
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, August 31

Potato Harvest Time

This past Saturday was Potato Harvest Day. The boys remembered planting the potatoes last spring. They put a tiny potato in the ground and covered it up with a big mound. Now as Daddy moved the soil and opened the ground...piles of potatoes came rolling out. And big ones at that. What fun!

Nathaniel and Ronnie were both pretty pleased with their finds.
And the competition (because there is ALWAYS a competition) began to see who had the biggest potato.

Not sure who won, but we have lots of potatoes to keep our bellies full this winter. Now to find time to can some!

Monday, August 30

Homework Helper

There is really nothing better than someone willing to help with homework!

Saturday, August 28

Visiting Grandma Donna and Chuck

On Friday, Eli, Maddie and I went to visit Grandma Donna and Chuck. There were a couple of reasons we went on Friday morning. #1 reason is because I will start babysitting on Monday, so it may be awhile before we get back to visit. #2 reason is because Chuck has begun taking radiation treatment and he and Grandma are both worn out and sounded like they needed some cheering up and #3 reason - Eli and Maddie can bring a smile to almost anyone!

We enjoyed the beautiful morning outside in the swing.

Eli really likes Chuck and I'm pretty sure the feelings go both ways.
Maddie and Eli had fun running and giggling and getting Grandma and Chuck to laugh at them.

I finally got Maddie still with Grandma, but the picture isn't that great. Right before this she had kissed Grandma good-bye and here she is about to exit her lap!
We had a good visit and I am again thankful to be close to my Grandparents right now. I'm glad the kids can enjoy some time with them too.

Thursday, August 26

Mini-Vacation Part III - Lots more pictures

One more day of vacation picture, then it's time to snap back to reality!

My Dad bought a Pedal Boat for their time at the Lake. He thought the kids would like it. They did, and so did we adults. Ron and I pedaled across the lake one afternoon and got some good exercise! Below, Eli is trying to pedal.

Then my Uncle Mike took us out one afternoon in his Pontoon. The boys liked that too. Especially when he made it go fast. It brought back lots of memories of when we were younger and would ride with Uncle Mike. I remember tubing behind his speed boat and watching my cousins and mom ski.
Grandma and Nathaniel enjoyed the boat ride.
Ronnie sat up front and enjoyed the boat ride too.
Eli, of course, had to be right in the center of things. They all 3 got to drive, but Eli was the one who kept wanting to push buttons. Uncle Mike finally told him that if he pushed certain buttons they would eject him out into the lake. While watching his face, I was afraid he just might have to see that, but thankfully he didn't touch them.

Maddie enjoyed her bath time with Grandma in the kitchen sink. It made me remember our time in Mississippi when we didn't have a tub and Ronnie bathed in the sink until he was 13 months old!
Maddie tellin' Grandma something very important.
On Saturday morning, as we packed up it was raining. It turned out to be perfect because the boys played games with Grandma instead of begging to go down to the lake one last time.

Dad (aka Pap) enjoying the lake.
Uncle Mike and Eli swimming.
Ronnie took some construction trucks with him to play in the sand. He spent most of his time working on a road from one end of the beach to the other. He had a great time.
Here's a close up of his road.
Grandma and Pap with the kids.
Thanks Grandma and Pap for a great time! We had a blast!

Wednesday, August 25

Bonus Post

I know I posted earlier today, but I forgot to include this quote from Eli. While we were traveling to Shipshewana with my parents (see post below) and while we were on our buggy ride, Eli continuously called out all the horses. He would squeal with delight, "there's another one". Finally on the way back to the cottage, after announcing horses for a while, he exclaimed, "I know why there's horses everywhere, it's horsey day today". Perfect! It was Horsey day and we got to enjoy it. I'll never look at an Amish buggy the same again.

Today we took Maddie in for her 15 month check up (yes, she is nearly 16 months). I had to let you know that she is 23.3 lbs which is 60% and she is 32 inches which puts her at 90%. The doctor said, "although it's a little early to tell, I'm guessing she will be taller than her momma".
So there you have it, Maddie will be tall and cute!

Mini-Vacation Part II - Lounging Around

As I mentioned yesterday, we took a Mini-Vacation last week (Wed. afternoon-Saturday Morning) and went to Big Turkey Lake in Indiana to spend time with my parents and enjoy the lake and peaceful surroundings. This post if full of pictures of us enjoying the fact that we have nothing we HAVE to do!

Maddie sporting her cute smile.
Maddie and Eli had fun riding.
We had taken some corn to share. I guess maybe this wasn't all that fun for the younger 2, but it was fun for me to watch them all working together.
My Uncle Mike and Aunt Jeanne own the cottage that my parents rented and their own cottage is in front of it. These swings were at their cottage overlooking the lake. The kids loved them.
Maddie and Grandma relax and enjoy the view of the lake.
This just says F-U-N!
More fun with Pap!
This one might throw you a little, seeing how these guys look nothing alike!! I just love these 2 Ronnie's!
On Friday Dad took us to Shipshewanna to the Blue Gate Restaurant. We enjoyed a Family Style Amish Dinner and then a horse and buggy ride. It was a fun treat that the boys loved. Below Eli, Grandma and Nathaniel are pictured with Maddie. Seriously, that was the horses name, Maddie. And the funniest thing is the other horse that day was...Lucy. How ironic is that! The boys thought it was great!
Pap, Eli and Grandma enjoying the ride.
Ronnie and Nathaniel got to ride up by the driver for our ride around town. When we got back we sat Eli up there too. The boys said this picture is of Eli, Ronnie, Nathaniel and Maddie (the horse). Not sure she will like that in a few years!
Lots of fun times with Pap and Grandma.

Tuesday, August 24

Back Up A Little

I got a little ahead of myself yesterday, but I had to post on the boys first day of school. They did great, by the way, and had lots of stories to tell. They both seemed very excited when they got home - tired, but excited! Ronnie liked that he got to write in cursive and Nathaniel like recess and PE "Oh, and math was fun too".

But again I am getting ahead of myself. Last week we had the opportunity to have a mini vacation of sorts. Remember this past July was our first vacation in a very long time, if ever, when we went to Grandma and Grandpa Adkins house for a whole week. It was lots of fun. Well, when we got home, my parents had rented a cottage on Big Turkey Lake (in Indiana) for the month of August (to finish off dad's sabbatical). So they invited us to come up for a few days. The boys were beyond excited and they had no idea what going to the Lake meant.

I'll take several posts to show you all our fun with mom and dad, but I thought I better start with the camping. The boys have been wanting to camp all summer and it just hasn't worked out, but finally they were putting up the tent. (Note: the big house in the background is not "our cottage". That's what you calling "really roughing it" at the lake).

Finally with some teamwork, the tent was up.

Eli was probably the most excited. This would be his first time to get to sleep in the tent! He was beyond himself with excitement.
Even Sissy got to check it out before the sleeping bags were put in. We actually bought this tent for Ronnie a few years ago with the hopes of buying more that would attach as the years went on, and wouldn't you know it, soon after we bought it they stopped making them and we could find no more! It's a little small, but the guys had fun!
Below, Daddy, Ronnie and Nathaniel are enjoying the fire. Eli wasn't ready to settle down yet. If you look close you can see him up by the cottage on a little bike.
Finally, it's bed time!
The boys camped out for 2 nights. On the second night, mom and I helped out. We made pizza pockets and smores! The smores were a first for the boys and they loved them.
I'm almost too impatient to roast marshmallows, but finally I got enough for everybody.
Nathaniel thought it was worth the wait!
Then more enjoying the fire, before bed.
The boys all agreed it was a great time of camping. It was cool and peaceful and fun to hear the waves crashing in on the lake at times too! Fun Times!

Monday, August 23

The First Day

Today was Ronnie and Nathaniel's first day of school. I have a love/hate relationship with these days. I love that the boys are growing and becoming more independent and I hate that they are growing and becoming more independent. It might not be quite as hard as it was for me last year, but it is not my favorite day. I love these guys and am anxious for them to return and tell us all about their first day adventures.

Eli wanted to join in the pictures. I can't tell if he is excited that they are gone and he is the biggest or if he misses them (maybe a little of both).
and kisses!
The new bus driver! Unfortunately, our bus is no longer running, so we will be taking and picking up the boys this year, or Ron will!
There will be many changes in the upcoming year and many firsts to come. Our boys are growing, they are maturing - it's scary and exciting for this momma. Scary, to wonder if I have given them the tools they need and Exciting to see where Jesus will take them and how He will lead!