
Gulf Shores

Friday, October 29

Catch Up on Pictures

I have several pictures that I haven't gotten on here and wanted too. I'll try to include explanations.
It appears that there is some kind of inside joke going on here.

Bonding time... (love this picture)

..."wait, I have to take this."
Proud of her books

Reading to "baby"

On Tuesday we had some severe weather. This picture was taken after about an hour in the basement when we realized things had calmed down. Not sure the kids believed us that things had calmed down. Oh and just for a bit of info. When the sirens first went off in Ney, I was home with 4 kids 3 and under, by myself - not fun!

Here is Ron with his REAL Dutch Apple Pie. There is a lady in our Farmer church from Holland and I asked her to make me a Dutch Apple Pie for Ron's birthday - He loved it!
Here are all 4 of mine reading to Lelah and making her giggle.
and I just got this adorable picture from my sis. Here is her family, aren't those girls the cutest?!

Now I feel more caught up, hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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