
Gulf Shores

Friday, February 12

Valentine Party

Yesterday was Nathaniel's Valentine Party at school. Eli and I were invited to join the kids for the party.

They started with a game where they had to hold an M&M on the back of their hand and walk to the other end of the classroom where they put them on a napkin. They continued until time was called and then had to count their M&M's.

Next they made a little bug out of toilet paper tubes. Nathaniel is pictured below with his "bestest" buddy, Devin.

Of course they got to eat too!

Then they played "hot potato" with a cut out heart.

Can you believe Eli won the first game and Nathaniel won the second!

The rest of the class thought it was fun to watch them play.
Here they are: FCCS's Kindergarden Class - Kaden, Mrs. Andrews, Eliya, Nathaniel and Devin

I think Nathaniel had a fun time and I enjoyed watching him in his class.
At the end of every day they line up at the door and end the day with the following quote that they all 4 have memorized (with motions).
To-day is the best day of My-Life
Cause Jesus Christ is BIG in Me
I walk God's walk,
I talk God's talk
I think God's thoughts
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
It was so cute to see these 5 year-olds end their day like this. Jesus has truly blessed us by providing the way for the boys to have this year at Fountain City CHRISTIAN.

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