
Gulf Shores

Monday, September 10

Wilmore Week...#10

Here it is!  Time for Ron to begin those monthly trips to Wilmore.  He is on the road.  He will typically leave on Sunday afternoons again, but had to wait today so that he could pick up his room key.

We would so much appreciate your prayers as we are without Daddy this week.  We'll have a busy week with school for the boys, but Maddie and I are off this week from babysitting (so that we can transport the boys and keep things as normal as possible)!

Pray for Ron too.  There are some changes to his meals that will need to be worked out.  He does have a private room, so we are thankful for that.  He has a BIG meeting on Thursday with his advisor, so if you could please pray for this time to be completely Spirit led!

We are just praying for an uneventful week that goes quickly on our end and is productive on Ron's end!

Thank you to all of you who remember us in your prayers during these Wilmore Weeks!

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