
Gulf Shores

Monday, September 24

Shoes and Socks

It's that time of year again.  We have to put away the sandals and bring out the shoes and socks.  Unfortunately, Maddie is just like her momma when it comes to shoes and socks - we don't like them.  Or maybe it's that she's just like her momma in that - she doesn't like change!  Either way it made for a difficult transition!
As we pulled out the shoes and socks I heard, "they're too little".  "My feet hurt."  I don't want to wear them."
 I seem to remember this same little girl not wanting sandals a few months back.  What is it about change that makes things so difficult.  I mean really would't it be great it we could wear sandals year round and not have cold toes?  Maddie and I think so.  Just look at that poor dejected face.

Thinking - "I really don't care if my toes are cold".

So that's been a couple of weeks ago now and she doesn't seem to notice much anymore.  She even ask for socks the other day.  Silly little girl, stop acting like your momma :)

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