
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, March 8

A Proud Moment

Tonight, I prayed with each of the boys individually as I tucked them into bed. We don't always do that, most often we have a family devotion time, but tonight we did one on one.

As I was talking with one of the boys (he will remain nameless for privacy reasons), we began talking about girls! I'm not sure exactly how the conversation came up, but we talked for a little while about how God made us and how it was normal for him to like girls and then that daddy and I had expectations of him and rules of things he could and couldn't do at his young age when it comes to girls! (no dating, etc)

Then I asked him, "what makes you like this girl, what makes her different from the other girls in your class?"

The first thing he shared was that when the teacher has them line up most of the girls are jumping around and acting silly, but not this particular girl. She stands quietly.

I jumped on that right away and said, "so she listens and obeys?"

"Yeah" came his reply.

ME - "What else makes her different?"

SON - "Well, when we go outside, she doesn't act silly and goofy, and she is nice to other kids."

ME - "So, she is polite and kind?"

SON - "Yeah"

ME - "That's great, ________!" "You like this girl because she is obedient and she is polite and kind and of course she is pretty too, right?"

Son - Grinning sheepishly, "YEAH!"

I cannot tell you how proud I was walking away from that conversation! My little guy looks for obedience, kindness, politeness and of course "cuteness" in girls! I would venture to say that not many little ___ graders look for those qualities!

Very Proud Moment as a Momma!

1 comment:

Cydil said...

That's a really sweet story and no doubt, you've helped him identify standards by which he will compare future girls who capture his attention!