
Gulf Shores

Monday, March 28

"C" Verse

I have to share this very cute story about Eli! On Saturday evening we got a call from a parishioner that her 10 year old son was in the hospital. They were thinking it was his appendix, but weren't sure. She left a message on our machine and I could tell she didn't remember Ron was gone and would like to have him come. I quickly made some phone calls and lined someone up to come and sit with the kids while I went to the hospital in Ron place. I got everyone fed and bathed quickly and changed myself, then had just a few minutes to sit in the study and pray. As I opened my Bible to see if I could find a verse to share with this mom and young boy, Eli came upstairs and saw me. "What are you doing mom?" "I'm looking for a verse or verses to share with Alex and his mommy", I quickly answered. "You could share 'C'!" It took me only a few seconds to realize what he meant. We are learning his ABC Bible Verses and the "C verse" is...Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Ephesians 6:1 I smiled at Eli and thanked him for his help! Another proud moment. My 4 year old knows his Scripture! and even better he's giving his momma advice on sharing it with others! Cause really, every little boy should know his "C verse".

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