
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, June 30

Tea Party

Maddie had a Tea Party at Ms. Cathy's today!  
She had so much fun.  They made bracelets, necklaces, decorated their hats.  Had chocolate and lemon tea (hot choc and lemonade), with little flower and heart PBJ sandwhiches.  Along with lots more!  She had a great time!
Thanks Ms. Cathy!

Monday, June 29

Eli's Season - Pee Wee

Eli finished his regular season tonight!  The team record was not great, but he personally had a great year with much improvement!  He became one of the team leaders and I'm so proud of him!

His team was young and 7 of them were from our churches!  Plus Daddy coached :)

For the tournament, he and his buddy, Elijah, got to be captains for the coin toss! 

He had a couple of good hits tonight and did some great fielding at Short and Second!

All around a rough season, but again, proud of his leadership!

He super excited to have made All-Star's too - so one more week of tournaments :)

Saturday, June 20

Brithday Trip

On Tuesday for Ronnie's birthday we went to Detroit.  Ronnie (and Nathaniel too) are baseball fans.  Their teams is the Indians, but they really just love the game!  So we decided to take them to another ball park.  We got tickets to see the Tigers and the Reds!

We arrived early enough to watch the Reds take batting practice!  Yes, we were cheering for the Reds!

Then in the 5th we were invited to go to the "something Grille" (- totally can't think of the name of it right now) it was right along the right field line!  The boys weren't sure at first, as we walked from our seats in left field and they were trying to keep the books!

But then we got to move to the closer table and they were excited!

So a new ballpark.  
A new experience!  
A win for the Reds!  
An all around great day!  

They all 4 had a good time and we didn't get heckled too badly despite wearing some Buckeye red :)

Tuesday, June 16

Third Year in Double Digits

Today my little man turns 12!  Wow, that's hard to swallow!  How did that happen?

He is a very smart, hard working, Jesus loving little man that I'm sure God has BIG things planned for!  I'm excited to see as those plan unfold!

We are also excited to celebrate Ronnie Lee III today!
Happy Birthday little man, We love you!

Wednesday, June 10

15 years

15 years ago today Ron and I were married in Lancaster, Ohio!  A lot has happened in the last 15 years!  I am still so thankful for Ron and the wonderful husband and father he is!  Thankful for his faithfulness, love and leadership in our family!  I am blessed and looking forward to 15 more :)

Happy Anniversary Ron!  I love you!