
Gulf Shores

Monday, January 31

More Training

I've mentioned before how we have a "Mommy in Training" at our house. I thought I'd show you some recent pictures of her training!

This is a baby that I had when I was younger.
I think Maddie likes how big it is!
I love her grin!

She has watched me feeding Lelah bottles, she can do that. Just for the record, I have never poked Lelah's eyes while feeding her!

There is always time for bonding!
(not sure why the "mean look" is there)

I'm not big on putting my own picture on the blog, especially from behind - but this is just priceless! She loves to be around me and help out! I love it too!
It's so exciting having a Mommy in Training! I hope I train right!

Friday, January 28

The Same Mold

2 weeks ago, during our "Flu of 2011" I was so tired that I barely got the kids out of PJ's, but on one particular day I had gotten them dressed - Eli and Maddie realized that without their sweatshirts - they were twins!

There is absolutely NO question that these 2 are related. They laugh the same, they sound the same - they are 2 peas in a pod! And the pictures just go to prove it!

I hope when they are older they remain the best of friends!

Thursday, January 27

Vacation Continues

Even on snow days (last week) we can remember our vacation to the Gulf! Here the boys are "sorting" their shells that they collected. It was fun to watch them as they discovered them once again. Each was given a container and all the "extras" were given to Maddie - who proudly carries her tub of shells around! Vacation lives on!


Ron's brother, Ryan was supposed to be admitted again today to OSU for his 2nd cycle of chemo treatments. When he went this morning for the blood work they told him he would have to wait a week.
His liver counts are way UP and his white count is a little low as well. This puts everything off a week.
Ryan and Holly and the girls were not looking forward to the 4 day process, but this somehow seems to make things more complicated. The girls will get mommy and daddy home sooner than they thought, however they will have to turn around and do it again next Thursday, the 3rd!

We continue to covet your prayers for our family!

Wednesday, January 26

Willingly showing affection

There are those times when I have to "force" a hug from my 7 year old, but this past Sunday afternoon - he wanted to snuggle with me. We usually don't do much more than lay around on Sunday afternoon anyway, but I have to admit I was a bit shocked that he WANTED to snuggle with me! And of course, Monkey See, Monkey Do! When one of these cuties gets an idea - the others follow along!

I really wish I could bottle it up and make it last forever!

Tuesday, January 25

A dream of mine

I think often of how my children will be as adults. One thing I pray is that they will be close. As siblings, I want them to have each others backs. I want them to have fun together. I want them to feel free to pick up the phone or stop by and feel welcomed.

I want them to be able to sit down at a table for a meal or even a snack and enjoy one an others company!

Monday, January 24

Interest and Ability

I'm guessing there are a lot of young boys like ours, but even our oldest 2 are different when it comes to sports! Ronnie and Nathaniel both love sports. Right now it is football they will play 24/7 (inside or out). Ronnie can play any sport any time. Nathaniel prefers to focus on one and not stop! He loves anything football - watching, reading, playing or even just talking about it. The thing is - he's actually very talented for a 6 year old too - he has what his "former quarterback" daddy calls "natural ability". I'm not convinced that the Lord wants him to play football or that I do for that matter- we'll see. But for now, I'm OK with him reading up on the games he can't stay up to watch!

Friday, January 21

A Snowman?

I'm told, this is a snowman. (I know the picture quality is not great, but I think you can get the gist of it). My opinion - this is what you get when your 7 year old is dying to get outside and his brothers are too sick to join him. Little snow was left on the ground last Saturday, but that didn't stop Ronnie from making this "snowman".

2 years ago we made 5 snowmen and a little pouch on my belly for Maddie too. We haven't had quite enough snow (yet) this year to get that accomplished. Ronnie took it upon himself to try to fix that problem. So for a short couple of days - we had a snowman, of sorts!

Thursday, January 20

Back to "Normal"

Let me just say that in a house with 4 kids, "normal" is a crazy word to use. Now that we have our GIRL it is even more crazy. Maddie is nothing like the boys in so many ways. She is...well she is drama. This has been and continues to be a mystery to both Ron and I. Before you think I am being silly - here me out. I am not one of those drama girls. I don't like to shop, I really don't do "girly" things - However, somehow I got a girly girl. (Not complaining, just saying!)

We noticed right away when Maddie began her bout with the flu that she was once again - not following in the boys footsteps. She would cry and scream and whine and well...she still is. I know she's still on the mend - but the whining has got to stop!

For some reason, someone put into this little 20 month olds head that she rules the roost around here. It could be the constant doting she gets from 3 big brothers and her daddy. Or it might be the affection she gets from any and all of them. Maybe she just knows that she's the only girl and so therefore (in her mind) she is in charge. Whatever it is - She knows it!

So while we try to remedy the situation and bring her back to reality - I'll share some pictures that never made the blog, and should have!

sporting her Pj's, hat and one glove

smiling and ready for church

She is cute, you gotta give her that!

Wednesday, January 19

"Can I Still Do My Devos"

That's the question I got from Ronnie as he lay on the couch trying to keep anything down. I had to smile. He may be weak and tired and sick, but he still wanted time in God's Word with his brand new devotional book! Yipee Jesus!

Tuesday, January 18

It got us good!

This week we were hit by, "Viral Gastro Enteritis". At least that's what the doctor said today. Apparently it began the other side of Toledo about 2 1/2 weeks ago and is just now getting west of Defiance County. While interesting, I wasn't impressed! I'm just glad it is leaving our home.

We have been down for a week, and only yesterday did we all 6 sit down to our first meal (although some still not much) together since last Tuesday! I took Maddie in to the doctor today because I was getting worried about her possibly getting dehydrated, she's not and we've got her on a strict diet for the next 12 hours.

Ronnie and Nathaniel are home again today, but due to weather not bellies! So finally I think we are back to somewhat "normal"!

Ronnie's all proud in this picture that he had dodged it, so far! Unfortunately less than 24 hours later he assumed the position of his brother above.
Still weak.
Enjoying the snuggling
He may be down, but nothing will keep him from the NFL games!

Whatever you want to call this nasty thing that came to visit in our home, we are thankful it has finally cleared out!

Monday, January 17

He's Home

Ryan is now home. The first cycle of the first phase of treatment is over. He is uncomfortable, but at least he is able to rest at home tonight. There are some appointments this week and then they are to go back to see his doctor at OSU on the 27th and be prepared to be admitted for the 2nd cycle of chemo treatments.

So a couple of days off to recoup then another round of treatment.
We appreciate your prayers so much and he continues to need them.

Also, 2 of the girls are fevered tonight. This is not good for Ryan whose immune system is down anyway, and it is not good for little girls who have missed their daddy. Please pray for quick healing for them and that Ryan will stay clear of their germs.

Thank you again for your prayers

Saturday, January 15


So today I've been thinking a lot and trying to get some things in perspective. It has been a crazy week around here. We've had some nasty flu bug going around. I started with it and honestly, Ron and I can neither one remember in our marriage when I have been down for 12 hours straight, let alone 24. So it was me, then before I could get a good nights sleep Maddie began. The next 24 hours Ron and Eli shared together (still no sleeping through the night on my end). Then while Maddie continued and Eli improved, Ron lingered. Then just as Ron began to improve Nathaniel began. Now Nathaniel is the only one still down. Ronnie hasn't been hit, yet. Maddie and Eli are intermittent. Ron is trying to get ready to preach 2 sermons tomorrow and I...well, I've yet to get that full nights sleep. It's been 5 days!

But honestly, we're ok. None of us are hospitalized with this bug, just slowed down a bit and yes even a little (or a lot, depending on who you ask) of pain. We are ok.

Ryan and Holly remain tonight at the James in Columbus (OSU Hospital). Ryan had the first treatment last night and began to see improvements in the bulge in his neck already this morning. While this is good, it is also bad. The medications are working on the cancer cells already, but his liver function is being watched very closely as well. A prayer request!

He had his second treatment tonight at 6 and then another at 7. The way I understand it there will be 2 more tomorrow evening and very close watch over him, hopefully to be sent home around noon on Monday.

Ryan and Holly have been able to stay in touch with the girls by not only phone but Skype too. We even were able to Skype both the girls and with Ryan and Holly today - gotta love technology! It was good for us to see him. He was joking around and trying to be his usual self!

So while we fight a bug - Ryan fights cancer! While I have had 5 nights of uninterrupted sleep - Ryan and Holly are wakened every 2 hours to check vitals.

I appreciate so many of you who are praying for Ryan and Holly. I'll continue to keep you updated.

So today, I learned (hopefully not soon to be forgotten), No matter what I am going through - I can pray for those who are struggling with bigger things! And I Will!

Thursday, January 13

Update on Ryan

I've wanted to post an update since Tuesday but I've been laid out on the couch sick or helping Maddie get over this nasty flu we have going around. Hopefully it will just be the 2 of us that get it.
Ryan and Holly
Anyway, last Sunday we went back to Circleville to help Ryan and Holly. There was a doctor's appointment on Monday morning that she had asked me to go to with them and take notes and just be available. So we took the boys out of school and we all went down.
Here is the basics of what Ryan is going to be going through, beginning tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow morning he will go to OSU and be admitted for 3 days of chemo. He will probably be hospitalized for 4 days. Then they will send him home for a couple of weeks before admitting him for chemo for another 3 days. After 2 cycles of chemo he will be retested (CT and PET) to see if the chemo is helping. Then if all is going well with that they will begin the process of a bone marrow transplant. They will use his own stem cells and in short he will be in the hospital for 3 to 4 weeks when they return the cells to his body and give a much higher dose of chemo.
It will be a long few months for Ryan. He needs your prayers. We continue to pray for healing. We serve a Mighty God and a Powerful God, much stronger than any cancer cells. We know that Ryan can be healed and we are praying to that end.
We are also praying for strength, this process is lengthy and will be hard. Please pray for Ryan.
Additionally Holly will be with him at the hospital and in between treatments every step of the way. She needs your prayers too. Prayers for strength, prayers to look to Jesus for that strength. Please keep her in your prayers.
Then my precious nieces, Casey, Morgan, Sarah and Emmi. They know as much as there little minds can understand and each one is dealing with it differently. They need Jesus presence right now. Mom and Dad will be gone a lot of nights and they need to know to turn to Jesus for their peace! Please pray for peace in their little hearts and comfort.
Ryan and Ron's parents, Ron and Frances. As you can only imagine this is tearing them up as well. They have been staying with Ryan and Holly quite a bit, only today (before the phone call that things would begin tomorrow) they returned home to get mail and check on things. By the time they got home there was a call to return for tomorrow morning. Please pray for strength, pray for wisdom, pray for peace as their baby goes through all of this.
As I type this my eyes are so filled with tears I can barely see the screen. It is all so scary. Why does our family have to go through this? Why couldn't I be the one? Jesus knew this day long before any of us and we must put our trust in Him. He holds the future in His hands and we must rest in that promise.
Jesus I trust you! I'm scared for Ryan, but I trust you! I'm hurting for all Holly is facing, but I trust you. My heart breaks for my nieces, but I trust you. I can't imagine the pain of my in-laws, but I trust you! Jesus increase my faith! Please Lord be honored in these next months among our family and Jesus please help us! We trust you! Being an Adkins means that we put our trust in YOU! Amen

Friday, January 7


Several have asked how the kids traveled for our trip to Alabama!

On the way there they were amazing! I even told my father-in-law that, "Your grand kids are amazing." Apparently he already knew!

Seriously though, on the 16 hour drive down, they were great. We left after church (remember 2 church services) on Sunday and drove 8 hours to Columbia Tennessee with only 1 stop. Between the Ruffer baskets (thank you so much Ralph and Cathy for thinking of our trip when buying Christmas gifts for our kids), the games I had found online, naps and the portable DVD player (which was only used 1 time the whole 16 hours down); the kids were great. We stayed in the same hotel with Dad and Mom and my brother and his family. So we were all together traveling down on Monday. Not necessarily following each other, but relatively close. It's hard to caravan when you are working with 6 bladders in one vehicle!

The trip back seemed much longer than the 930+ miles it took to get there, but honestly - they still did great.

There were several more, "how much longer?" and "are we close to stopping?" and lots more

There were also few dull moments! (that's not always good though)

There were smiles
Learning times

Fake smiles between cries We used the DVD player much more than the trip down, but other than that, we made it.

But one thing remained constant. Our amazing driver did a fantastic job. He drove the entire 1870+ miles down and back! And I think he is still sain!
So, how did we travel?
We did ok, but I wouldn't want to take another trip that far -
at least not this month :)

Thursday, January 6

Family on the Beach

Today I have some family pictures I thought you (or at least immediate family) might enjoy!

Remember I said that Ron and I had been to Gulf Shores 10 1/2 years ago. It was kind of a honeymoon. We were married on a Saturday with the U-haul hooked to Ron's truck we left Lancaster, Ohio for Jackson Mississippi. We spent the first 2 days after our wedding traveling to Jackson, and arrived on Monday! It was crazy, but looking back - it was great too! It caused us to depend on each other for EVERYTHING! We were so far from all our family and friends.

Anyway, we had been given a little money from family and friends at our rehearsal dinner and were told to use it specifically for a honeymoon (of which we didn't have planned). So we decided to travel to Gulf Shores and see if we could find a room for a couple of nights. That was our first trip. We took 2 or 3 other trips to Gulf Shores during out time in Mississippi and we loved every chance we got!

So now 10 1/2 years later, here we are:

Maddie really liked the sand.
She likes to get attention too.
These glasses helped with that!
My best attempt to get all 4 facing the same direction.

This is a hilarious one. It captures Maddie giving instructions before...
I get this!

Here's the family!
My sister-in-law took this as we walked out to the water for another picture.

You may or may not be able to tell from the pictures, but we had a fabulous time at the Gulf!

Thanks Mom and Dad (aka Pap and Grandma) for a great week!

Wednesday, January 5

More from the Gulf

Yesterday I shared how we enjoyed the Sand and the Gulf, but I thought I would share some more pictures today of other things we did while in Alabama. (For those of you who think I am posting too many pictures - there not for you, they are for my sis, who wants to know about our trip)

Of course we ate. Here Pap, Eli and Bradley were tired of waiting on everyone else to finish up games, so they got their own supper!
Pap has been in the kitchen quite a bit in the last year - he's become a pro!

Aunt Tonya (my brother, Jay's wife) likes to cook.
I liked letting her ;) and Eli loved helping.
Nathaniel was caught with his head down while eating - I really need to bottle up the sand and gulf to wear the kids out more often!

Lots of games were played! Here's Grandma and the kids playing monopoly.
Dominoes by the Gulf, anyone?
(It was a little windy, but not too windy for Dominoes)
Maddie learns how to play Sudoku, or tries!
I love this! I happen to overhear Eli and Bradley (who is 9 months older) as they discussed their boggle game. I wish you could see their papers clearer - full of scribbles!
Lots of time to read!
Then one morning we took our 4 to show them some sights around Gulf Shores. This is a view from a pier we walked out on. Ron and I had been on a similar one 10 1/2 years ago, but we think it was destroyed in Katrina.

It was pretty windy out on the pier too. I can't figure out why, but people kept asking us if we were from OHIO. Gotta love those crazy Buck Nuts!
Then we also took the kids to a souvenir shop where Ron and I remembered visiting. They loved it. This was the first picture, but then if you back up...
They boys liked that they were being eaten by a Shark.
Jay's family wore matching shirts for their family pictures.

Terra and Maddie had fun together
Maddie loves her Uncle Jay!
Eli had a great time with his cousin, Bradley too.
Yes, they are just as ornery as they look!
One afternoon us girls went shopping. Mom wanted to buy Terra and Maddie matching outfits. Aren't they cute!?!
This was a fun picture. Terra looks sooooo grown up, Maddie looks stinkin' cute.

And here is the whole crew!
All 12 of us - we had a fantastic time!

Tomorrow I'll post some fun family pictures!
(Hope you're enjoying Jo!)