
Gulf Shores

Monday, August 31

Another First

This past weekend we had another first for our family. Ronnie lost his first tooth. He has been wiggling that thing for weeks. We were at my parents and Grandma was reading the boys a story when Ronnie popped it out. He showed me and seemed OK, but then I took him to look in the mirror at the new hole in his mouth and he started to cry. It's so hard getting big!

Then on top of that we had a major miscommunication about the "tooth fairy" and what that meant. Ronnie and Nathaniel were both terrified that someone (this strange tooth fairy) would be coming into their room, while they were sleeping, and mess with Ronnie's pillow to get his tooth. First of all, they didn't want anyone strange coming in their room. Secondly, Ronnie wanted to keep his tooth, or at least not allow someone he didn't know to take it from him. Thirdly, they were exhausted, but refused to sleep until I assured them that no one would come in the house, let alone their room and Ronnie insisted I move the tooth to the dresser. I tried to explain that it was just a game we played when we were young and always got a quarter, it was just mom and dad, but he was past believing me at that point.

So, not exactly my best parenting night of the past 6 years, but I think he is over it and maybe for the next tooth we'll just keep our mouths shut about fairy's and quarters. Live and Learn!

Will you pray?

Ron and I have some friends, the Arend's, who also attend our Farmer church. They have been in the process of adopting 4 children from Mexico for 2 1/2 years. Finally just 2 weeks ago they brought them home. I wish I could post a picture for you, but I don't have one and I want you to pray now. The kids names are Victor (15), Emmy (12), Linda (7) and Wendy (5), and they are all starting school today. Then Julia, who is also 5 will be beginning the early fives class. Their youngest son is Elijah and is 2. I know how hard it was for me to send the boys a couple of weeks ago for their first day of school and I can't imagine all that that the kids are going through with the culture shock, language and all that they are adjusting too. Victor is the only one who is fluent in English. So please, as you read this, pray for the Arend familiy.

Friday, August 28

Random Pictures

I've taken some random pictures in the last few days and thought I would share them with you.

Maddie learned to roll over this week from her back to her tummy. What you can't tell in the picture is that she is not very found of her new trick. She's pretty vocal when she is not happy. Ron says she is getting spoiled already. She will be 4 months old this weekend. It just doesn't seem possible.
I know I have mentioned it lately, but Eli seems so big to us lately. He is just growing up too fast.

Before looking at these next two pictures, remember for a minute how difficult it is to get your kids to smile for a picture and how long it takes to get a decent picture then multiple that times 4. I was so impressed yesterday when it only took me a few tries to get these pictures. Now, I know they are not professional, but I think I did a pretty good job. There were no tears and only one fight, I think only one elbow was thrown and it only took about 10 minutes to get what I would consider a good one. I think that's a good take!

Everybody is smiling and looking in the direction of the camera. I know you can't see Nathaniel's eye, but I was impressed that it was so good!

Thursday, August 27

The Notebook

About 3 1/2 years ago I started a notebook of our children's sayings. I would jot down things that were hilarious that I knew would be fun to remember when they were older. I keep track of the date, which kid said it and then as close as I can to the actual conversation. For example:

Ronnie asked in February of 2006, "Momma, are there raisins in that apple?" (he saw me cutting apples and was referring to the seeds)

In March of 2006 Ronnie was talking to Nathaniel and said, "Yeah! You did a good job Nathaniel, give me my hand." (He had his hand up waiting on a high-five)

In April of 2007 Nathaniel came out of his room and said, "the light in my room won't come on, we need to get some batteries."

Just this week Eli and Daddy were sitting at the table finishing lunch. Their conversation went something like this, Eli asked, "What's wrong Daddy?" Ron replied, "I've got something stuck in my teeth." Eli, with a very intelligent look on his face, replied, "Oh, you need a poopstick." (He meant a toothpick)

If you have young kids, I highly recommend doing this. We have enjoyed, on several occasions, reading the sayings and remembering the specific incident.

Wednesday, August 26

Little Black Dress

I'm sure you've heard that every girl needs a little black dress!
Well, Maddie wore hers Sunday and she was absolutely the cutest little thing. She got several comments so I thought I would show you how cute. My favorite is the last picture.
She will be 4 months old this week, it's so hard to believe - time goes way too fast! Enjoy our little girl.

Tuesday, August 25


Today Eli and I found ourselves alone with Maddie. The boys were, of course, gone to school and Ron had a meeting. So...we decided to bake a cake. Well I baked the cake, and Eli licked the beaters. Do you remember doing that when you were little? He didn't want me to scrap them off first, he wanted as much batter and frosting as he could get. I am getting off the subject here, though. The cake and beaters were not my reason for posting today.
While I was mixing and preparing the cake, Eli got his tools and decided my foot needed to be fixed. I was a little worried when I saw him come back with a hammer, 2 screwdrivers and a tape measure. Yes these were all toys, but I still wondered if I might get hurt.
I played along and he was very gentle asking if it hurt and where and trying to make things better. Then he grabbed his hammer (yes it is plastic) and looked up at me. He looked into my eyes, then slowly looked back down at my toe. He took his other hand, covered my toes and then used the hammer on his own hand.
My heart broke. I may be a little crazy, but I instantly thought of our Savior. Wasn't this the same love that Jesus shows us. He knows we are in need of "fixing" and he knows the "fix" may be painful, so He lays His own life down to take away some of the pain. WOW!
Maybe you're thinking this is a stretch, but I just watched my little 2 1/2 year old and thanked the Lord for the Blessings He has given me in my children.

Monday, August 24

Getting So Big!

Now that Ronnie and Nathaniel are off to school, Eli has gotten so big. This weekend was a full of big boy things. He is no longer our little Eli, but is becoming quite the big helper.
While Ron and I got ready for church Sunday morning, Eli took it upon himself to entertain Maddie. He did a great job talking and singing to her.

We decided this weekend that Eli was ready to get rid of his booster seat (the thing was driving me crazy because it just doesn't fit on our chairs). So Eli was right up on a big boy chair like his brothers and he did a fantastic job.

I think we praised him so much for being a big boy at the table that it flowed into his helping clear the table too. He's such a big helper.

It's hard to believe our little 2 1/2 year old is ready to be a big boy!

Thursday, August 20


For several weeks now Eli has been telling people, "brothers going to school and I going cation". He kept telling people at church one Sunday and several were asking if we had a vacation planned. It took us a couple of times listening before we realized he was excited to go on Visitation with Daddy. Ron has on several occasions taken Ronnie or Nathaniel to the nursing home with him while he does visitation. He has tried to make this a fun daddy time and Eli picked up on that. So about a month ago Ron promised he would take Eli when the boys went to school.
Eli was so excited this morning to find out today was the day. He got dressed and was ready to go long before Ron.

When he returned, Eli was constant jabber. He had so much fun and had to tell me everything about it. Ron was praising him because he had been such a big boy. He just kept hugging me and telling me everything he had done. I think part of the fun came from a stop at Tim Horton's on the way home! They had a great time together.

Wednesday, August 19

The First Day

This morning we put Ronnie and Nathaniel on the bus for the first time. There are days when I really don't like this job of parenthood. Why do we have to let them go?

They were so excited, Ronnie came down the steps this morning, just grinning. I know they are probably doing better than I am right now. It's just so hard to believe my babies are growing up.

It is pretty quiet around here so far this morning. Eli has only asked once (so far in an hour) to play with his brothers!
Telling Maddie Bye

Good-bye to Eli

Ronnie wanted a picture of the "guys"

Ready to go!

They looked so little crossing the street with daddy.

Tuesday, August 18

Happy 90th Grandpa!

This past weekend we had the privilege of going to my Grandpa Hornish's 90th birthday party. He is not my flesh and blood grandpa, but from the time I was little we always called them Grandma and Grandpa Hornish. In fact, I honestly believe that were it not for their prayers I wouldn't be where I am today!

Grandma and Grandpa Hornish were extremely influential in my parents walk with Christ. From the time I was very young (actually even before me), Grandma and Grandpa mentored my mom and dad and several other young couples. They discipled them and gave them guidance and words of encouragement and direction. They called their young disciples the "dumb sheep". I remember asking mom, when I was younger, "when are you getting together with those dumb sheep? I want to see Grandma and Grandpa!" We loved them and loved being around them.

At the party on Sunday some of Grandpa's life story was told. I remember hearing one story many times. My grandpa was a farmer and a big farmer at that. And he was good at what he did. In the spring of 1974 a tornado came through and destroyed their entire farm. They lost everything, crops, machinery and barns, it was all gone. Grandma still tells the story of Grandpa going to the door on April 4, 1974, the morning after the tornado, opening the door and then closing it again and saying, "I guess we should start by talking to the Lord". From that day until this one they have prayed and read the Bible together every morning. Grandma did say that the prayers have gotten much longer, but that day in 1974 is when they began.
I remember several times when we were younger that dad would call Grandma and Grandpa and ask them to pray for a decision that we needed to make. I remember my sister calling from overseas and saying, "please call Grandma and tell her what I am doing, I need her to pray". We would make sure to let Grandma and Grandpa know every time we went on a mission trip because we knew they would be faithful to pray for our time there.
What a wonderful example of Christ Grandma and Grandpa Hornish are.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Monday, August 17

Maddie's Friend, Megan!

Maddie has a new friend, Megan. She is actually not a new friend, Megan and her parents were the first to meet Maddie in the hospital when she was born. Megan is 2 years old and she and her parents go to our Ney Church. She absolutely adores Maddie. Most of her dolls are named, "little", but now she has one named Maddie too. We have seen Megan a couple of times in the last week and below are some of the pictures. It's nice that Maddie has some girls around!
Megan's Mom, Chris, is pretty fond of Maddie too!

Eli claims Megan is his friend and so far, Maddie is OK with sharing!

Thursday, August 13

Growing Pains

I'm struggling tonight. For over six years now I have been mom to either babies, toddlers or preschoolers. Now tonight as we attended orientation for the boys, I find myself moving to a new stage - mom to school aged children. I'm just not sure I'm ready.
We made the decision to send the boys to Fountain City Christian School in Bryan. Ronnie begins 1st grade while Nathaniel will be in Kindergarten. We home schooled last year, so this is the first we are "sending them" to school.
I'm confident that the boys will do well, but I'm scared too. Did we train them well enough? Are they ready? I know, we can't hold onto them forever, but that doesn't change the fact that I still want to. I know I'm not the first mom who has felt this way - it's just the first time for me. I'm even pretty sure there will be more times when I have this pit in my stomach that tells me to hold onto every second I have with my kids.
So next week we begin a new phase of parenting.

The boys really are excited, nervous and ready. They didn't say much at Orientation, but once they got home in their beds with the lights off, Ron and I could hear them talking. It's amazing and scary all that kids pick up, even when you think they aren't paying attention. They are excited. We don't usually allow talking after we turn the lights off, but tonight Ron and I just listened. It was excited chatter. They know this is a new phase and they are excited to see what it will be like.

SO, as we, as a family begin down a new path, who knows what obstacles, triumphs and detours we will encounter. I'm thankful that I can put both Ronnie and Nathaniel in Jesus hands and know that He will guide, protect and provide for their every need!

Wednesday, August 12

Putting Rocks out of Work

This morning I grabbed a book off the bookshelf that I have had for several years, but had never gotten past the first chapter (due to lack of time, rather than content). My intention was to figure out how to get Eli to sit quietly in church without being a distraction. (Truthfully that sentence right there should tell you I was in for a rude awakening, but it really was my intention). Seriously though Ronnie and Nathaniel do a pretty good job 99% of the time. When they were younger, Ron and I made a point to have them in church (rather than a nursery or children's Church) and have them not be a distraction to those around us. There were times when we were challenged by "well intentioned" church members who thought we were abusing our children by requiring them to sit still for an hour, but for the most part we have been rewarded for our efforts. They both sit quietly during Sunday worship.
Eli... well that is different. He is just now 2 1/2 and so for the last year of his life (which is a lot to a 2 1/2 year old), Ron has been up front on Sunday mornings and not able to help me teach Eli to be quiet and sit still in the church service.

So, this morning I pulled out the book, "Parenting in the Pew" by Robbie Castleman.

Have you read it?
I was slightly taken back to find out that my goal should not be to teach him to be quiet, but rather that I should be teaching him to worship. Wow, was I shocked to find out that I needed to correct my approach before beginning to correct my son's behavior.

My problem was and is that I have been teaching my children to "behave" in church, but I have neglected to teach them to Worship. In fact I am so worried about how distracting they might be that I don't even truly worship on Sunday mornings.

Castleman references the scripture in Luke 19:37-40 where the crowd of disciples began to joyfully praise God in loud voices...some of the Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke his disciples. Jesus replied to them that if they keep quiet the stones would cry out. So, Parenting in the pew is the process of putting a few rocks out of work.

It really is a great book, so far. I read nearly half the book while Maddie slept this morning and the boys played outside.
There are several things I have learned and can share with you if you're interested. I still need to think through how to "teach" my boys with having 2 services every Sunday. We are now allowing them to go to children's Church during the second service and use that time as their Sunday School. I'm not sure that we should change that, but I am anxious to begin to put into practice the things that I am learning.

It really is baffling to me how I have expected my children to worship in the past and I desire them to be in relationship with Jesus and to truly worship Him and yet I have not lead them in that practice.

Tuesday, August 11

"Playing Church"

Our boys love to "play church". This is not something that began when Ron became a Pastor, but rather they began this several years ago. One of the boys (usually Ronnie or Nathaniel) will give the sermon, which means they will tell a Bible story that they know well, usually Jonah or Dave and Goliath. Then there will be a song leader. They will sing, take an offering, pray and occasionally they will have communion. As you can tell from the picture below, they have a great time "playing church". I'm not sure where the band concept came from as neither of our churches have a band, but they are so cute.

While they are adorable at playing church, it is not so cute when we as adults "play church". I think more and more in our society people are simply going through the motions with their Christianity. Thankfully, I am not the judge, but I am also not willing to gamble with the idea that I can just skimp by on my relationship with Jesus. I'm afraid that too many "Christians" now days think that as long as they show up at church on Sunday morning and go through the motions for an hour then they can live however they desire the rest of the week. As Christians we are called to be Holy, or set apart. We are not like the rest of the world. We are set apart for Jesus! We are called to not just go through the motions of Christianity, but live Holy lives.

As we train the boys to be set apart, our prayer is that the Lord will call each one of them into a deeper relationship with Him in which they can daily walk closer to Jesus and develop meaningful relationships with Him!

Monday, August 10


I remember when we were in Jackson, MS, in Seminary, that we would play games on weekends or between the semesters. We would have friendly competitions with friends. We had other couples that we would all hang out together and just play games. There were several games we liked to play and all of them could last for hours. (remember this was all pre-kids).

I remember one such game was Domino's, more specifically the Mexican Train.
Those times, while in seminary, may have been the last that we attempted such things. It's just not as easy with kids, let alone 4.

But Saturday morning was a dreary morning here in Ney. We slept in and then about mid-morning we decided to attempt to teach Ronnie and Nathaniel how to play Domino's, it went so well we continued on Sunday.

Keep in mind we have 2 other children.

Maddie was content to just sit and look cute.

Eli preferred to "help", which Ron was not exactly happy about (although they did win that round).

Ronnie and Nathaniel were just excited to get to play "momma and daddy's game". They really did pretty well.
Nathaniel was easily distracted, by everything. But he is 4 and practice makes perfect.

All in all they did a great job. Perhaps those days of friendly competition will return to the Adkins household.

Friday, August 7

Equallying out my boys

We went "swimming" the other day at our friends, the Ruffers. None of the boys know how to swim and honestly it has only been this summer that they have even been around water. They have all 3 improved since their first attempt in a pool on July 3rd. They were not very excited about it then, but when we went this week -wow, that a difference.

But Eli...he thinks he is invincible. Remember, he is the youngest, but he will attempt anything and has no fear at all. Nathaniel (the middle) is a little less sure, but will still attempt most things, after Eli does. Ronnie, the oldest, could sit and watch his brother do something all day, and still not think it was safe for him to try.

Nathaniel and Eli both realized they could jump to Mr. Ralph from the raft. They kept jumping over and over, as long as he would be there to "catch" them.

Eli even got brave enough to attempt swimming. Although, Ralph had to keep a close eye on him. Eli would turn and try to go out deeper, not realizing that just a few steps away he would be over his head. He also took in a fair amount of pond water, but just kept moving and saying, "thank you Mr. Ralph".

As I watched Ronnie tie the boat to the raft and then jump into it, I made a comment that it would be good if I could give Ronnie just a little bit of Eli's fearlessness and balance them out. Ronnie is still the most timid of the three. All in all, I think they had a great time. They love Mr. Ralph and they are beginning to really enjoy the water!

I really am glad that my boys are different. Thankfully their Creator made each one of them different. I am thankful for their similarities and their differences. I couldn't imagine having 3 boys with the energy and curiosity that Eli has!

Thursday, August 6

Bathtime with Dad

It seems like bath time with dad is always so much more fun!

They were all laughing so hard! Ron kept saying, Ronnie looks like an old man!

He's a cute old man!

Tuesday, August 4

Stay-At-Home Missionary

I am confident that Jesus calls people to be Missionaries to other countries. My sister and Brother-in-law and 2 of my adorable nieces are missionaries in Arua, Uganda. I know they were called and I know Jesus is there with them. And I in no way want to take away from that calling.

That said, I believe I am a missionary too. Websters Dictionary defines Missionary as a person undertaking a mission and especially a religious mission. So without a doubt Jo and Billy are missionaries. They were called by God to teach the people of Uganda, Sudan and perhaps beyond who Jesus is, that He loves them and desires a relationship with them.

Again, I would say that I have been called to be a Missionary. My mission field does not take me beyond my own home, but I believe it is a mission field. I am called to teach my children who Jesus is, that He loves them and desires a relationship with them. My Mission field is much smaller than that of those called to other countries and yet I know that it is the highest calling I could have been given by my Creator.

I think we can do a great job with the kids in the church and spend a lot of time and effort into the VBS program, but if we neglect our own children, does any of that really matter? I think as Christian women we need to find our first ministry in our home and with our families.

So I am a missionary to my four wonderful children. My hope and prayer is that as they grow they will desire to be all that Jesus wants them to be and down the road they will be missionaries to their own children.

Saturday, August 1


We have been propping Maddie up lately and she leans pretty good. In the pictures below Ron propped her in her crib and she was all grins and talking away to him. She's a happy baby.

Have you ever heard of a Bumbo Seat? I hadn't until a friend let me borrow it for Maddie. It is this cool chair that allows them to sit upright even before their bodies will hold themselves upright, it's cool!

She loves it!

This bumbo seat allows us to sit her in it and she can interact with the boys and us without having to be propped. It's a cool thing!