
Gulf Shores

Friday, March 18

The Tournament

Last Sunday we watched the Buckeyes win the Big 10 Tournament and then watched the selection show for the NCAA Tournament. Ron then printed brackets for everybody to fill out. The boys had so much fin filling out the brackets for the NFL Playoffs and kept asking when they could do the basketball one.

So our Buckeyes are the #1 seed in the whole tournament. Surprisingly, they are also in the toughest region. We'll see how they do.

So last Sunday, Ron sat with Eli and asked him game by game who he picked to win. It was funny to listen. Eli was quick with his answers and very positive that he was going to do well. His final four picks were: OSU (of course), Northern Colorado State, Wofford and Morehead State. Eli is probably the only one (outside of Morehead State fans) in the country who picked them to beat #4 Louisville - but he did!

The boys are enjoying it, and Daddy and I are too. The winner of our family brackets gets to pick the restaurant of his/her choice to eat out one evening! The boys are trying hard to beat daddy as he won the NFL brackets! We'll see! I'll try to report back who wins.

After only 1/2 of the 1st round (or I guess 2nd, as they're calling it now):
Ron is winning, but Nathaniel and I are only down by one and Ronnie only by 2! Eli got his big win over Louisville, but not much else :)

Fun times in the Adkins home. Oh yeah, in case you didn't know. The Buckeyes will play their first game at 4:30 tonight (thankfully Nathaniel didn't have to miss school today to see it)!

1 comment:

jawolheter said...

Your house sounds like our house at this time of year. Go Big Ten! :)