
Gulf Shores

Thursday, October 8

No more Teeth and Doctors

Seems like a pattern around here - Teeth falling out!
Maddie Anne has 3 new holes in her mouth!
 Yes, 3

No more baby mouths -now it's only big teeth!  
Miss those tiny little teeth!

Yesterday happened to be the first cancellation day for the kids.  It started as fog, but then cancelled.  Eli was happy because he likes school and knew he would have to miss today because of an allergy doctor appointment!
We had know idea it would be a 3 hour appointment.

First they checked for allergies!
Yep those are some reactions.
Mold for sure and possibly a tree (walnut). There is a chance that the test was contaminated, doctor has never seen someone with only 1 tree allergy!  Eli might just be the first.

However, the doctor wasn't convinced that his symptoms were allergy related.  So thankful that she decided to do a sinus x-ray which determined our little man has a very serious sinus infection and may possibly have had it since early this year! (like January/February)
So he is on some medications, doing some sinus stuff and hoping that in a month it is a good report!

He was super excited that we were in town past lunchtime - He loves to get - THE MEATS!  
Below pictured with his Arby's sandwich.
Think about the commercial - then picture Eli saying - "I have...the Meats"!  Love this kid!

Last but not least - my Grandparents!  Granny and Gramps recently (Sept. 24th) celebrated their 65 Wedding Anniversary!  Wow - love these 2 and thankful to be able to live close to them at this time.  I was able just this week to go have lunch with them!  
Thanks Granny and Gramps for your example of Marriage.

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