
Gulf Shores

Saturday, July 27


I read a book, some time ago, that said if we fail to give our praise to the Lord - the rocks will cry out in our place!  Why is it that we are "scared" or timid when it comes to sharing out loud the things that God is doing and showing us?

We have a time of Joys during our service every Sunday.  We put into place the practice of Testimonies and sharing them.  Ron and I were talking recently and I'm curious, why is it that we have gotten away from giving Praise for all the Lord is doing in our lives?

I had a conversation this week with a friend who was so excited about a time she had with her son recently.  The Lord provided a great teaching moment for her and she and her son prayed together and it was just a very meaningful time for her!

I had a conversation with another lady this week who was so excited that her sister had accepted Christ - PRAISE THE LORD!

These are amazing testimonies and yet we keep them silent!  Only sharing with one, or maybe not at all!  Why can't we share publicly all that the Lord is doing and how He is blessing?

"Jesus forgive us when we fail to praise you and cry out!  Remind us to PRAISE you and put those Rocks out of work!"

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