
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, March 15

Update on Ryan

It has been a little while since I updated on Ron's brother, Ryan. Some of you have asked how he is doing and what is next for him. He continues to need prayer. I'll catch you up a bit and explain what is next too.

***PLEASE only read if you want detailed information of what Ryan will be going through. This might be difficult to read!***

Last week he went for Pre-Transplant testing. There was a lot of tests run to make sure he was ready physically and prepared otherwise for the beginning of the stem cell transplant. The final test was to extract some bone marrow to be tested prior to the transplant. He described it like this, "it's like your toes are being pulled up through your body". Very painful. He is still feeling it. That was last Thursday and Friday and this week he gets to recover and prepare for next week.

On Monday, the 21st, he will go to have a special line put in that will come out his chest. This is how they will both take and return the stem cells. It is an outpatient procedure. Then Tuesday is the first "draw day". It is a 4 hour process that is called a centrifuge (sp). Basically it spins the blood around, skims off the stem cells and returns the blood to him. So that is Tuesday. Then it is my understanding that on that first day they will count the stem cells, because they need a certain number. They will draw again on Wed, Thurs, possibly Fri. until they get to that number. So it could be one day, could be 4. Then they freeze the cells (which can actually be used up to 10 years later - just in case you were wondering).

Then 8 working days after the last draw, he will be admitted (So we can't say for sure when that will be, but Ryan is hoping it is after 2 of his girls birthdays - April 3rd and 5th - Holly is also hoping it is after the 6th which is Kindergarten registration for the youngest). Another tidbit of information--the stem cell transplant is not what will actually cure Ryan or fight the cancer. It's the chemo! The transplant is simply so that his body can handle higher doses and more chemo (again, in case you were wondering).

So, when he is admitted -- he will be given VERY high doses of chemo for 6 days. My understanding is that this is stronger than anything he has had to this point. It will wipe him out. On day 7 they will return the stem cells, which will take about an hour to get back into his marrow. Then it is like a garden. The marrow has to reseed. After about 6 days his white blood cell count will be at 0! Yes, you read that correctly. He will be unable to fight anything. It is serious! He will be on antibiotics and may need platelet and blood transfusions. Around day 16 or 17 the hope is that his counts will be back up high enough to return home. (although it could be as much as 4 weeks total). He will continue to recover from home where Holly (or other family) will be his 24/7 nurse!

So that is the next month or so! The doctor basically said he will feel like a truck hit him for a while when he returns home. It will take a while to return to normal, but the doctor also reassured us that he will fully recover. After all of this Ryan will have scans every 3 to 4 months for 2 years!

So...will you again join me in praying for Ryan? Please continue to pray for healing! Will you pray that they can wait to begin so that they can celebrate birthdays with the girls? Pray for protection during this time. Pray that all germs can be kept away! I guess the hospital is saying he can have guests, but that scares me too! Pray for protection for his immune system. Pray for Holly as Ryan wants her to be with him and although she is allowed to stay - that means a lot of traveling too. Pray for the girls as it will be a difficult time. Pray for Grandparents who are struggling too and will also be watching the girls. There are so many prayers! So many thoughts. Please pray for Jesus to be Honored and Glorified and Magnified through all of this! And finally, please pray that in a short time we can give Praise where it is due and Ryan will be healed!

Thank you!

1 comment:

jawolheter said...

This is very similar to what my sister went through over 2 years ago. Her's was a transplant from someone else, but very much the same process and recovery. It is a tough road, but we will be lifting him, his family, and your family up in prayers.

~Andrea :)