I both!

Monday, March 15

Bracket time

It is time! March Madness is here! Now I know many of you could probably care less, but in this house that means it is time to fill out our brackets. Since Ron and I's first March Madness of our married life, back in 2001, we have filled out our brackets. We have always had a friendly competition on who would predict the most wins.

I'm sure Ron would argue and will probably comment on this, but I am pretty certain that I have won more times than not. However, Ron did win last year. My excuse...I have 4 kids, do I really need another excuse. It is just a bit distracting when you are trying to change a diaper, fold laundry, discipline a 5 year old and find a 3 year old while trying to determine who will be the years National Champion of the NCAA. But all that will not deter me, I will once again fill out my bracket and hope for the best.

When we were first married and living in Jackson MS, the winner would receive a Smoothie King from the looser. Which really was more about the fact that the title, "winner" was with it, because honestly we share money and one person purchasing the smoothie is not that big of a deal.

Lately, now that we have multiple kids we usually talk about what the prize will be, but I'm pretty sure we haven't actually gotten/given a prize in a few years.

Do you fill out a bracket? Do you have a friendly competition in your home? Anyone want to help me with a few pointers would be great. I haven't been watching a lot of basketball this season. I do know that OSU won the Big Ten, and I saw a great ending to the Houston/UTEP game this weekend, but that's about the extent of it this season.

It actually makes it more fun to say that I can get the most wins without even knowing what's going on - Makes Ron a little irritated though!

Friday, March 12

This Too Shall Pass

My mom often tells me that, "This Too Shall Pass". Usually it's when I am tired and overwhelmed with 4 kids and feel like I just can't go on. She reminds me that they won't be young forever and that this time will pass too quickly.

So yesterday when she called, obviously upset, I had to remind her that, This Too Shall Pass. Mom's hair has been falling out and yesterday it was in big clumps and she called her beautician to say, if you can't get me in today, then I won't need my appointment by Saturday.
Ginger squeezed her in and fitted her wig for her.

I could hear all the emotion in mom's voice and wished I could have been there to support her. We have to keep remembering this is only a season. A season of life that Jesus has allow mom to walk through, but not a season that will control her or the rest of her life.

"Jesus, Help Momma today. Help her to focus on those things that really matter and know that this season of life will quickly be in the past."

We would all appreciate your prayers today and the next few!

Thursday, March 11

Spring Fever

The first few days this week were a welcome break in the cold, dreary days of winter. The boys wanted to go out as soon as they got home from school and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. It's been so long since we've see sunshine!

They were so excited they were running from one thing to the next. They couldn't decide what would be best to do.
Ronnie decided on Golf
Nathaniel tried his little bike that honestly he had outgrown last year.
Eli just kept running around trying to figure out what to do. I couldn't get a still picture.

Daddy was pretty happy, because in the end (under Ronnie's strong suggestion) they decided to make a golf course. So they began cleaning up all the sticks in the yard and making it nice.

Wednesday, March 10

A Wonderful Time

This past weekend we had a wonderful time of Retreat. It was perhaps not as restful as any of us had hoped. Think about it...4 adults and 2 kids in 1 hotel room for 2 days. Not to mention all with different schedules and routines. Not restful, but good.

Me, Tonya, Maddie, Lucy, Mom, Jo
The theme for the retreat was, "For Such a Time as This". What a fitting theme. It was amazing to me how the Lord used 3 or 4 different people from different areas who had never met and yet their messages were so similar. I'm a little biased, but I think my little sis shared it best. When she talked about Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and the fires that we all must face as Christians. The theme hit home with several things going on in my life right now and just reminded me that Jesus allows us to experience things in order to grow us and draw us closer to Him. And if we will go through the fires, He will go with us and with His help we can even come out of them without even a hint of the smell of smoke.
Jo and Lucy

Jesus also allowed us to have a very special prayer time on Saturday evening (almost making us late for evening service). I love these girls I call my sisters and I love my mom. I'm so thankful to have such Godly women in my life. I wish that we could be closer in life to each other, but I'm thankful for the weekend we had together.

My brothers wife, Tonya (or Aunt Tonya), was pretty excited to spend some time with her nieces and brought each of them a fun spring dress to wear on Saturday. Maddie loves her Aunt Tonya.

So of course we let the girls be twins, again. I don't think they minded!

I think it was a really good time for mom too. She had her 2nd round of chemo yesterday and so when the process of scheduling all the treatments was going on, she really wanted to make it to retreat. Thank you Jesus for making that possible. She enjoyed the time with 2 of her Grand-daughters.

Here they are sharing a funny story together.
Praise Jesus for Family Time. I am truly blessed beyond measure.

Thanks to Christine

Thanks to Christine I can now put some pictures up. I was able to download my pictures onto her computer and she emailed them to me. Not exactly a quick process, but she did it. The only stipulation was that I had to bring Maddie with me when I went to her house - not a hard request since we are pretty much inseparable.

Thank you Chris for your help!

Monday, March 8

Answered Prayer

Thank you so much for your prayers for the weekend. There were no major issues with all the guys and kids and they did well. There was some missing Mommies, but we are all reunited now. We had a great time at Retreat and I personally know that Jesus spoke to me and gave me a new perspective on things and challenged me on others. I will give more details later.

For now I wanted to ask for your prayers for mom again. My sister, Jo, took her to chemo this morning at 8am. I'm hoping that the lack of a good restful weekend will not hinder her ability to push through this cycle like she did the last one.

Thank you again for your prayers. Jesus answered in even bigger ways than what I imagined!

Thank you Jesus for hearing the Prayers of your people!

Friday, March 5


For nearly a year now I have been planning to attend the East Central Conference of the Evangelical Churches Women's Retreat this weekend in Dayton. I'm so excited it is finally here. My sister and I have been communicating about this for quite some time. We knew she would be home from Africa and we were excited to go together. My mom and I have gone together before so she was going to and for the first time my sister-in-law, Tonya would be joining us too.

A lot has happened in the last few months with mom and we were not sure if we would all make it to the retreat or not, but...we are ALL going, including Lucy and Maddie.

I would ask for your prayers. Prayer for a good family time, for a good spiritual retreat, for mom to be able to get some rest that she will need, for sleep for all 6 of us in one hotel room, for just a fun time with the girls! You might also pray for my dad who is home alone (and will preach Sunday), Jay (my brother) who is home with his 2 (and will preach Sunday), Billy and Elsie who are traveling to Tennessee to share about their ministry and Ron who is home with our 3 boys (and will preach Sunday)!
I hope to report good news on Monday. Additionally mom will have her second round of chemo on Monday morning. She did pretty well with this first round. Very tired for days 3-5, but she managed and she feels up to the retreat - Praise the Lord!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 4

Be Careful What You Pray For

Maddie is just over 10 months now (I wish I could post a picture, but I'm still having those computer issues). She is very active. We're assuming that she will have a very similar personality to big brother, Eli. Which in and of itself is a funny story.

See when we first found out we were pregnant. Ron and I didn't speak for a couple of days, but after the shock wore off and the first round of morning (or all day) sickness subsided. I embraced the fact that once again I would hold a newborn in my hands and love and care for him or her. I secretly prayed 2 things. 1 - Jesus, could I please have a baby girl. I really felt pretty confident about this because from the very beginning this pregnancy was different from any of the boys. 2 - I prayed that he or she would please not be as energetic as Eli. He is simply a handful, especially compared to Ronnie and Nathaniel. So the funny thing is that Jesus answered both prayers. We got our beautiful baby girl and she doesn't have Eli's energy - she seems to have more. Be careful what you pray for!!!

So our beautiful baby girl who is non-stop is now getting the personality to match that non-stop movement. She is very...High Maintenance. Very...opinionated, already. And Very...stubborn. I'm not sure where she gets all of that, but she is her own little lady.

So our little girl has been displaying her stubborn personality at meal time. She is, already at 10 months, wanting nothing but table food. She thinks that she is big and wants only to eat what we are eating. All that to say that last night she ate more dinner that any of her 3 brothers. They weren't big on our dinner choices, but she just kept shoveling it in. She is for sure a chunk!
I really can't complain. I prayed for a little girl and Jesus provided a beautiful, happy, bouncy, non-stop movement bundle of joy - who at the moment is emptying the bookshelf. Gotta go!
Because I hate the idea of not posting a picture about her when I blog about her - I'm posting one of the last pictures I got off my camera. It's a few weeks old, but she's still a cutie! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 3


From conception I have had music playing for the kids. I remember when Ronnie was still in my belly and I drove to and from work every day I would play "kids music" for him in the car as I traveled. I play music for all of them before I even got to meet them. So naturally they all love music. Notice I didn't say they are all musically talented, but the do all enjoy music.

So this morning at 6am Eli was singing at the top of his lungs. He was singing to the disciples. I'm not sure what the song was, but he was very into it. Some how the older 2 stayed asleep, but Maddie woke and was "singing" to herself in her crib. As I carried her down the stairs and she got closer to Eli's voice she got louder in her own singing. If you had heard it you might not be convinced, as I was, that they were praising the Lord - however, I'm confident that Jesus enjoys my 3 year old and 10 month old as they make a joyful noise!

The picture below is Eli with Ms. Peg (our friend and pianist at Farmer). She is singing to him. Sorry the quality is not the greatest!

Tuesday, March 2

Road Trip to Louisville

Last Thursday and Friday Ron, Maddie and I went on a road trip. Let me back up a few months to explain why this trip was made.

In the fall, Ron was finishing his thesis and then began the process of applying for PhD work. His love is to teach and his desire is to earn his PhD in Church History. Specifically the area of Patristics. So he applied to Asbury Seminary, Southern Baptist Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. About a month or more back he heard from Southern when they said he had gotten past the first round of the application process and that they would like him to come to campus for Phase II. So that was Friday. He was to come and take an on site 3 hour exam with 3 questions, then in the afternoon he would be interviewed by several faculty in the area of his interest (church history). So, Maddie and I went along too.

Now let me back up a little bit again. When Ron started this application process, we prayed a lot. He went in the fall and visited all 3 schools. I couldn't go at that time, but I prayed not only for good visits, but for some kind of direction just from the visits. He reported back with what appeared to be the best experience from Southern Baptist. So that, in my mind, was an answer to prayer.

Then when he got the information and invitation to come down for Phase II, we again prayed that I could make the trip too. He wanted me to see the campus and be apart of this process. Up until the week before we were pretty certain that this was not going to work. We couldn't take the boys out of school for 2 days and one Grandma was working while the other was having her first chemo treatment. Even our fill in grandparents were planning to be gone for that weekend. So we decided that I would stay home with the kids and just wait for a report. Then Ron's dad called. He wanted to stay with them. Now I know some of you think my boys are good boys, and I guess they are. But believe me when I say they are a handful, especially in the privacy of our home. So Grandpa was taking on quite the task, but we thanked the Lord that again He had answered and provided a way for me to go. The Lord additionally provided a check from an anonymous person that would provide the means to make the trip. Praise the Lord!

So last Thursday, Maddie, Ron and I were off. I would love to say we had a fun night out in a hotel and enjoyed being away for a night, and perhaps I could if our night out was after the exam and interview, but in fact - Ron studied after dinner until bed and again in the morning before leaving to take the exam.

I would also love to show some pictures of him studying, Maddie relaxing, and of our friends (Kristen and Emily) who came to visit us while we waited on Ron, but I can't get them on here.

So I'll just tell you that it is a beautiful HUGE campus and we enjoyed our stay. Ron thought things went well, but we won't hear for sure for about 4 weeks.

So now we wait. There are many unknowns. There are many questions and I have lots of fears. Do we really need to move again? and now? What will a move look like? What will full time schooling look like again, only now with 4 kids? How will all of this work? and How will the kids react to whatever happens?

So many unanswered questions and even more that have yet to be asked. Ron has also been accepted to Asbury to their Masters Program - which they are saying he needs to begin there before applying to the PhD program. Given the fact that he has his MDiv and will graduate in May with his Masters of Sacred Theology, were both leaning away from yet a third Masters.

We are trusting that The Lord of the Universe knows today, tomorrow and our future and we are putting our Trust in Him. He knows how much I love living in Ney and He knows how much I hate the thought of a move, but He also knows the future and sees more than I can imagine. He will take care of all the details and has asked that we simply Trust HIM!

We ask for your prayers too as we Trust in the Lord and wait for His leading!

Monday, March 1

First Date

Last weekend, at our Ney church, Ron had the privilege of baptising Marissa. She is a 13 month old cutie. So on Saturday evening we were invited to her Baptism party. The boys were all excited because they were having pancakes and eggs. We arrived to find it was in their barn and so that relieved some stress of taking 4 kids to a new place too. It was a fun evening, but no one enjoyed it more than Eli!

Let me first explain that Eli loves Marissa. He likes to be whereever she is and likes to be in her space. He has been drawn to her for quite some time now. So as soon as he finished his pancakes he asked to go play with her.

Below are some of their adventures together. Thanks to Marissa's mom, Anne, I can actually post these pictures.

I told you she was a cutie!

So, Eli, being the gentleman that he is, decided he would take Marissa for a ride on the tractor.

They were so cute. She just sat their and grinned (and held on) and he peddled her all around the garage, stopping for pictures along the way! So I think he had a successful first date. Their daddies even talked about arranged marriages!
I think we'll stick to tractor drives in the garage for awhile!