
Gulf Shores

Monday, May 31

Happy Memorial Day!


Friday, May 28

Good Pictures

Last weekend before we left for Nathaniel's graduation, he wanted me to snap some pictures. Here he is all handsome looking! Wow, he has really grown up in the last year.

Nathaniel got to pick out the dress that Maddie would wear to his graduation. It's so funny to me to watch these boys fall all over themselves when it comes to their little sister. She is so loved!
Brothers! There is just a bond there that I will never completely understand!

Nathaniel wanted his picture taken with me, I was honored! I think he wanted one with Daddy too, but he had already left for the wedding.

Those 2 1st graders! Today is actually the last day they will both be first graders! This afternoon we'll have a 1st and 2nd grader in the house.

Thursday, May 27

Jehovah Jireh

Have you heard that term before? Jehovah Jireh means the Lord will Provide. Ron and I have been praying about several specific financial situations and just yesterday The Lord Provided an answer to one of those needs. He promises to provide.

I had been getting pretty concerned with how things were going to work out. I tend to be a worrier. I am trying to work on that, by praying about situations and then Trusting that Jesus knows and will Provide in the way that is best for us, His children. Sometimes it is easier for me to pray about it and then still try to "figure it out" on my own. Why do we do that as humans? Or maybe you don't! Maybe it's just me. Why do I do that? I know that He is my Creator and He knows all things, but still I try to "help Him out" when things seem confusing to me.

It had gotten to the point that my dreams were running through scenarios of what might need to happen if the finances didn't work out how we had hoped (and prayed). Craziness!

Then yesterday, a letter came in the mail. I had been praying for a specific amount of money for a situation and Jesus provided all but $22 of that amount. Please understand me, He could have provided $22 more that what I had prayed, but I think He is trying to teach me something. In my own mind, I saw a need. I think I know what is needed for a situation, but in all honesty, Jesus knows. He knows our needs and He knows best how to provide for those needs. He is in control and He can and will provide.

In chapter 22 of Genesis this provision is perhaps the most clear. There in verse 8, "Abraham answered, (Isaac) 'God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.'"

Abraham was able to say that, knowing what God had told him about taking his one and only son, Isaac to be the sacrifice. God knew where Abraham's heart was. Abraham only had to rely on God and He would provide. In verse 14 we find that "Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided'".

Lord, help my faith. Help me to pray knowing that you will Provide.

Wednesday, May 26

Growing and Changing

Daily we seem to see changes in our little girl. She is nearly 13 months old,(or for those of you like Ron) just over a year. She has gotten 6 of her 8 teeth in the last 10 days and has remained relatively calm about that. It's the time leading up to them coming in that she is miserable. She went to the doctor yesterday for her 1 year check up and she is 23.8 lbs and 31 inches. She's adorable and full of noises and sounds and walking/running everywhere. She gets around really well, although she still falls a lot too. She is somewhat clumsy! She has a little bruise on her cheek that will remember for some time as she is getting her 1 year picture today!

Here she is asking to drive! We're not quite there yet, but other than that she pretty much rules this all male house.

I love how delicate she is at times and yet there are other times when she wrestles with the boys!
Notice she wants to see the flowers, but she doesn't want to let go of mom yet! She is fairly outgoing, but she also likes to have mom around. She appears at times to have Eli's personality (Pray for me), but at other times she just wants to be comforted by mom and doesn't want anyone else to bug her!

Her first swing was recently!

She loved it!

So, we continue to enjoy our growing little girl and all the girly things she brings into our lives.

Tuesday, May 25

STM Graduation

On Saturday, Ron graduated from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus with his Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.). We are so proud of him. We all made the trip to Columbus together to celebrate this big occasion. When I snapped this picture, I couldn't help but think of the previous degrees he has gotten and wonder about that PhD that he longs for. The Lord has blessed me with a very smart husband and I am proud to be called his wife.

Ron's parents came and were a big help to me throughout the day. They are proud too!

Below Ron is pictured with Dr. Croy, his advisor. Dr. Croy is a very kind man and has helped Ron tremendously. Ron has a lot of respect for him.
Here Ron is pictured with Dr. Karanja, his thesis reader. He had nothing but compliments for Ron when we met.

So Saturday brings us to the end of a long road. Ron began this degree when we were in Circleville and has spent many long hours seeing it to completion. His 151 pages thesis which is now being bound is a testament to that.
Ron, we are so proud of you and look forward with anticipation to all that God will do in your life.

Monday, May 24

Kindergarten Graduation

On Friday evening, Nathaniel graduated from the Fountain City Christian School Kindergarten class. I'll show you a little of the evening in pictures. Ron and I were both so proud of our little man. He was nervous and doesn't like to be in front of people, but he did a great job. He participated in a little skit, sang several songs, quoted a Bible verse and more.

The Ceremony began with the 4 graduates leading us in the Pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag and the Bible.

I'm sorry my pictures are so dark, but below Nathaniel is with Mr. Cummins the school Administrator receiving his diploma.
He really was happy, despite how this picture looks!

He couldn't believe he got gifts, and balloons! What excitement!

Another fun part was that Pap and Grandma made the trip to attend this special ceremony in Nathaniel's honor.
We're all so proud of you, Nathaniel.

I have to share a little story with you. About a week ago, Nathaniel realized that after his graduation he would be a 1st grader. He also realized (because he thought it wasn't fair) that Ronnie still has school this week. So he concluded, "for a week, there will be 2 1st graders in our family". So here they are for 5 more days - our 2 1st Graders!
I think Ronnie was "secretly" very proud of his little brother. Ronnie was home schooled in Kindergarten so he never had all this ceremony stuff, but he enjoyed it on Nathaniel's behalf.

Nathaniel loved his teacher, Mrs. Andrews. She is a wonderful woman who loves Jesus with her whole heart and we can honestly say that she loves Nathaniel too. We praise the Lord for his provision. We are so thankful that Mrs. Andrews could be Nathaniel's teacher this year.

We had a great evening and are excited to see the man that Nathaniel will be at his next Graduation.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, May 23

JOY in Frustration

On a "normal" Sunday morning, I would be running around to get 4 kids and myself ready for church. Racing around to get out the door in time and not forget anything. This Sunday was suppose to be a little different, we were suppose to have company, my sister, brother-in-law and 2 cute nieces. It is Missionary Sunday at our churches and the Coppedge Family are our guest Missionaries. We were looking forward to it.

Instead, the boys are playing quietly (finally it is quietly) and Maddie is napping and I am seeking to find some Joy in my frustration.

In the last 2 days we have had 3 kids with diarrhea and 3 kids throwing up (not the same three). So it has been a little crazy. We think that some of the sickness was food issues and we are confident that some was some sinus stuff, but we just don't know if any of it is viral stuff or just crazy kid stuff. So today we are home from church keeping our germs to ourselves.

And yet, there is some Joy. In the last 2 days we have had 2 Graduations (which I will post on soon) and we have had 8 hours of travel (with safety), we have had a lot of craziness.

Last night, after baths, as Daddy was cleaning out car seats, I was putting the boys to bed and explaining to them why their cousins couldn't stay with us (as planned) and then I told them that we would have to stay home from church today. They were upset, they were not happy. I am so glad that my boys love Church. They love going to church and being around God's people. Now some of you may say that it's probably because we have some great Children's Programs, and I will admit, we do! But in all honesty, neither church had Jr. Church today due to regular scheduled Family Worship in one and Missionary Sunday in the other. So they would have be sitting with me! Others of you are thinking, well they were excited to hear from their Uncle, Aunt and Cousins (who are all scheduled to participate in the Service). I think that may be true, but I am pretty confident that they would be upset even on a non-missionary Sunday.

I am so thankful, proud and joyful that my kids love Church. So today, in the midst of the chaos of the last few days, I can Praise the Lord for Babes who Love to Worship Him.

And Now I must go, there is a Church Service that is about to begin in our Living Room. May you find JOY as you Worship our Creator today!

Thursday, May 20

They're Related

When I was a lot younger I thought I wanted twins. After Ronnie was born, I figured one at a time was best. I can't help but look at these pictures and think - Twins!?! Those cheeks, lips, little noses! They are cute, especially when they are peacefully sleeping.

Wednesday, May 19

Visiting the Firefighters

Last Thursday Nathaniel and his class got to go to the Fire Station and see some "real live" firefighters. It was a fun and exciting trip. Eli and I were also invited to come along. My pictures didn't turn out great (the doors were closed at the Station because it was a rainy and dreary day).
Nathaniel in the drivers seat!
The whole class, and Eli, with the "real live" firefighters!

Tuesday, May 18

A Full House

This weekend we had a full house. Ron's brother, Ryan and his family came and so did Grandpa and Grandma Adkins. That's 8 kids and 6 adults. They all came Friday evening. We had all the kids (except Maddie) and the Grandparents camp out on the living room floor. They had a great time.
It got a little silly at times...
but there were some great Kodak moments too!

For Eli and Emmi it was as if they had never been apart, they had a great time together. They were a good cowboy and cowgirl team.

On Saturday morning, the guys played in a Golf Scramble to raise money for the boys school, but we took the kids to the park. The picture below was after they had worn themselves out. They had a lot of fun.

It has been since last July that we got all the Adkins girls together for a picture! Do you think Maddie will have that beautiful long brown hair?

We wish we could see Uncle Ryan, Aunt Holly and the girls more often, but we are thankful for the time we had.

It's hard to say good-bye. Maddie decided to make her good-bye her first wave!

Lots of Fun Times with the Adkins Clan!

Monday, May 17

Celebrating Mothers

On Friday, Maddie and I traveled down to Van Buren for mom's Mother/Daughter Dinner. It was a very quick visit, but a fun one.

My sis was the guest speaker.

We headed home after the dinner and Maddie was clearly worn out!

Thank for inviting us Mom, we had a great time.
Mom has another treatment today and we would appreciate your prayers. Specifically for high white cell counts so that she won't have to return this week for the follow up shot. She's doing pretty good and we know that it's because of prayer from many of you. Thank you!

Thursday, May 13

Kitchen Help

Lately, I have noticed a lot more "help" in the kitchen.

She's a good eater too.

Who's sneakin' in my pantry?


Wednesday, May 12

A Visit from Friends

This past weekend our friends, the Diersings, came for a visit!

We don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like and we love when we get a chance to catch up with old friends. Troy and Gloria were at Circleville Bible College with Ron and I. Troy and Ron actually looked at engagement rings together and asked us girls within months of each other. In 2000, they graduated in the same class from CBC and a month later Ron and I were married, another month later we attended Troy and Gloria's wedding. The following fall found all of us in Jackson, Mississippi at Wesley Biblical Seminary together. If it weren't for Troy and Gloria, we may not have made it in Mississippi. There were days when Jackson was overwhelming and just the thought of having neighbors who we new before the move was encouraging. We shared many meals, laughs, tears, stories and even fears. We still share cockroach stories (I'll save those for another time). The guys again graduated together in 2004.

We are also all a part of the Evangelical Church of North America. Ron and Troy are both ordained. They went through that process together as well. So pretty much Troy and Ron do everything together and Gloria and I just follow them around to keep them in line :)
Their little girl, Charissa, was born 2 weeks before Nathaniel. Our boys love Charissa and playing with her. She used to be called, "Kissa", but much to Troy's delight, the boys have figured out how to say Charissa!
We love to have the Diersings come to our house. They will be moving this summer and will actually be closer to us, so we're excited to hopefully see them more often.

Tuesday, May 11

Field Trip to the Zoo

Last Friday the boys school had a field trip to the Ft. Wayne Children's Zoo. Maddie, Eli and I got to go too. When we left the house it was pouring and there was also a lot of thunder and lightening. I told the boys that since they were not canceling the trip, we would drive to the zoo, but if it was still raining when we got there we would not be staying. They prayed!

When we arrived in Ft. Wayne the storm had stopped. It was still very cold, but I think the kids had fun.

Below is the newest giraffe at the zoo, Zahra. The zoo keeper that was standing nearby said that her name meant "flower" in Swahili. There are flower-like patterns around her neck. The neat thing was that the boys couldn't believe she was younger than Maddie. She was born in October and she was not very timid at all. She was very close to us.
Her mom was a little more timid.

At our picnic lunch, Mrs. Jennings took our picture.

About 20 minutes after lunch the sun came out brightly and it turned out to be a wonderful and warm day.

We liked the penguins too!
It was a little crazy trying to keep all 4 kids corralled with tons of kids running wild at the zoo, but we had a good time at the zoo.