
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, March 30

Pap and Grandma

Yesterday we went to visit Pap and Grandma! It was a fun visit! Pap even took us all out for a fun pizza lunch! Thank again Pap!
Maddie was entertaining Grandma while eating her pizza!
I didn't manage to get pictures of all the play time, or reading with Grandma or even our fun walk. In all actuality the best part for me was a 2 hour nap! I haven't been sleeping to well since Ron has been gone and finally at Mom and Dad's I was able to relax enough to crash out! I so desperately needed it.

Unfortunately, Maddie and Eli did not nap, so it was a quiet ride home, but everyone was refreshed this morning!

It's nice to be close enough to Pap and Grandma to run for a quick day trip!

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