
Gulf Shores

Sunday, May 23

JOY in Frustration

On a "normal" Sunday morning, I would be running around to get 4 kids and myself ready for church. Racing around to get out the door in time and not forget anything. This Sunday was suppose to be a little different, we were suppose to have company, my sister, brother-in-law and 2 cute nieces. It is Missionary Sunday at our churches and the Coppedge Family are our guest Missionaries. We were looking forward to it.

Instead, the boys are playing quietly (finally it is quietly) and Maddie is napping and I am seeking to find some Joy in my frustration.

In the last 2 days we have had 3 kids with diarrhea and 3 kids throwing up (not the same three). So it has been a little crazy. We think that some of the sickness was food issues and we are confident that some was some sinus stuff, but we just don't know if any of it is viral stuff or just crazy kid stuff. So today we are home from church keeping our germs to ourselves.

And yet, there is some Joy. In the last 2 days we have had 2 Graduations (which I will post on soon) and we have had 8 hours of travel (with safety), we have had a lot of craziness.

Last night, after baths, as Daddy was cleaning out car seats, I was putting the boys to bed and explaining to them why their cousins couldn't stay with us (as planned) and then I told them that we would have to stay home from church today. They were upset, they were not happy. I am so glad that my boys love Church. They love going to church and being around God's people. Now some of you may say that it's probably because we have some great Children's Programs, and I will admit, we do! But in all honesty, neither church had Jr. Church today due to regular scheduled Family Worship in one and Missionary Sunday in the other. So they would have be sitting with me! Others of you are thinking, well they were excited to hear from their Uncle, Aunt and Cousins (who are all scheduled to participate in the Service). I think that may be true, but I am pretty confident that they would be upset even on a non-missionary Sunday.

I am so thankful, proud and joyful that my kids love Church. So today, in the midst of the chaos of the last few days, I can Praise the Lord for Babes who Love to Worship Him.

And Now I must go, there is a Church Service that is about to begin in our Living Room. May you find JOY as you Worship our Creator today!

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