
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, March 5


The boys school has been collecting money this year for a young man named Carlos!  Carlos is a high school student in Belize.  The school is collecting money to help him go to school!  Their goal is to raise $2000 this school year! 
Recently they had an anonymous donor has agreed that if the kids will raise another $500 before their spring break on March 25th this donor will match it! 
The kindergarten class brought home piggy banks with Carlos' name on them to collect change!   Eli has been very into this collection!
So much so that he has begun selling stuff!  He started the first night with putting prices (papers with numbers on them) on all his Christmas gifts.  When I said, "Eli are you sure you want to sell your new Christmas gifts?".  He decided he would change what he was selling, but he still needed to sell something!
Then he invited his siblings to begin buying things. 
Here he is below with some of the items he has been trying to sell!
(a hat, colored pencils, a giddeon Bible, and a picture of one of his classmates)

So, I'm pretty sure he has fundraising in his future!  I was gone this past weekend on a retreat and when I got back Eli was updating me on how he got some of his change for the piggy bank. 
He said that he had sold some things to Maddie.  That got my attention! 
#1 - where did Maddie get her money?
#2 what did she buy?
She apparently didn't know what she had bought with the money she got out of her piggy bank. 
Eli reminder her, "You bought the firetruck".
Maddie's response, "NO I didn't"
Eli was quick to reply, "OH, you just donated?!"
Oh boy, we've got a fundraiser in the family!

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