
Gulf Shores

Friday, October 2

A 5 Month Old and A Sensitive 5 Year Old

Today we took Maddie for her 4 month check-up. She just turned 5 months this week (I'm not sure why our clinic is behind schedule, but they claim that's just how they do it). It's hard to believe our little girl is already 5 months. She is growing so fast and changing so much.

She is now eating cereal, as well as beginning fruits and veggies. She hasn't found anything she really doesn't like. Although I will not be giving her prunes again anytime soon (that's another story).

She can almost sit up on her own and she has been grabbing things for a few weeks. She is loosing her hair just like her big brothers did. She would still rather not be on her belly, but she loves to be held up and put weight on her feet. The doctor said today that she will probably be an early walker. The boys all were, so I guess I knew it was coming. I'm just hoping for no sooner than Nathaniel was at 9 months! She has also been teething so she drools constantly! She also loves to laugh at us and coo.

So today at her check-up she was 16 lbs 15 oz. and 26 inches long. She had to get some immunizations today and so the doctor finished up his exam and then said he would go get the nurse. Nathaniel asked, as soon as he left, "will she have to get shots". I said, "yes". And he immediately covered his ears. I got his attention and asked what he was doing. He said, with the most sympathetic eyes, "I don't want her to cry." Well I don't want her to hurt either, but I explained that he had gotten them at her age and he was okay. He was not content with that explanation and decided he would wait in the hallway while she was given the shots. He didn't want to watch them hurt his sissy! He's so sensitive and was so worried with how Maddie was doing. She cried very briefly and then he was able to get her to grin at him. I'm pretty sure I even saw a tear in his eye. What a great big brother, he loves his sister so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!!