
Gulf Shores

Wednesday, March 9

Giving up for Lent

I have to share with you a story about my 5 year old nephew. I got an email from my sister-in-law this morning!

Last night during their family devotions, my brother, Jay and his wife, Tonya were explaining to their 2 kids about Lent, the significance, and what it is. They offered for them to participate and told them what they were giving up for the next 40 days. My niece, Terra, thought of something right away, but Bradley elected not to participate.

Later in the evening, Bradley came to his mom and said, "Momma, I've reconsidered what I would like to give up for Lent."
She asked him what he had decided on.
His 5 year old response, "my underwear"...(he paused, tilted his head to the side and said), "I'd sure miss those."

Don't you just love it!!!
For those inquiring minds - he is wearing underwear today!

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