Yesterday we did a few fun things to celebrate Ron's BIG day and make it a special time! There are tons of cards around the house, but I'll wait another day or two to post on that (they are still coming in)!
When Ron came up from his office on Tuesday morning for breakfast, we all were wearing Birthday Hats that Eli had picked out. We got 6 hats for $0.96 so you can't beat that! Cheap fun! The guys all had fun with theirs!

(What will we do when the kids are gone and there is no one to entertain?)

It was a gorgeous day, so we spent some time outside raking up leaves! It was a fun activity that even Maddie has asked if we can do it again today. Thankfully we got the leaves pretty much taken care of, but it was a gorgeous day to be outside together!

Daddy found some time between studying to snuggle his favorite little girl and read to her and Eli!

I think he had a fun Birthday, despite it being #40. We even reminisced on all that has happened in his 30's. Wow, it's a lot! Hopefully the next 10 will slow down a little!
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