This past weekend, I was able to attend my second Come to the Fire Conference. I really can't put into words how Amazing this conference is. It is so spirit led and completely focused on Jesus! It's just an amazing conference.
I had the opportunity to go with several ladies from our Farmer Church. I wanted to kick myself for not getting a good picture of all of us, but I do have these!

(Mom got to go too, it was up in the air if she could go or not, as she is waiting for Jo to have her babies and help her out)
I was able to connect with several friends that I don't get to see often enough, like Andrea!

(her mother and sister-in-law)

I'll be honest with you though. Jesus Came and that was the most exciting part. On Friday night I could hardly sleep! Jesus came and met one of the ladies from my church during the service. I was honored to get to pray with her and for her as she offered Jesus all of her for ALL of HIM!!
From there we had a debrief in our hotel room and I really believe Jesus opened some doors and perhaps began to break down some walls. I think there are a lot of walls built up, but I was so "giddy" that some were beginning to be taken down, piece by piece.
I'm excited to see what Jesus will do next. I'm willing to do whatever He wants from me and so that is exciting too!
If you think about it, pray for our women. Pray that Jesus would continue to reveal Himself to them. Pray that they would desire to have Holy Hearts and desire to be completely sold out to Jesus!
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