Friday afternoon we picked up Ronnie and Nathaniel from school and headed south! We were planning to spend the night with Pap and Grandma Neff and they had fun stuff planned.
My Dad is a professor at Indiana Wesleyan University and with that comes perks! The kids were pretty excited about the chick-fil-et right there in his school. It was kinda hard for them to concentrate on eating though with all those college kids around. They were equally impressed with the movie theatre right there too and it was even playing a baseball movie (Sandlot). I pulled my mom card out though and overruled the majority by deciding to go to the Women's Basketball game!

Then Pap even took us off campus to the local JuJu Berry (which really everyone should try) where we built our own ice cream treat! Fun times.
Then we headed back to Grandma and Paps for a fun sleepover that included watching a little OSU Buckeyes Basketball on Pap's TV! Who knew you could watch the Buckeyes while in Indiana!?

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