
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, September 4

Trapping Rabbits

This post is overdue, but I didn't want to forget it! 
A week or so before school started, Eli got the idea of catching rabbits.  Most mornings when we wake up there are rabbits in our yard.  So logically, Eli thought..."if they are there, I should catch them".
So he began to set up his trap!

 He had a box with a stick to hold it up.  Then to the stick he had a string tied and then, as you'll see below, he brought the sting behind the wagon (which was upright) to hide him.  So then all he had to do was peek out and when the rabbit was biting into a carrot (placed under the box) he would pull the string!  It was fool proof!
 Even Ronnie tried for what seemed like hours!
 I have to admit, he was hidden slightly better than Eli and Maddie and he was much quieter!
 Despite all the hours of trying, no rabbits were caught during the ordeal!  We just can't seem to figure out why those rabbits stayed away!
Ronnie and Eli even banned Nathaniel from using his bat (because of the noise).  He was forced to use a stick to practice his swing! :)

Oh, I wish I could keep these little guys innocent forever.  They are so fun!

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