
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, June 19

High Achievers

This spring we heard about a program we were excited to look into.  The Cleveland Indians High Achievers Program was an opportunity to get FREE tickets to the Indians games for the kids!

We registered all 3 boys in the program and submitted their A's and B's online as well as a reading report (which was a simple title, author and summary of 3 books for each boy).  After all that was submitted we got 2 tickets per boy.  1 for the grades and 1 for the reading report.

Yep - 6 free tickets!  So yesterday we headed to the Cleveland!
We arrived early enough to watch the Indians batting practice.

 Amazingly enough, we got 2 practice balls!  FUN!

We also had some time to look around the stadium!

Our seats were great too.  Up in the upper deck, right behind home plate.

 The only thing we weren't really prepared for was the wind!  It was downright COLD with the wind coming in.  

Our Indians won the game so that made it great too!

We really did have a great time and enjoyed ourselves.

The sign below was one the boys had made.  They were a little disappointed when the jumbo-tran went out about half-way through the game, Eli especially was hoping to see himself holding the sign.  He continued to hold it up throughout the game and cheer, but was slightly disappointed not to make the big TV!  The Jumbo-tran was also the highlight for Maddie, so when it went out she was "bored" without the big TV - she settled for people watching instead!

One more thing...the High Achievers program allows us to submit 2 grades and 2 reading reports!  So we have 6 more tickets to a game this season!
Yeah, we get to go cheer on our Indians for another game later this summer!

Sunday, June 16

Double Digits and Double Celebration!

Today was a busy, fun filled day!
Ronnie's 10th!  We began the morning with 2 church services!

After a quick lunch we were off to an unknown location to celebrate Ronnie's 10th and a little Father's Day too!


and Go Karts - the first time for all 4!  Ronnie and Nathaniel were old enough to ride in their own.  Maddie went with me and Eli and Daddy teamed up!  It was a lot of fun.  I think the boys were a little nervous at first, but they did great and had a great time.  They are already talking about when we can do it again!

From there it was back home for Ronnie's Birthday meal -Biscuits and Gravy!  Then he opened some presents!
He was excited about this cross necklace.

Glasses from Maddie

and a whole bag of "gifts" from Eli!

It was a very LONG and Fun Day!  We all enjoyed ourselves!
Unfortunately, it probably wasn't too relaxing for the Dad!  I have to say, Ron is a wonderful Father to Ronnie, Nathaniel, Eli and Maddie.  I love watching him interact with all 4 of them in different ways.  Playing ball with the boys, snuggling with his little girl!  Even sacrificing his Sunday nap to make sure his 10 year old has a great birth-day!

Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday Ronnie!

Party for the 10th

Ronnie Lee is double digits today!  WOW, is that really possible?  We have a 10 year old!  10 years ago this morning at 10:40 am  Ronnie Lee changed our world and expanded our Love in a way we never dreamed possible!  Now today here he is, unbelievable!

This was his 10th and we offered that he could have a little party (more than the usual just family and grandparents).  He wanted to do it at the Park so that they could play kickball together.  He assembled his list (which included only a few friends because he didn't want it to get "rowdy") and we sent out invitations!

Ronnie also wanted a golf cake!

So, I made the 10th hole complete with a fariway, water, and sand traps!

His friends, brothers and sister enjoyed some cake and ice cream first!

Then I managed to get a picture before they headed to the field!

Ronnie specifically wanted Daddy to pick the teams (so they would be even) and he wanted him to be all-time pitcher!  Poor Daddy was worn out!

The game finally ended after playing the final 6 outs in the rain.  We gathered under the pavilion for a game of Down, Down, Down!

All in all Ronnie was pleased and said it was a great party!  
I love this little man and just can't believe he is 10 years old!
Happy Birthday Ronnie!

Double Digits

Today our Little Ronnie Lee turns 10!  It doesn't seem possible!  He can't be 10, can he?  It seems like only yesterday we welcomed him into this world in Ridgeland, Mississippi!  He still claims to be a southern boy!  

He joined our family and expanded our love in a way we never even dreamed possible.  Ronnie has taught us how to be parents and shown us how to love more sacrificially.  

I remember how he use to swing golf clubs at 2 years old.  I remember how he would follow after his Daddy no matter what he was doing!  He has always been a Daddy's boy.  He looks up to and models his Dad!

Now he's 10!  He's growing and changing and developing and maturing and learning and trying and contemplating!  Life is a big change right now for this little man.

He's nervous about a change of schools and yet excited to have be around new friends!  
He's a rule follower and a lover of knowledge!

He's a quiet thinker who is happy to sit and just be in thought!

And now our little man is 10!  Time flies!
He wanted a Party with Friends for his 10th 
(Kind of surprising for this quiet man, but another post to come on that)!

Today we celebrate our 10 year old!

Happy Birthday Ronnie Lee, we love you so much and are excited to see all the things your 10th year holds!

Thursday, June 13

Aunt Barb and Cousin Dave

Sunday evening Aunt Barb and Cousin Dave came for a visit.  They hadn't been to visit in way to long and the kids were excited they were coming.  Unfortunately, the weather didn't corporate and it was rainy so they watched "The Perfect Game" and "A Mile in His Shoes" on Sunday evening and Monday morning.  (On a side note, these are both baseball movies, but excellent movies and great family fun for movie night)

Aunt Barb and Dave were both wanting to see the boys play ball and thankfully their game in Bryan went on as scheduled.  It was a great game to watch.  Ronnie pitched the first 2 innings and allowed 1 run!  In our first inning of batting we run ruled them by scoring 5 runs.  We scored 4 the next inning and we were on a role!
Nathaniel finally got the batting figured out and went 3 for 4 with 3 runs!
Nathaniel pitched our last 2 innings as the "closer" and WOW!
He had 4 strike outs and the other two outs he fielded and threw out at 1st!  It was a great 2 innings for him!
So it was a great game for Dave and Aunt Barb to watch too!

The kids were also excited to get in a game of kickball before they had to leave on Tuesday morning!

It was a quick trip, but a fun one!
Thanks for coming Aunt Barb and Dave - come back soon!

Wednesday, June 12

A Creative Loss

Eli is one of those kids who loves to loose his teeth.  From the moment he realizes they are a tiny bit loose he is "working" them and trying to get them out!  Before June he had lost 3 teeth.  

I pulled the first one out while he was talking and trying to show me how loose it was.  The 2nd, he tied to a doorknob and shut the door and the 3rd came out in a wrestling match with Daddy!  But these were not creative enough.

He had been bugging for several days when Dad finally said, "OK Eli how do you want to get it out?"  

His response, "well, we could either tie it to a baseball or tie it to the back of your truck."  

Since we're pretty sure the neighbors would not understand tying our 6 year old to a truck bumper (even with floss), we opted for the baseball :)

Eli was so excited!  
First we attached some floss to a baseball (tape)...

then we got a catcher ready.

Next the other end of the floss had to be tied to the loose tooth!

Then it was go time!
 {actually it wasn't}
  Not sure if he was backing out or what, but he barely tossed the ball and the string was so long that it just fell to the ground not even pulling at the tooth!

But he quickly regained his composure and tried again!


baseball and tooth

Proud Eli

With a BIG hole in his mouth!

I'm pretty sure this was not a dentist approved method, 
but it worked and he is already scheming for his next loose tooth!

I gotta keep my eye on this little guy!

Tuesday, June 11

Called Up and T-ball

Last week Eli got the call!
He was so excited.  A Pee-Wee (coach pitch) team had called to see if he would be willing to play a game with them.  They had some players who were going to be gone and needed another player.  He was thrilled!  

He did pretty good too.  He batted 3 times with a ground out, strike out and a single!  Not bad for his first time!

He played right field until the last inning when he was moved in to play 2nd!  He for sure preferred 2nd as it was a lot more action.  He stopped everything that came to him and didn't let the ball by!  

Then on Saturday it was his first day of T-ball!  He was tired after a Friday night game, but he gave it his all and got a few more good hits!

He's a pretty good base runner too!

He was also able to play the pitcher position - which in t-ball is where all the action is!  He loved that!

I'm still convinced that t-ball is a lot of socialization for Eli, but he loves it!  Loves to be around kids his age.  The bonus -he gets to play ball! :)

So now this week he is "called up" for another Pee-Wee team  and then t-ball again on Saturday!

Monday, June 10

13 Years

13 Years ago today I said "I do" to the Man of My Dreams!  13 years ago I stood before my family, friends and the people I hold dear and pledged to love in the best of times and the worst of times.  I promised to honor and cherish in sickness and health!

13 years ago, I didn't really know what life would hold.  I only dreamed of babies, not imagining there would be 3 handsome boys and a beautiful little girl who all 4 mirrored their handsome Daddy in so many ways.

13 years ago I had no idea there would be 5 moves in 3 states.  It was a distant thought that we would be loving on and serving God's people as their shepherd and guide.  

13 years ago I had no idea there would be surgeries, shingles, chicken pox, sickness, loss and pain.

13 years ago I had dreams and thoughts and plans on that bright June morning, but I had no idea really!

13 years ago I said "I do" and made a commitment to Love, Honor and Cherish!

This morning, I renew that Commitment!  I have no idea where the next 13 years will lead.  Graduations and parties and milestones and excitement (perhaps more babies - wow is that possible?  Our oldest would be 23).   I have no doubt that there will be tears and pain and sorrow intermingled in.

As we look back over the last 13 years and think of all the things our Amazing God has done.  I stand in Awe!  I am amazed that He would Bless me so abundantly!  I wouldn't even dream of spending those years with out the Man of My Dreams! 

Ronnie is what I called you back then.  You were the only Ronnie!  Now as we lead and direct and guide the next generation I am so Blessed to have you by my side.  So Honored to be in this Journey of Life with you!  So excited about where the Lord will lead us in the next 13 years - together!

Happy Anniversary Babe!  
I love you today more than I even dreamed I could 13 years ago!  Thank you for your love, your guidance, your care and for being YOU!

Friday, June 7

A "NicPic"

On Wednesday we went to Payne to my Grandparents.  Mom and Dad met us there and we walked to the Park for a picnic!
Maddie loves Picnic's and thinks they are even more fun now that Daddy "renamed" them...NicPic!  She couldn't stop saying it!

The boys loved the Caboose, but wished they could get inside.  They were climbing all over it.  I remember playing in it when I was little.  I guess they have had vandalism problems and had to lock it up since I was little.

Maddie can scope out a swing anywhere.  She has learned to keep it going herself which makes it all the more fun for everyone involved :)

Then the boys found this!  A huge tube like thing that they really got  a work out with!

They did push her in it - just stopped long enough to pose!

They were all over the park with this "tube" and I honestly took a lot more pictures, but I won't bore you with my rapid fire camera skills!

From the park we walked across the street to the drive in for our first Cones of the Season!  Yum!

We had a fun day with Granny and Gramps and Pap and Grandma!  We'll have to do it again!