
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, August 31

Praise the Lord, even for small Improvement

Praise the Lord for continued improvement.

Ron's mom decided to leave yesterday after the kids got home from school. Ron was doing better and things seemed to be much more manageable on my end. Ron was able to sit at the table for supper and then sat all evening in his chair (he hadn't done that since Wednesday evening).

We are also praising the Lord for sleep. Ron finally slept through the night last night - Thank you Jesus! He slept well and when I returned from taking the kids to school this morning, he had gotten up and showered on his own and was eating breakfast, again at the table! He was weak though and was soon back to the chair.

He is still very weak, still has a lot of leg pain, but as I mentioned seems to be improving.

He got to the table again for lunch today which makes a full 3 meals in a row, we missed him around the table!

He is frustrated. It is hard for him to be down at all, but now that he is improving (even if only a little) he wants to get to all that needs to be done! Please pray for patients for him! Pray for peace and no frustration. Jesus knows all that needs done and in His time it will get accomplished! Pray that I can be an encouragement!

Thank you for praying for our family!

Tuesday, August 30

Chicken Pox

If you've ever heard that adults get chicken pox worse than kids, let me just say - It's True! My handsome hubby is proof!

On Wednesday of last week Ron was feeling pretty yucky. He had flu like symptoms and just over all felt yuck, additionally he had what appeared to be blisters in his mouth. Then Wednesday evening we noticed a small little blister on his wrist. He thought it was from his watch rubbing. By Thursday morning he couldn't get out of bed. He was very weak and extremely miserable. I got him an appointment and by the time he got dressed to go to the doctor, he had blisters all over his chest. The doctor confirmed the diagnosis and started him on an antiviral and a pain medication. We came home and he spent the day on the couch, feeling crappy.

He didn't sleep much at all on Thursday night and by Friday morning things had gotten much worse. He had blisters developing very rapidly but the worst was chest pain. He was complaining of some serious chest pain. I was concerned and called the doctor again. I wanted to make sure this was something normal. The doctor was also concerned and wanted to see him right away for an EKG. So back to the doctor we went!

The EKG was normal and it was determined that the blisters were not only in his mouth, but down his esophagus and in his stomach. Yuck!

So home again with different meds and advice that we will need to allow this nasty virus to run it's course.

The rest of the day Ron spent on the couch and even the night. I slept in the chair nearby as he was so weak. Needless to say, neither of us got much sleep. If he had improved at all on Friday, (and that's a big IF) by morning things were once again worse. This time he was unable to keep anything, including meds down. He couldn't stand without my help and was very unsteady when he did get up!

It was early Saturday morning, but I knew I couldn't get through the day without help. I called Ron's mom and asked if she was still willing to come. She got on the road right away. Then I called Cathy, a very good friend, and asked her for help. I needed to get the kids out of the house - Ron was complaining of a bad headache and they were not helping it at all. Cathy took the kids to her house and about 30 minutes later I took Ron to the ER. He still couldn't keep anything down and he was so weak.

We were taken back right away and the doctor order a chest x-ray, blood work and got him started in an IV with pain and nausea meds. Ron was really out of it and couldn't answer any questions they were asking - it was very scary! Before long the pain meds helped him relax and finally get some sleep and the fluids helped too. The doctor said he was very dehydrated. The chest x-ray was clear and proved there were no blisters in his lungs (thank the Lord), the blood work checked out OK too. We were at the hospital for several hours, but by the time we were going home Ron was much improved. He was able to talk in complete sentences to the doctor and although he couldn't walk all the way to the van, he was looking much better.

We got home, and got settled before his mom arrived and the kids came back too. Just in time for me to collapse!

On Thursday when Ron was diagnosed, we decided I would do my best to fill his shoes on Sunday at our churches. After our Friday night and Saturday, I knew there was no way I could be prepared! We have some wonderful lay leaders and speakers that were willing to step up at the very last minute! I'm so thankful for our church family!

Sunday morning I took the kids and after missing 3 weeks was finally able to return to church -it wasn't the same though with Ron missing. Frances (Ron's mom) stayed with him. There was small improvement on Sunday, but still not able to keep food down. He was still so weak. We wonder now if perhaps the reaction was due to all the medication. Ron isn't big on meds, so when he does take them he tends to react pretty strongly.

Then Monday again there was still small improvement. A lot of head, neck and shoulder pain, which made us wonder if there were more internal pox that were causing it. He still couldn't get comfortable to sleep much, but we slowly began to see him improve.

Today again was small improvement. Tonight he is complaining of some sharp pains in his leg (we'll wait to diagnosis that)! He is however off the couch and onto the chair tonight for the first time in 5 days, and even attempting to read the paper as I type this!

We are thankful for small improvements and thankful that although it has been a very hard, emotional and painful couple of days - Jesus has protected Ron from serious long term injuries! He will recover from this and we are thankful!

There are mixed diagnosis as to where Ron got the chicken pox. Some doctors say that I could have given it to him, from the shingles. Other doctors say it would be a first they have seen in their careers. We have heard of other cases of chicken pox going around right now (even though it is not the typical season), but will probably never really know whether it was coincidence or I am the first EVER to give my husband chicken pox! (Not somthing I am proud of)!

The kids seem to be clear so far. The older 2 have both had 2 immunizations and should be fine. The younger 2 have had 1 of 2, so they too should be OK. It is possible for any of them to get them, but not likely that it will be bad or perhpas even that we will know if they do!

We aren't sure why we have been under attack as far as our health is concerned, but we are very ready to be healthy and have all 6 of us healthy!

I'll keep you posted as we continue to heal in the Adkins Home!

Thursday, August 25

Bus Ride

IF, and I say that questioningly, IF there is a downside to taking the boys to a Fountain City Christian in Bryan then it would be that we drive them to and from everyday to school. With gas prices the way they have been, it can be a little rough sometimes, however I'm pretty sure they have the most handsome bus driver ever!

Wednesday, August 24

Homemade Cookies

Monday morning I woke up and I have to admit there were a lot of things going through my head. There was only 1 day until the boys went back to school and I had a list of things that I had wanted to get done! Being sick the 2 weeks prior had not helped me get those things accomplished! But as I thought about all the things, I had to prioritize! I hashed things out and although I felt less than the Super Mom I wanted to me, I knew I couldn't do it all.

One thing in particular stood out. I have always had homemade cookies for the boys first day of school lunches. Not a big deal, and yet somehow it was. I knew that with strep and an ear infection still clearing up, it was not a good idea to even attempt the cookies.

I simply prayed, Lord, help me to not worry about the cookies! After all, the boys probably won't even care!

I had to make a run to the grocery store, so I figured I would pick up a bag of some kind of cookies to use for this first week until I could get something made.

I write all this to say that the God of the Universe even cares about Homemade Cookies.

Before 12 hours had passed, 3 dozen homemade cookies had been delivered to our door by caring friends. Neither of which new my prayer early in the morning!

Isn't that Great! A blog friend I read refers to Him as, Our Mountain Moving, Awe Inspiring, Grasp Giving God of the Universe and He even cares about Homemade Cookies!

When the first dozen came, I had to chuckle as I told the story to a sweet lady in our church who had brought a whole bag of goodies to cheer me up! But when the 2nd and 3rd dozen arrived, I nearly cried!

He loves us that much! Homemade Cookies were not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but to this Momma who couldn't do it all on the day before the start of a new school year - Homemade Cookies were a gift from Jesus!

Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, August 23

The Beginning...again

Today marks the beginning of another school year! The 2011/2012 school year has come! The boys actually woke on their own this morning and it wasn't too hard to get them moving and ready for school, they're growing up!

My 2 big boys are getting so big!

I'm not sure I like that. I mean we are suppose to be "training" them to be independent and be prepared to be on their own - but do I really have to like it?

They chose their poses this year, can you tell?

It made me so proud this morning that Ronnie wanted a picture with his little sister! That's not usually the role he takes!

And aren't they so cute together!?

Of course, Eli was not about to be left out!

This year Ronnie and Nathaniel will be in separate classrooms (at FCCS 1st and 2nd are together and 3rd and 4th are together). They will still be together for lunch and recess, but not all day long like last year. I think this will be good for both of them, I'm praying for a good year for both my boys!

So this morning as we ushered in another school year, my emotions are again going crazy. I'm proud of the little men Ronnie and Nathaniel are becoming and yet I want to hold on to my little boys! A 2nd and 3rd grader - is it really possible. It seems like just yesterday they went off for the very first first day!

I can't wait till they get home to hear all about their 1st day!

Monday, August 22

Gone, but not Forgotten

Summer (break) has officially ended. The kids are snuggled in bed and the 6:30 am wake up call will soon be dragging tired bodies out of bed! The beginning of another school year is just hours away. Our summer seemed to fly by so quickly around here!

At the end of the year the boys were saying good-byes to friends not knowing if they would see them again. We were preparing for a move that would have them not only in a new school, but a new state altogether.

This summer brought baseball and lots of forms! Practices, games, tournaments, All-stars, 2 major league parks and games in one month's time, the introduction of baseball cards and days and days of baseball in the yard!

Now all of that must come to an end and another school year will begin. This time of year is hard on me. I've referred to it before as a love/hate relationship that I have with this day that is coming tomorrow. I'm excited that my boys are growing, but really - can I possibly have a 2nd and 3rd grader? Is it really possible. As my thoughts have shifted to that today, Eli is quick to remind me that next year he will go too - then my love/hate will be times 3! (I'll wait till next year to dwell on that one).

This evening as we finished our supper we anointed each one of the boys and prayed over them. Praying for their school year, praying not only for the Lord to bless them and go before them, but for them to be leaders and the men that Jesus wants them to be in their school and throughout this coming school year! Even Eli was anointed and prayed over as he will begin preschool with Momma (Daddy thought I might need an anointing too :) )

We are proud of our boys! Proud to be their parents, proud of the young men they are becoming.

So tonight as they are tucked into bed and their new school supplies lay waiting, we are saying good-bye to a crazy summer filled with fun times and happy memories.

We are looking forward with anticipation (and perhaps a little sadness) to a new school year.

Jesus, please go before Ronnie and Nathaniel. Watch our for them, Lead them, Guide them and Help them! Thank you, Amen!

Saturday, August 20

Out from Under our Hole!

If you frequent the Adkins Family Blog, you know the past couple of weeks have been anything but normal around here! Life has been so insane and I'll be honest with you this is one momma who is ready for school to begin and the lack of routine of summer to be behind us! We need some normalcy back in this house!

Nine of the last 13 days has found one of our family members at the doctor. That's not the kind of normalcy I like! I thought last week was bad, but the chaos just continued to this past week.

I think, although I'm a little scared to say this, that we are now ALL on the road to recovery.

Miraculously enough Maddie has remained unscathed by any of this. She is healthy and energetic and full of life!

I just love this picture!

Daddy (aka Ron) has been relatively healthy too! He has had some allergies issues, but has not been the one making trips to the doctor! He was asked to do a funeral this past week with an unchurched family. We continue to be amazed how the Lord puts new people in our paths! Ron has been asked to do 17 funerals in the last 3 years. Although these are not easy to do, we sense the Lord using him in mighty ways to minister to families grieving and in many cases seeking so much more!

Nathaniel too seems to be doing pretty good. We took him to urgent care last weekend and it was a virus not pink eye! He improved relatively quickly and was back outside in no time! His yearly exam was this past week and he did great with that too! He and Ronnie are both 51 1/4 inches tall, but Nathaniel has 5 lbs on his big brother!

Ronnie went to his PT follow up appointment yesterday and got a great report. Brenda, his Physical therapist, said that she could already tell improvement and praised him on how well he's done his exercises. He is strengthening this legs and she could tell. She sent him home with some of the same and some new exercises and said she would like to see him in another 6 weeks to keep track of how he's doing!

Eli was our crazy man this week. He broke out Tuesday evening with a rash that according to books and grandparents appeared to be chicken pox! By morning it looked more like hives to me, but I thought we better check with the doctor. By Wednesday evening he was broke out everywhere and by Thursday morning he was beginning to improve. The doctor did blood work to try to determine what was going on and after several days of assuming I was one of very few (if any) parents who had ever given their children chicken pox - the doctors office called and said, "No Chicken pox, must be a virus"! Eli and his viruses! He's got to stop this. He is much better and hopefully we can keep him that way!

My shingle pain is 100% better than last week and I am very grateful! Some of you have asked about the rash, it remains and I'm told by some could be as long as years before it's completely gone - who knows!

Then today I was diagnosed with both strep and an ear infection. Apparently my immune system is way down due to the shingles and that explains it. All I know is that I am ready for routine and not the kind that includes trips to the clinic!

We hope that things, not only on this blog, but in our crazy household will get back to "normal" soon! One thing I can't seem to get over is the fact that if we had moved this August, as planned - we had no plan for insurance. We would not have been covered for all of this.

Praise the Lord for His provision!

There is good to be found in all circumstances!

Thursday, August 18

By way of an Update!

There is so much to catch up on, we've missed out on a lot that last couple of weeks as we have been healing from our sicknesses. We are not completely healed, but more on that later.

A week ago last Monday Ron met with the P.P.R.C. (Pastor Parish Relations Committee) and was approved to take one week out of each month to go to Wilmore for his studies!

He will be taking off the 2nd Sunday of each month (in the afternoon) and be gone until the following Saturday evening. That will be a long week on our end, but will hopefully give him some time not only with his advisor and the library close, but also some time of quiet. (For some strange reason this house of 6 rarely gets quiet, go figure).

So we are pleased with the approval and backing of the churches. There were some minor changes to things but for the most part the churches are allowing him to take that week for studying!

He will also be using many evenings (when possible) to get going on this PhD.

He has a lot to do before he meets with his advisor on Sept 13th. He would greatly appreciate your prayers as he goes back into schooling. He will also be living in the dorm and I'm sure would appreciate prayers on that end as well! Jesus continues to provide for us and we are truly grateful!

Stay tuned, more updates to come!

Monday, August 15

Random Pictures

There have been some random pictures lately that never made the blog!

This is what happens when we have too much time on our hands - no wonder the boys are constantly "at each other"! I honestly can't say if anyone got hurt during the taking of this picture - I don't remember!

Muscle Woman
Room for 2?

Mommy needs to learn to put her shoes away!

is he really innocent?

what? I didn't do anything!

gotta love that face!

Our friend Lelah came for a visit!

She was celebrating Christmas in July!

What a cutie!

Maddie remembers her friend!

quick family picture taken by friends

yes, I dressed myself

We're recovering here! Hopefully back to "normal" soon!

Sunday, August 14

2 Weeks in a Row

I can honestly say that in 30+ years I can't remember EVER being home 2 Sunday mornings in a row! And I can also honestly say - I hope I don't have to be again! I don't like it! It's not normal to be sitting home on Sunday morning!

BUT...It appears that Nathaniel now has pink eye! His eye is watery and pink and although he says he feels OK (at the moment) I don't want to risk infecting anyone else. Honestly, I'm not feeling real great myself! The blisters have now spread to my toes and the bottom of my foot and it's not very fun to walk. I'm wearing pants and a sock - hopefully we can keep this virus contained! I can't believe all this sickness and it's the middle of August! Crazy times!

But we're making the most of it! Sadly, Maddie has now missed 2 Sunday's in a Row too! She doesn't seem to worried about it! Hopefully she will stay healthy with that pretty smile!

We decided to have our own little church service! Nathaniel searched for a specific Bible Story he wanted to hear - "The Fiery Furnace" and then we also read the Parable of the Lost Son -and a modern version of a little boy who runs away from home, only to return to a dad who has forgiven him and is excited he has returned!

Then Maddie wanted to sing, "How Great is Our God". She's heard the boys sing it so much that it has become a favorite of hers! She sings several words behind whoever is singing and rarely does motions, but it is cute! Nathaniel enjoyed singing with her! She wanted to sing every song Nathaniel could think of - so we had an extended time of singing and praising this morning!

He loves his little sister! Let's just hope he doesn't share his sickness with her!

So we are home for another Sunday, but we're making the most of it! Enjoying our church time and resting up some too!

We hope you all have a wonderful morning worshiping our Savior!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, August 12

A Week of Doctor Appointments


This is a LONG detailed post!

Only read if you have time and care about the details of our past week!

Today was the 5th day in a row that I have taken someone to some sort of doctor! That explains the lack of posting for the last week, but let me explain in a little more detail what is going on around here!

On Thursday of last week Ronnie ran a fever. He was tired and sluggish, but only a fever. Friday morning Eli had the fever too and I braced myself for several days with 4 kids being down. I was thankful though, the only symptom seemed to be fever! On Saturday it was still just Ronnie and Eli, although they were both on the couch sleeping most of the day. Tylenol seemed to control the fever for about 4 hours and then they needed more. Ronnie began improving by Saturday evening, but I kept Ronnie, Eli and Maddie home from church with me on Sunday and we sent Nathaniel with Daddy to represent the family! Ronnie continued to improve throughout the day, but Eli got worse. His fever rose to nearly 104, but still no other symptoms! Monday morning Ronnie was ready to return outside and seemed much better! Eli, however, woke with a very swollen and red eye! I called and got him in right away (I love that about our doctors office) and as it turns out - He has pink eye!

None of the kids have ever had pink eye, but I guess there's a first for everything. He hasn't been in a pond or public swimming pool, and hadn't been to VBS in 2 months (the doctor's suggestions as to where he got it)- so the doctor wasn't sure where he picked it up. (I have my theory, but he didn't seem to care). The doctor also thought that the fever both the boys had was an unrelated virus (thankfully contained to only 2) So we returned back home with some meds and strict instructions to wash after touching his face (eye) and to be careful as the eye drainage was contagious! I'm very happy to report that now 4 days later Eli is much improved! His eye still doesn't open completely, but the drainage and redness is gone and he is feeling much better! AND it appears that we have contained the pink eye to only Eli!

Tuesday brought another appointment! This time for me. I was scheduled to see my orthopedic! If you haven't known our family long then you may not know that in '99 I had a hip replacement and then 3 years ago in '08 I had a revision. My doctor is in Ft. Wayne and he is fantastic! I would recommend him to anyone - he really is great! So we got some new x-rays and met with him. He said everything looked good and no change from my visit 2 years ago (which is great). He doesn't need to see me for 3 more years!

I ask him if he would check my hips to see if they were even - I explained to him that the past few days I had been having some incredible pain in my right leg (non-surgery leg) and I wondered if it was something with me favoring my left or something. He checked and I described the pain and he examined me. He finally said that he thought perhaps the pain I was describing was from a bulging disk in my back or some kind of nerve issue in my back. He recommended, and then referred a non-surgical back specialist in Ft. Wayne. He proceeded to have his office make the appointment. It made sense. Everything I do, from carrying 4 babies to carrying laundry baskets is done on my right side. I always favor my left although since my first surgery, I wouldn't need too! So we left his office thankful for the referral and hopeful that the pain didn't increase in a month before I could see the back specialist!

Throughout the day - and into the next few the pain did increase. So bad in fact that I was pretty sure I could not stand to wait for Sept 19th and my appointment. I tried to rest as much as being a mom of 4 will allow, but let me tell you it was serious pain!

Back now to Wednesday: Ronnie had a scheduled yearly physical. The two of us went together and as we climbed out of the van in the parking lot of the doctors office, I grabbed for his hand! He pulled back! I was taken back, but tried to not to let it show. I had done it more out of habit than anything. I always grab one or two hands when we get out of the van! However, Ronnie is not usually the only one with me. My little 8 year old is growing up so quickly. I guess I don't need to hold his hand in the parking lot anymore! Thankfully he is OK with me walking beside him! In fact when he bent down (once inside the building) to tie his shoe, he made certain to call to me to wait - he didn't want to be left! :)

Anyway, his appointment went well. He is still a very skinny but tall kid and probably always will be! At the end of the appointment I asked the doctor if she would watch him walk. Lately we have noticed that he is walking with his toes pointed in on both feet!

Background: When Ronnie was 3 he had surgery to lengthen his groin muscle. He was in a double leg cast for 6 weeks and had to relearn to walk, but we had gotten a clean bill of health shortly after his recovery. All of this was stemming from his traumatic birth. We left the hospital in MS (when Ronnie was born) and went to an orthopedic - his hips were not right! We got his first ultrasound of his hips then, but it wasn't until we moved to Circleville and got an orthopedic at Children's Hospital to look at him and do some MRI's that we found out he had 1 and only 1 symptom of Cerebral Palsy! His left hip/groin muscle would not allow him to stretch that muscle.

We were so thankful at that time and continue to be thankful that he only has this 1 symptom. Although the turning of the feet in and then the doctors response caused some alarm in this Momma! Our doctor suggested that he get some Physical Therapy to see if they thought they could help or if he needed to return to an orthopedic!

We left the Pediatrician's office and walked down the hall to the PT Offices and somehow we were able to get a PT appointment for the very next morning (Thursday). Ronnie was taking everything in. As we walked back to the van (he still didn't want to hold my hand), he was saying things like - "what will they do" and "what are all those machines for?" Then his final statement about the PT offices, "Mom, it looked like a lot of athletes would be in there!"

Exactly, that's it Ronnie - we're going where lots of athletes go - no need to be concerned!

So, Thursday morning we returned to Defiance Clinic and met with Ronnie's physical therapist, Brenda! She was great! She was kind and gentle and very detailed! She worked with Ronnie for a little over an hour and finally told me that his muscles were very strong and he looked pretty good. She noticed that he does point his toes inward and that his left ankle is a little week, but those were both things we could work on! He is in no pain so she did not think he needed to see an orthopedic at this time. She did say that we shouldn't expect to see improvement immediately, but that if in 6 months to a year there was no improvement or even some worsening symptoms, maybe then he should have an orthopedic evaluation!

Let me just stop right there and say - PRAISE THE LORD! I had been so concerned! Thank you Jesus for continuing to protect our little guy!

We were sent home with some exercises to work on everyday and we have another appointment next Friday! I'm not sure if these appointments will be a weekly thing (I kinda hope not), but hopefully we can continue to do exercises that will strengthen his muscles and we will see some improvement!

So that brings us to today! On Tuesday (after my orthopedic appointment) Ron noticed a small rash on my right leg that appeared to us to be some kind of poison ivy or something. It wasn't really itchy, but on occasion my whole leg was annoyingly itchy! Last night the rash appeared to be spreading, but not like any poison ivy I had ever seen. I was very restless last night and unable to sleep well, then this morning there was a lot more rash but only on my right leg! I called my doctor and they were able to see me mid-morning! As I walked out the door, Ron said that maybe I should tell him about all the pain in my right leg too, perhaps they were related in some way!

Let me stop there and go back to the pain. The pain has for sure gotten worse throughout the week. It was so bad yesterday that I asked Ron (only half joking) if he could just cut off my leg!! The pain was so intense at times. Sometimes shooting darts down my leg, sometimes up from my foot, sometimes all tingly and sometime just a very dull ache. Most of the time a combination of those pains - then on top of that I was itchy too! And all of it on this one leg!

I got into my doctor right away and he asked some questions about the rash. He looked at it (without getting too close :)) and then looked me in the eye and said, "have you had any pain?" I explained that only this week I had some leg pain that has been very intense and that I didn't think they were related because my orthopedic had referred me to a back specialist for some possible nerve pain, etc! But yes, I have had some serious pain, only in that leg. I told him it feels right now like I have run a marathon, but only on one leg!

He inspected the rash much closer this time and then said, "you have shingles".

"What?" I thought only older people got shingles! He explained how it is a form of the chickenpox virus and is always in your body after you have chickenpox and that in some people it reappears in the form of shingles!

I was filled with a lot of emotions at that point! 1) was relief that he had explained not only the rash, but this intense pain I was having too! 2) were the kids and Ron in danger of getting this? - The kids have been vaccinated, but Ron doesn't think he has ever had chickenpox!

The doctor answered some questions and sent me out with a prescription for an antivirus medication and a strong pain med. He said I could take the pain pill as needed every 4 hours, but that it would make me drowsy. If my symptoms (rash and pain) continued after a week of the pill then I would need to come back!

So after talking to the doctor, pharmacist and webmd - here's what I know!

In some people who have had chickenpox the virus can reappear as Shingles in those who have a weakened immune system (HIV), those over 50, those who have been ill (NONE OF THESE APPLY) or those who are under significant stress! (Hum, maybe the fact that we have had a little stress around here would play some part!).

The symptoms listed on the Internet seem to be all symptoms I have had this week and most of them that I continue to have!

As far as contagiousness - It appears that if someone were to come into contact with the fluid in the shingles blisters then they could get chickenpox! SO we are keeping a close eye on them now and watching for fluid or the blisters to break!

I say all of this in this VERY LONG post to say, I'm thankful! Thankful for medicine and medical doctors, but I'm so thankful for Jesus and for his protection over me and my family! I've been told in the past that I have a high pain tolerance - I'm thankful that He created me that way! I'm thankful that Eli is healing and that Ronnie is not slowed down by some toes that point inward. I'm thankful that Ron, Nathaniel and Maddie are healthy and praying that they remain that way! I'm thankful not for my shingles, but for doctors who have diagnosed and prescribed and that I can look ahead to next week when I pray this will all be behind us!

Friday, August 5

A Blessing

We learned this week that our boys will be able to return to Fountain City Christian, where they have attended the past 2 years! When we realized we were going to be here for another year we decided first to contact the principal and let him know that although we loved the school, we would have to send the boys to the public school for this year. We didn't think we could be in deputation mode (raising money for FAS) and pay Ron's school bills as well as pay the boys private school education.

When we informed Mr. Cummins that we were staying around he said to give him a couple of weeks and he would see what he could do. He sent us an email just this week confirming that they indeed do want Ronnie and Nathaniel to continue at FCC and our bill is very minimal!

We are truly BLESSED! What a wonderful blessing! Ron and I are very pleased and excited to send the boys back to Fountain City Christian for another school year!

Wednesday, August 3

Too Fun!

This was just so fun to watch. Maddie had that determined look on her face, she knew she was "gonna get Daddy"! She was loosing water out of her cup with every step, but she was determined! She squealed with delight when Daddy turned around and was right in front of her!

Tuesday, August 2

Summer Fun!

I honestly can not remember a day this summer that we were home and the boys wern't outside playing baseball! They have played ALL summer and loved it!

Thanks to Pap's generosity, now they can break up the playing with a little cooling off!

We love summer time!

Monday, August 1

Going to Church

For so many reasons, I love this picture! I've wanted to snap it several times. Ronnie always (it has been a repeat thing, not just one time) seems to take it upon himself to help his little sister from the parking lot into our Ney Church building on Sunday morning. I love that he has taken ownership of this. I love that she hold his hand and walks with him, sometimes chatting, sometimes just walking hand in hand in silence! It's one of those "Priceless" Photographs!