
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, September 11

Eleven Years

It was eleven years ago!  Eleven years ago this morning that our nation was under attack!  As I flipped through my devotional book this morning it came back to my memory as if it were yesterday.  September was a bright blue Tuesday morning, much like today!

I talked with the boys this morning as we drove to school.  Maddie had called out the paths of several jets and my thoughts turned again to those heroic men and women who brought down the plane in Pennsylvania to save so many others.  Talk about completely selfless!  They didn't know who was in danger, they didn't even know names or faces, and yet they sacrificed!  They gave everything to save another!

As I had tears rolling down my cheeks this morning at the thought of such Great Americans, I wondered could we find such hero's today?  Am I raising Hero's like that? 

We live in such a selfish society.  We are a culture are more worried about ourselves.  Are there truly American Hero's out there anymore?  Someone who would sacrifice everything for another!

Eleven years have passed, do we still remember?  I pray we never forget!  Not only the tragedy, but the triumph of our nation!

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