
Gulf Shores

Friday, September 14

No More "Lellow"

Eli came home the other day, so excited to tell me what he had learned.  Since it is very rare for a sentence to begin around here..., " Guess what I learned today at school...", I was very attentive!

He paused for a minute to collect his thoughts and then said, "y.. y.. y.. Yellow"!  With a big grin!

I tried for a very small second to be excited, but I couldn't do it! 

"NO Eli, say it the way you always say it!"  I couldn't help myself.  I wanted the little boy before me to at least keep his adorable way of pronouncing the word yellow! 

I even encouraged him, "come on Eli, it's 'lellow'", I said as I grinned at him.  He just gave me that adorable dimpled grinned!  He had learned it and he knew I was teasing him. 

Now he sees it as a joke!  He thinks it's hilarious that I want him to say yellow the way he always has.  In his sweet innocent little boys voice! 

It is so hard sometimes to watch them grow up!  I just want to cling to the innocence as long as possible -and longer!

It has been nearly a week now since he reported his new discovering of the letter Y.  We still go back and forth when I hear him say it "correctly" as his teacher taught him!

I have a little bit of peace now though as I heard him get excited a couple of days ago about something he did in his "Biz Ed" class!  I love this little man, wish I could hold onto him forever!

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