
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, December 22


Today has been one of those days you don't wish on your worst enemy. It's been horrendous. Even as I type this there are tears streaming down my face.

Ron's brother, Ryan, received his test results today. The cancer is back. There are 3 hot spots. One was what was removed last week. There is another in his neck and a third beside the remaining mass from before. Tomorrow he will have the port put back in. Immediately (which is hard to measure at this holiday time). He will have a consult with a transplant doctor. In a nutshell the plan is to have high doses of chemo and then use his own bone marrow for a transplant (which they will freeze). He will be in the hospital for 3 week for this process.

That's really all I know right now.

We need your prayers. Ron and I for wisdom to know how to be the most helpful. Ron's parents as they process all that is happening to their baby. Ryan and Holly as they go through all of this, again. And my 4 nieces (11, 10, 7 and 4 yo) who will find all this out in a matter of minutes when they get home from school.

Please pray!
Thank you!


Maria said...

Oh Jan I am so sorry. Especially at the holidays--but no time is a good time to have news like this. I will be praying and anxious to hear updates.
I actually just saw a show and a young man had this same treatment for a super-aggressive cancer and is today cancer-free.

jeff.harlan said...

Just read the posts from Ryan and Holly on facebook. My heart dropped when I read the news, but we serve an amazing God who knows our needs. You all certainly have our prayers, but if there is anything else that you need, we're here. We ask for your prayers as well. My uncle who was like a dad to me growing up passed away this past Saturday after fighting uncontrollable diabetes for a long time. The funeral is Friday, so we ask for your prayers as well. We love you all very much. --Jeff & Wanda

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your family. At a time when everybody else is rejoicing - you have some very heavy, hard news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.