
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, May 10


I wanted to share a wonderful answer to prayer with all who read this. We believe we have witnessed a miracle in Ron's brother's life. Just a couple of weeks ago things were bad. He, as you know, was hospitalized undergoing intense chemo and the stem cell transplant. Well, on Maundy Thursday we got a call saying things were not good. It took what seemed like forever to get some answers and there were a lot of very tense moments, but finally we realized he was struggling for life. We have since realized how close he came. It was a scary time for all of us, especially Ryan! We did all we could do and turned Ryan over to the Lord. We called on many of you to do the same and the Lord has heard our cries!

Ryan came home last week and although it is very slow progress, he is improving daily. He's walking more each day and getting around better. He's gaining energy and he seems to be improving faster being home. There are small steps of progress, but definite progress. He went in for a follow up with his surgeon today, and got a great report. He'll go back on June 7th for scans!

I just wanted to Praise the Lord! We are so thankful to have Ryan and so thankful for answered prayer. We don't know yet the status of the cancer or if his body was healed completely, but we praise the Lord that Ryan is alive today!

Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering our prayers!

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zubizup said...
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